20 Random Facts About Jacob

From Lynnesheets

Revision as of 06:13, 29 November 2007 by (Talk)
  • 1. His eyesight was never perfect, but after a season down in the dark realms of his Keeper, Jacob has found that it's only gotten worse. He is, however, much better with seeing in the dark then he was before.
  • 2. He can't take the collar and chains off, no matter how much or how hard he tries.
  • 3. Loud noises tend to disorient him: there was very little sound in his Keeper's realm, as the silence absorbed it.
  • 4. Having too much attention paid to him will make him either dizzy or have a panic attack.
  • 5. Sex terrifies him: his Keeper never went out of his way to be intentionally cruel, brutal, or deliberately hurt him, but neither was he patient, and Jacob was always frightened.
  • 6. Jacob has become mildly claustrophobic.
  • 7. Jacob is still pretty clueless about bondage, outside of what he experienced, and even that is mostly unknown: nothing was ever explained to him, and he's never researched it.
  • 8. Perhaps mercifully, Jacob does not clearly remember the night his Keeper took his virginity, only in fragments. The Fae grew impatient, and while he was not brutal, nor was he kind.
  • 9. He used to like pomegranates. Used to.
  • 10. The night that he came back to the real world, only to discover that six years had passed and he was four years dead, Jacob curled up and fell asleep on his grave.
  • 11. The sound of chimes, of delicate bells ringing, haunts his dreams.
  • 12. Jacob was not aware that he had a bondage or submission kink before he was taken to Arcadia: he still isn't quite aware of it, except in terms of being fluttery when helpless, but the worst part of his Durance, was very easily the fact that despite the fact he was utterly, absolutely terrified, his Keeper figured it out and manipulated it. It was enough to just evoke the barest hint, the smallest fluttering of infinitely tiny butterfly wings: Jacob never enjoyed it, but the fact that he reacted to it, even a little, tears at him.
  • 13. He freezes now when he feels the fluttering, goes absolutely cold to deny it, to shut down. He's even more repressed now then he was: not in the closet anymore, just repressed.
  • 14. Cerberus, in his Keeper's realm, was a fellow Changeling, transformed into the three-headed dog from hell. He stood aside and let Jacob pass: Jacob would have taken the other changeling with him, but he would not go with him. He has no idea why.
  • 15. Whatever remnants of his Catholic faith that he had left when he was Taken are gone now.
  • 16. What his Keeper said to him, as he wound the chains about his wrists, and snapped the collar about his neck, still echoes in Jacob's head. "My gift to you, my sweet one, shall be my love, and my protection. Yours to me, shall be your obedience."
  • 17. Jacob has no desire to ever go back to school. Get his GED through correspondence courses, yes. But not school.
  • 18. He has to sleep with the door locked. Before, he preferred to sleep with his door closed and locked but could sleep with it open: now he can't, and he can't sleep with anyone in the room with him.
  • 19. He won't let anyone see him in any state less then being fully dressed. "Fully dressed" being "showing no skin other then hands, neck, and face".
  • 20. Jacob hopes that Daniel has or will be able to let go and move on: he trusts that the rest of his family would have been able to, but he worries about Daniel the most. He hasn't gone to see him: he isn't sure whether Daniel would be able to take the explanation. He's more afraid of Daniel believing him, then of him not believing.
  • 21. Jacob met Angelo-or Angela, depending on his mood-at a book club that was, ironically, reading one of his books that he'd gotten published just before he disappeared. The first thing he noticed about him was that he was very contrary. The second was that he noticed things. Including Jacob himself.
  • 22. He hasn't noticed that Angelo has been hitting on him very subtly, not laying it on thick at all. He's happily oblivious to this.
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