Ilaryn Cassiel
From Lynnesheets
with every whisper the empty world sings; Ilaryn Cassiel
Caste: Night
Motivation: make the world safe for his sister
Intimacies: Ilaryn Leanne (his younger sister)
Str: 3
Dex: 5
Sta: 3
Cha: 1
Man: 2
App: 4
Per: 3
Int: 2
Wits: 4
Melee*: 3 (+1 paired daggers)
Athletics*: 3
Awareness*: 3
Dodge*: 4
Larceny*: 4
Investigation*: 3
Integrity*: 3
Performance*: 2 (+1 Sexy Dancing)
Resistance: 1
Linguistics: 1 (Native: Riverspeak, Old Realm)
Com: 1
Tem: 2
Con: 4
Valor: 3
Virtue Flaw: Heart of Flint
WP: 7
Essence: 3
Per Essence: 16
Perp Essence: 38
Resources 1
Artifact 2 (paired orichalcum daggers)
Stats: Speed 4, Accuracy +5, Dmg +4L, Def +2, Rate 3)
Artifact 2: orichalcum hearthstone bracers (+2 damage, +3 DDV)
Mentor 2(Weaver of Dreams of Victory)
PDV: 6
DDV: 6
MDV: 7
Soak: 4L/4B/3A
(normal chain shirt)
Graceful Crane Stance
First Dodge Excellency
Shadow Over Water
First Larceny Excellency
Lock-Opening Touch
Flawless Pickpocketing Technique
Easily Overlooked Presence Method
Mental Invisibility Technique
Invisible Statue Spirit
First Melee Excellency
Cassiel was born in Great Forks, the eldest child of a very wealthy merchant and his much beloved wife, who died six years later, giving birth to Cassiel's younger sister, Leanne. The untimely, unfortunate death of his wife sent the merchant over the edge into paralyzing grief, for she had been everything to him. Within several years, he was addicted to alcohol, several different drugs, and gambling, trying to forget himself and his sorrow, drugged, and drank away his fortune.
Cassiel hated his father, who was weak, who was not strong enough to live without one woman, when he had two children, her legacy, to care for. He took care of his sister the best that he could, even as things declined. He learned to cheat, he learned to lie, to steal: he did everything and anything he had to for his sister, who was the only person he cared about.
When he was fourteen, his father ended up losing everything in a night of gambling, in which he had a very bad losing streak. First, the remainder of his money: then his home and property: but still he kept rolling the dice, hoping that his luck would turn. Finally, he had nothing but his children left to bet. A sane man would have walked away then: but at that point, Cassiel's father was far from sane, and made a double-or-nothing bet with the man that he had lost everything else to: that if he won, he would get everything back, but if he lost, he would have his children to do as he would with. Cassiel came into the room just as the bet was being made, too late to do anything, if there was anything possible he could have done: however, he noticed the way the man looked at him, almost a mix of lust and desperate longing, and at that moment, came up with the only possible plan he could, to ensure that his sister would be cared for.
At the moment that his father lost, Cassiel stepped forward, and proposed a bet of his own, to be the object of a wager on a card game. Simple terms, really: if he lost, then the original terms of the bet would go forward. If he *won*, however, Cassiel would still be the man's to do as he would with (for he understood that the man would not agree to *another* bet without gain for himself, especially as he had already won so much), but he would have to formally adopt Leanne as his daughter, and take care of her as well as he would take care of one of his own daughters. Intrigued, the man agreed: needless to say, there was a lot of cheating on Cassiel's part when it came to the card game, and in the end, he won. Not fair and square, but he still won. True to his word, the man adopted Leanne, and took Cassiel to his bed (Cassiel had been expecting it, considering the way he looked at him. But he was not expecting the gentleness). And he never went back on his word, either: he treated Leanne as if she was his blood daughter, and he gave Cassiel pretty much the freedom to do as he wished, as long as he came back every night (an illusion of freedom, really: let the bird out of the cage, but it always comes back in the end).
Two years passed. While this was something of a secure life, with his sister well-taken care of...he had no desire to be a beautiful bird in a cage.
In a word, on the outside, Cassiel is disagreeable to say the least, sharp-tongued and sarcastic, with an almost fatal lack of tact: the more unpleasant the truth, the blunter he gets. Any lessons in politeness he may *ever* have gotten have gone in one ear and out the other: he doesn't feel the need to be polite and mince his words. The person he cares most about in the world is his sister, Leanne, for who he would do anything and everything, for who he has cared for his entire life, who he cares about more then himself: for he would do anything, sacrifice anyone and anything, including himself, to achieve his goals. For her, the one true bright and shining thing he has truly ever known in his life.
Quite honestly, there is more to Cassiel then the sharp-tongued, bitchy exterior, for with every whisper, the empty world sings: somewhere inside is the soul of the dreamer that never quite died, the dreamer that would spin stories to soothe his little sister when she cried, hungry, while their father was off drinking or getting high or gambling or whatever he did, who understands the power of dreams to restore and help a person hold on, even when the practical mind took over and even when he lost track of how to get along with people. There are times when this side of him surfaces (though admittedly rare) and he'll promptly deny it in the morning.
Physical Description
Cassiel is small and slender, standing about 5'3", slight of build, though wiry beneath the slightness. Hauntingly beautiful, with pale skin and longish silver hair, cut to frame his face, and with strikingly silver eyes, it is no wonder that he learned early to use his looks to get his way, especially as he never proved himself particularly tactful. He usually dresses simply, in dark clothing.