
From Mangafighter

Revision as of 20:18, 7 July 2007 by Pieguy (Talk | contribs)
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Due date extended for Forum Events

Hello Manga Fighters!

We would like to announce that we will be extending the due date for the Forum Contest. The new due date for the Manga Contest, Naming Contest, and Fan Art Contest will be July 20th, 2007. Please submit your entry by then. Remember there are still some great prizes to be one such as The Ipod Shuffle and Manga Fighter Action Figures!!

For the Fan Art Contest please submit your entry in the Fan Art Section of the forum

For the Manga contest please send your story to Mangafighter@gamescampus.com

For the Naming Contest please make a post in the Forum Contest section of the Forum.

Thank you,

Manga Fighter Team

Retrieved from MF Forums

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