
From Lost Realm

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Arques is the southernmost city in the country of Maskein.


Arques, marked by the black dot on the map is one of the many cities in Maskein still run down by slavery. It is also well known for its large arena, The Arena in Arques is used for all of the executions of the country. The first king Bauquemar declared that all exicutions in the country will be handled by the arena challenge. If the combatant was to servive the arena they would be dropped into the lake below. Durring this challenge combatants have a weight chained to their ankles, when they drop to the water below they are kept down by the weight and drowned to death.

Arques just like most of Maskein is filled with thieves some of which include the slaves. Arques isn't one of the wisest places to port your ship, you could be taken into custody and made a slave. Or more likely lose every rich you brought with you.

Arques is a large port city, to the west of it is a Large wall that is still being constructed by the slaves. King Bauquemar the Third wishes for this wall to extend all around Arques, He plans to use it as a port in the event of war.

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