Lost Rainbow Maiden

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(sever the line to the guilty past)
(shadows fell on futile games)
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==shadows fell on futile games==
==shadows fell on futile games==
Lost Rainbow Maiden is a rather tall-about 6'2"-young-appearing woman, with pale porcelain skin, long and flowing black hair that she wears loose, and the star-flecked deep violet eyes of a Chosen of Endings, strikingly beautiful in a delicate, cool way. She is perpetually frowning or scowling, and she carries herself with perfect, flowing, grace, yet somehow efficient, and favors wearing long and flowing sleeveless dresses of the deepest violet, carrying her Foe-Clearing Halberd with her.
==and then there was nothing more==
==and then there was nothing more==
''sever the line to the guilty past/to the ones who brought us nothing/spoke of futures brave and proud/and brought only hate and war/lined the roads with hollow praise/marked the land with paper statues/shadows fell on their futile ways/and then there was nothing more''
''sever the line to the guilty past/to the ones who brought us nothing/spoke of futures brave and proud/and brought only hate and war/lined the roads with hollow praise/marked the land with paper statues/shadows fell on their futile ways/and then there was nothing more''

Revision as of 07:55, 29 October 2007


set me aflame and cast me free

Name: Lost Rainbow Maiden, the Auspicious Auditor of Divine Judgment
Age: [Classified]
Birthdate: [Classified]
Birthplace: [Classified]
Hair: Black
Eyes: Violet
Skin: Pale
Height: 6'2"
Weight: [Classified: Are You Fucking Nuts]
Image Song: VNV Nation, Solitary

before the faceless name of Justice

Name: Lost Rainbow Maiden
Concept: cold-as-nails divine auditor
Caste: Endings
Anima banner: halo of violet
Motivation: to cleanse the corruption from the Celestial Bureacracy
Intimacies: punishing the corrupt
Faction: Independent

Str: 2
Dex: 5
Sta: 2

Cha: 5
Man: 2
App: 4

Per: 2
Int: 2
Wits: 3

Caste Abilities: Awareness 4, Integrity 5, Martial Arts 4, Bureacracy 3
Favored Abilities: Stealth 3, Investigation 4, Presence 3 (+2 Intimidation), Athletics 3
Other Abilities: Linguistics 2 (Native: Old Realm, Riverspeak, Seatongue), Lore 3, Occult 3, Socialize 3, Melee 3, Dodge 3


  • Absence
  • Duck Fate
  • Avoidance Kata


  • 3rd Integrity Excellency


  • 2nd Investigation Excellency


  • Impeding the Flow
  • Smiling at the Damned


  • Terrestial Circle Sorcery
  • Open the Spirit Door

Martial Arts:

  • 3rd Martial Arts Excellency

Crane Style

  • Soaring Wing Attack
  • Agony-Inflicting Beak Technique

Compassion: 1
Conviction: 3
Temperance: 3
Valor: 2

Willpower: 6
Essence: 3
Personal: 15
Peripheral: 22
Limit: 0/10



  • Artisan of Prayers


  • Disturbing (3)
  • Alien Upbringing (2)
  • Rival 2 (Secrets, ex-girlfriend, parted on bad terms)
  • Nightmares


  • Artifact 4 (starmetal Foe-Clearing Halberd)
  • Backing 3 (divine auditor)
  • Salary 3
  • Connnections: The Bureau of Heaven 3
  • Celestial Manse 1
  • Allies 2


  • The Mask 1
  • The Corpse 1
  • The Crow 1
  • The Sword 2
  • The Rising Smoke 1
  • The Sorcerer 1


sever the line to the guilty past

Lost Rainbow Maiden was the daughter of a now-deceased Terrestial goddess, a rogue calendar god, throughly corrupt, born of an illicit liaison with a handsome mortal man who caught theg goddess's fancy (who she took, regardless of wishes, and cast him aside when her fancy faded), and the daughter born of that union never even knew her father's name or what even happened to him. She was raised by the goddess, a throughly strange childhood, in which she was her mother's pretty doll, a plaything to simultaneously amuse and be neglected, and all the while she watched the stars.

She Exalted when she was fourteen, while tending her mother's garden, and realized that all the plants were diseased, despite all their outward appearances. She tore them all up, and was punished for it, and did not realize just what had happened to her, until agents of the Bureau of Destiny came for her.

And that, as they say, was that. While the Bureau of Heaven had been building a case against the rogue calendar goddess for quite some time, after she was taken away to heaven and placed into training, Lost Rainbow Maiden provided evidence against her mother that was the final damning nail in her coffin. Literally. She was executed for corruption: both because she was throughly corrupt, and would likely have done something truly terrible in her thirst for power, but also to make an example of her, a warning. Her star was forged into the Foe-Clearing Halberd that Lost Rainbow Maiden bears to this day.

Once she completed her year and a day training, Lost Rainbow Maiden was recruited into the Internal Affairs division, and proved quite adept and eager at the job-too eager in some ways, in fact, but that was a totally different story-and as the years went by, hunted down corrupt gods, until she was, in fact, given the position as the Auspicious Auditor of Divine Judgment, tasked with hunting down corrupt gods like her mother.

Lost Rainbow Maiden loves her job. Admittedly, she is well and truly practically married to her job, and her past youthful attempts to try to socialize and fit in are well behind her, even though she is still young for a Sidereal, if past the first blush of inexperience. Her personal life is as stark and bleak and pure and cold as the first snowfall at the Elemental Pole of Air, and perhaps she likes it better that way. Years ago, when she was still fairly new at being a Sidereal by the standards of heaven, she dated a young Chosen of Secrets named Xiadou Mei, the Regulator of the Archives of Revelry. But she didn't understand the way that normal relationships worked, and perhaps she was not ready for that type of intimacy yet, coming from such a strange childhood (and perhaps her heart was simply just ice, as some gossip), and maybe she was just a little too clingy and possessive, and had her newly-warming heart broken by a brief fling her lover had with a young Chosen of Serenity.

And that, as they say, is that, and the resulting fight not only ended that relationship, but also spread some bad blood between them. And Lost Rainbow Maiden has never trusted another living soul again.

Until all she has is her duty.

like some law unto myself


shadows fell on futile games

Lost Rainbow Maiden is a rather tall-about 6'2"-young-appearing woman, with pale porcelain skin, long and flowing black hair that she wears loose, and the star-flecked deep violet eyes of a Chosen of Endings, strikingly beautiful in a delicate, cool way. She is perpetually frowning or scowling, and she carries herself with perfect, flowing, grace, yet somehow efficient, and favors wearing long and flowing sleeveless dresses of the deepest violet, carrying her Foe-Clearing Halberd with her.

and then there was nothing more

sever the line to the guilty past/to the ones who brought us nothing/spoke of futures brave and proud/and brought only hate and war/lined the roads with hollow praise/marked the land with paper statues/shadows fell on their futile ways/and then there was nothing more

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