Luke sawyers

From Lulz Logic

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"Luke sawyers as jimmy saville you can just see a perfect swiss cheese bordering on the lines of cheddar on the cheeseometer here it is a landmark that major cheesologists should note down in there planners"

Luke Sawyers born 28th March 1993. Some say he is a cheesy guy, so do others. He is a top dancer and has been trained by Wayne Sleep himself. He recently performed as jimmy saville in a musical. He looked highly embarassing (picture left) and it makes you cringe to think of the cheesyness this part must have caused to the audience.

Nicknames which he loves to be called

  • Sawyers
  • Lukey boy
  • loose
  • poo
  • the big moose
  • wiener man
"The cheesy guy himself"

how cheesy is luke sawyers really

he has been mistaken for a wedge of cheese on numerous occasions. But mainly on the cheeseometer he is around a stilton

"it aint easy. being cheesy. but its easier for some than others"

Luke Sawyers let himself go

After the failure of his dancing being to cheesy he has let himself go. He has resolved to binge eating, buying snidey kinder chocolate with cheeesy young boys on the packet and shaving his hair. which is not copying britney spears at all

"This is one of the mugshots that has been taken with no permission at all of luke sawyers."
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