Majordeltapedia:Community Portal

From Majordeltapedia

Revision as of 00:24, 23 January 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
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1 Community bulletin board
2 Help out
3 Collaborations
4 Guidelines, help, and resources

The Community Portal is the central place to find out what's happening on Majordeltapedia. Learn what tasks need to be done, what groups can be joined, and get or post news about recent events or current activities.

  • See the help page for documentation, or ask a question for assistance.
  • For questions about factual topics, please visit Wikipedia's Reference desk.
  • The Water Cooler has core forums for you to discuss inside.
  • Provide assistance to the various admins by developing bots.
  • Answer questions on the Feedback Forum.

Community bulletin board

Post your news on the community bulletin board -- the template is Announcements/Community Bulletin board. Hahah.

  • The wiki has began creating groups. each group gets it's own user and thus own user and talk page. currently, to create a group, you can apply to make a group.

Help out

Wikipedia is, by number of articles, the largest encyclopedia ever to exist. However, many articles are stubs, or otherwise need attention. If you like, go ahead, be bold, and jump right in. If you aren't ready to fly solo, you can participate in a Collaboration.

[edit] Things to do

  • Help document all Episodes more thoroughly rather than an overview.
  • Elaborate on the various Valetown landmarks..
  • Provide more information on the various characters of the show.
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