White Desire

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Revision as of 01:25, 23 August 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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§ Cloud Strife
§ Tifa Lockhart
§ Barret Wallace
§ Vincent Valentine
§ Cid Highwind
§ Yuffie Kisaragi
§ Red XIII
§ Aerith Gainsborough
§ Rufus Shinra
§ Professor Hojo
§ Rude
§ Reno
§ Elena
§ Tseng
§ Scarlet
§ Heidigger

More information on Final Fantasy VII here.


Although this fan fiction is still currently in the works, it's coming along at a vaguely steady pace. Started in December of 2005, it was originally conceived from a series of events that took place in the Ergheiz Institute RPG (which was originally started by Selph-Selph and Zeru-kun). Unfortunately, inspiration went back and forth several times and therefore, it hasn't been completed yet.

It takes place after Advent Children. Cloud believes that Rufus's plans to remake the Shin-Ra Company will only lead to more trouble, so he uses Tifa to get infiltrate the company and get the plans. Instead, she begins to enjoy being in the company and having influence over other people. It shows more of the darker side of Tifa.

A fabulous part of this story is the idea that many people are confused over the actual pairing that is being shot for. Originally it was to be a Rufus x Tifa pairing, but Makoto received so much feedback, that at this time, she's making it a three way: Rufus x Tifa, Cloud x Tifa, and Vincent x Tifa. Perhaps by the end, there will be a definite one.

Other Notes

Although she is no longer an ally of Makoto's, credit goes to Andrea for collaboration on ideas, plot lines, and encouragement. She was also the Rufus Shinra in Ergheiz (which Makoto is no longer a part of).

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