Sasha Landis

From Lynnesheets

Name: Sasha "Sarien" Landis
Concept: fragile lost dreamer
Association: Solitaire (+1 to Tasks involving one Art)
Character Type: Mundane
Image Song: Vincent, Don McLean

and how you suffered for your sanity;

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 6
Perception: 5
Willpower: 4

Attractiveness x 5
Old Soul x 3
True Dreamer
Artistic Talent: Painting
Artistic Talent: Writing
Contacts x 1

Emotional Problems: Depression
Emotional Problems: Emotional Dependency
Addiction: Heroin (6)
Resources Drawback (-1 Resources)

Fine Arts: Painting 6
Acrobatics 1
Dodge 3
Lucid Dreaming (Special): 5
Writing: Creative 5
Seduction 3
Trance: 3
Humanities: Literature 1

Life Points: 34
Endurance Points: 35
Essence: 76
Speed: 20


  • if ever played, will pick up the Gift in play, most likely Necromancy.
  • Apparently, since even Mundanes with a high enough Essence pool can hit slow aging, is in slow aging. D:
  • Unbeknowst to him, his cat is a High Bast. Who has been sexing him up while in human form.
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