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== Four Swords ==
== Four Swords ==
=== Items ==
=== Items ===
== Wind Waker ==
== Wind Waker ==

Revision as of 03:06, 19 April 2006

This is a list that consists of every item Link has used in the series to date.


The Legend of Zelda

Weapons and Defense

  • Arrows- Arrows are spear-ended sticks that can only be shot by using a bow. Each arrow shot costs one rupee.
    • Wooden Arrows- Normal arrows that are standard with bows.
    • Silver Arrows- Accquired in the ninth dungeon, these arrows are the only ones that can pierce through Ganon.
  • Bombs- Bombs can be found either by destroying enemies or by purchasing them. Used to defeat the Dodongo and cracked walls.
  • Boomerang- A weapon that has a design so unique that it can come back after thrown
    • Wooden Boomerang-A boomerang made of wood. It can retrieve items.
    • Magical Boomerang- Same as the wooden boomerang except this boomerang can stun foes.
  • Bow- The item that can shoot arrows.
  • Magical Rod- A magic wand that can cast spells and hits like a sword.
  • Sword- The sword is the most commonly use item in LoZ. As you progress, your sword will upgrade (this is optional but nessecary)
    • Wooden Sword- The Old Man in the cave at the starting point will give this to you. It has the worst stregnth.
    • White Sword- Make sure you find this sword before you enter the fourth dungeon. This has medium power.
    • Magical Sword- After you have 12 heart containers, this powerful sword will come into your possesion when you find it in the graveyard.
  • Shield- This is your main defense which can block certian attacks.
    • Wooden Shield- The shield you start out with. It can deflect Octorck rocks.
    • Magical Shield- This bigger shield can be purchased after collecting enough rupees. It can deflect Zora's fireballs.


  • Book of Magic- a special tome that lets you summon spells like fire.
  • Candles- These candles can be used to illuminate rooms
    • Red Candles- can be used once in a room, leave then come back to use it again. Can be purchased.
    • Blue Candles- Can be used infinate times.
  • Compass- Find the compass in a labrynth to locate the boss' room.
  • Food- Food can be used to distract enemies. Some have no effect toward it.
  • Heart Container- You'll find them scattered everywhere. You can hold up to 18 heart containers
    • Regular Hearts- Enemies can leave these behind. These heal your heart meter.
  • Keys- Keys can be found or purchase, they can open up labrynth doors.
    • Magical Key- this master key will replace your key count with an "A" (almighty). This means it can open any door.
  • Ladder- This item lets you cross small bodies of water.
  • Letter- Show the letter to the old lady to be able to buy the water of life.
  • Magical Clock- Enemies drop this item that freezes time momentarilty.
  • Map- This shows the entire labrynth.
  • Power Bracelet- This stylish wear can let Link move obstcles like rocks.
  • Raft- The raft can allow you to launch of a dock and sail to the next. This is the only way to get to the fourth labrynth.
  • Rings- Rings are special finger-wear that can reduce damage.
    • Blue- Reduces damage by 1/2.
    • Red- Reduces damage to 1/4.
  • Rupees- The Hyrulian currency, needed for purchasing items. You can hold up to 225 rupees.
    • Yellow- 1 Rupee
    • Blue- 5 Rupees
  • Water of Life- This mystic medcine can restore health.
    • Red- Heals two hearts, comes in one dose.
    • Blue- Heals two hearts, comes in two doses.
  • Whistle- This summons a tornado that brings him to a labrynth entrance.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Key Items

  • Candle- This handy item lights up dark caves.
  • Magic Glove- Link will become strong and can punch through walls! Link's stress reliever.
  • Raft- The raft will take you from docks to new areas of land.
  • Letter- Link needs this letter to get valuble information are permission to pass.
  • Flute- A flute that can be useful in many ways...
  • Winged Boots- With this stylish footwear, Link can walk on water.
  • Magical Key- This key can open any palace door.
  • Cross- Not for Dracula, the cross is needed to see invisible enemies.
  • Treasure Bag- a bag full of exp. points
  • Magic Containers- They'll fill your magic meter.
  • Heart Containers- Will fully replenish and expand your life meter.

A Link to the Past

Items & Ammunition

Weapons & Defense

Key Items

Link's Awakening


Key Items

Ocarina of Time


Equipment Items

  • Swords
    • Kokiri Sword- A sword passed down from Kokiri child to Kokiri child. Only young Link can use the sword, since the sword is considered a dagger to adults.
    • Master Sword- The legendary sword of evil's bane. Can be used by the Hero of Time to seal away Ganon. The sword is to big for a child to bear.
    • Goron's Sword (Temporary)- Part of a long traditional trading event, the Goron's sword will become the Broken Sword if used.
    • Broken Goron's Sword- A broken sword, give it to Biggoron to get it fixed in 3 days.
    • Biggoron's Sword- A gigantic sword that's powerful but heavy, requires two hands to weild.
  • Shields
    • Deku Shield- A wooden shield made out of deku nut shells. This object IS flammable.
    • Hylian Shield- An adult-sized soilder shield. Children can carry but cannot raise the shield.
    • Mirror Shield- An indestructable shield that can reflect beams of light. Children cannot weild it due to its weight.
  • Tunics
    • Kokiri Tunic- The standard tunic for all Kokiri's. Although the line is for children, adult sizes can be made.
    • Goron Tunic- Made with a strange fiber that blocks intense heat. Only fits adults
    • Zora Tunic- Made with a strange fiber that povides the wearer with air. Only fits Adults.
  • Boots
    • Kokiri Boots- Boots that all Kokiri children wear. They run in adult sizes too.
    • Iron Boots- Boots with an iron base. This will slow you down but can let you sink to the bottom of the water. Without the Zora Tunic, you'll drown.
    • Hover Boots- Boots with a special sole that can let them levitate for a second. Only runs in adult sizes.

Quest Items

Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages

A and B Items

Quest Items


Majora's Mask




Quest Items

Four Swords


Wind Waker



Quest Items

Four Swords Adventures


Quest Items

Minish Cap



Quest Items

Twilight Princess


Phantom Hourglass



Nintendo Power's Official Player Guides By playing the game! (DUH!)

Legal Stuff

All information is property of NESluver (Zelda164). Feel free to use this item list to your own advantage. You may not distribute it according to law of Legend of Zelda Wiki and U.S. Law.

Please Contribute!

Members! Contribute to this item list! I'll occasionally update the list but it's YOUR knowledge that can help this page prosper

--Zelda164 20:05, 18 April 2006 (PDT)

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