Aeonian Genesis QXZ

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The Book of Raizze. Thirteen gems bind the evil. The evil that feeds upon souls. Only when the evil is set free, can a hero step forth to slay it for good. The evil goddess, Raizze.

Aeonian Genesis QXZ is a work planned by Cibryll for the Xyrinfe Shadow Project.



The story is split into multiple "books".

Primary Chronicles

Clearing a book usually unlocks the next book, with two exceptions.

Secret Books

These books focus on each of the six sisters who serve as the protagonists of Aeonian Genesis QXZ. They have two unlock conditions each.

Forbidden Tomes

These focus on the antagonists. This can potentially make them stronger - or weaker - in the Main Chronicles. These are the hardest to unlock.



Planning phase

Plans on this work began in April 2021.


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