
From Lost Realm



Ajyendar is named for the wise Jyendar Denasi who triumphed over his evil and deceitful brother, Nule Denasi, to become the nation's second Patriarch. Jyendar's honor and courage are today honored not only by the nation's name, but more improtantly, by the national art: Jyen dueling. The term "Jyen" now refers to the fighting style and its weapons, but it is synonymous with abstract ideals like "Honor," "Courage," and even "Justice." Before the Generational War, the nation gained a large, forested portion of land to the northeast, and during the war, their own Ajyendari Civil War chopped off this and the rest of the northern area into the nations of Lohrkand and Kandonia.
So long after its founding, the nation has fallen far from its ideals, but the upper-class fail to notice, and those who do, don't care. There is little middle-ground between the rich and the poor; "Honor" is used to justify pointless duels to the death over trivial events; the truly brave and just are killed by wannabes. Kandonia's Temple of Kand claimed that the nation's foolish ideals were essentially killing itself while the dishonorable profitted.


Ajyendar is south of Lohrkand and Kandonia, and Orecrest lies in a bay to the west. The country is largely desert, the only fertile land being located around rivers and generally small oases. There are jagged hills in the northwest, dividing it from Lohrkand, but its border with Kandonia is less physical.


Ajyendar is ruled by a Patriarch who heads a Council of 5 Elders; although these leaders form all decisions, they in-turn listen to the Brothers, leaders of the nation's 9 Brotherhoods. The Brotherhoods are likewise divided into many more Cousinhoods, lead by Cousins. The government is not very democratic, nor is it particularly sympathetic to the average peasant.


Ajyendar has always exported some rare materials and exotic spices, but, in recent history, its largest export has been stone. Ajyendar has signed over to Orecrest control over one of its largest stone quarries; the same stone used in Ajyendar's yellow, golden, and off-white buildings, has found its way into most of Orecrest's newer cities and structures. Orecrest is aiming to create a brighter and more open atmosphere for its people (as opposed to its former gray and foreboding structures), while Ajyendar's nobles aim only to pocket the cash.

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