From Lulz Logic
Microsoft's answer to the omgwtfbbqly amazing GayStation platform. It's had it's moments, coming top in the following awards- Most Heaviest
- Most Expensive (Thwarted by the PS3)
- Most Annoying (See Xbox360 for moar)
- Most Deathly
The list goes on...
Contents |
Teh Console Izelf
The zomfglolwowgoatseraepfunnalrofl Xbox is a computer for your TV, much like the Atari, Spectrum... all those Old Skool consoles that ya mam played when she was sucking all the boys cocks to stay popular. Infact, she still does that now, but back to the Xbox.
It's processing power with over 9000 and graphics that make Al Gore want to drop his litter, the Xbox is the ultimate console of power, as declared by 'box fanboys since the dawn of time. This monolith of a console has actually survived a gun shot, since it's casing is quadruply reinforced with Dolomite.
Games For Our Lovely Console
List of games follow:
- Goatse
- Goatse 2
- Goatse 3: Revenge of the strained anus
- Halo
- Halo 2
- Roflcopter Down: Arms of the Lollerskaters
- Captain Butthurt and the Ass Boils Brigade
Any other games you may know that aren't here, are obviously too failful to be here in glory
There's Another One!!11!!one
Yes, the Xbox360 (Full page here) is the next generation of the ol' Xbox.Would I Want One?
It's pretty much obsolete now, but you could collect it to play all the old Xbox games, since the fucking three sexty can't backwards compete at all.
Needs moar pix. Add sum plz
add secks pix pl0x