User talk:Rubedo

From Mangafighter

Revision as of 23:53, 10 August 2007 by Pieguy (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Adminship

Hihi! I just gave you adminship: You now have the powah to block users, protect (keep people from editing) pages, and delete/undelete pages. I've laid out the basic templates you should follow when making pages, but feel free to change anything you want (just don't do anything too fancy).

Some rules real quick:

  • Get people to come to the wiki and help make and edit pages, but don't blatantly advertise.
  • Be nice to everyone, even if they go through the entire wiki and delete everything, and even if they insult your intelligence.
  • Grounds for blocking:
    • Vandalism
    • Cursing/swearing
    • Bullying (But remember, there is a difference between being mean and being obnoxious [obnoxiousness isn't grounds for blocking])

And that should be all. You only have adminship, and not bureaucrat-ship, meaning that you can't make other people admins. If you find someone so exceptionally awesome that they need to be made an admin, leave me a message on my talk page.

I'll be checking in every so often to make sure you aren't destroying anything ;) See ya later, good luck =D Pieguy 19:53, 10 August 2007 (EDT)

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