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Sharnea is located in the icy north of the Lost Realm.

Sharnean customs

Kin vs Volethic

Sharnean history is generally traced to two opposing "families," but both branches are now remembered by their leaders: two men named Shar and Volethir. The green-eyed, long-haired Shar was at odds with the blue-eyed, more traditional Volethir. The disagreement is no longer remembered, but the loser is. Today, "Kin" refer to the green-eyed descendants of the Shar, and "Voleth" or "Volethic" to blue-eyed Volethir's. The Kin are largely upper class nobles and merchants while most Volethic are lower class traders and serfs. Sharnean lower class is still not bad by most country's standards; servitude exists, but servants are well provided for and most Sharneans--Volethic included--can afford an above average quality of life. The Volethic do receieve a hard time from some Kin, but are better accepted at this time. "Shar" became a title shared by a few of Sharnea's heroes over the ages, but their has not been a Shar for some time and this may be causing the ease on anti-Volethic feelings. Obviously, eye color is not the best basis for discrimination, especially when the bloods probably mingled early on, but the idea won't die; sometimes an expectant, well-to-do family is just getting set up for a dissappointment, other times a peasant's child brings great fortune.


All Sharneans have raven hair and most male Kin wear it in the Shar's style (like Ravenok's), but many now add their own touches to the design. New styles are still acceptable, but tend to draw questioning looks from more conservative Sharneans. Volethic are not really expected to wear the Shar's hair, but many do to fit in--the style can be recognized at a greater distance than eye color.


Sharneans--Volethic included--are the greatest race; all Sharneans know it, but they do not dislike other races for it. Sharneans make excellent diplomats because they know their stuff; in addition to being great manipulators (probably aided by their convincing self-confidence) they study and know other races and cultures, but they do not necessarily make the greatest everyday conversationalists. They know other races don't feel the same way about Sharnean greatness, so they don't make a point to illustrate or emphasize it any more than they must, but even this can get annoying at times. Sharneans recognize and respect the importance of all people, even though they do not themselves do much in the way of manual labor and the like (Sharnea imports much of its food and many other products). Kin in particular must study and know a wide range of topics and practice poise and manners at all opportunities.

Free Time

Sharneans have lots of free time. Though most Sharneans have jobs, many, including Volethic, do those jobs only a few days a week. When they work, Sharneans get things done due to their enormous self-discipline and overly long hours (at least a 10 hour work day), but Sharneans do not typically do much manual labor further than building their own structures, crafting, and hunting game, all of which are really arts and not limited to the few days per week guideline. Most people spend their free time on personal projects (usually designed to better themselves or their trade), hold or attend social gatherings, study or practice different subjects or skills, or drink fine wine and eat fine food.

Men and Women

Men and women are pretty much equal here; women and men are equally active in both politics and trade, but men make up the bulk of the military, and in trade, both sexes are usually attracted to the trades that better suit their natural differences (ie, men do more building than women, and women do more crafting than men). It is not uncommon for women and men to hold separate dinners and parties for their own gender, and both sexes still gossip an equal amount.


Everyone throws parties, even servants. No one gets left out; even if someone intentionally avoids social gatherings, they will inevitably be pulled in by someone. Sharnean parties are wild only when they are meant to be; things never get out of hand unless they are planned that way--remember, these events are coordinated by social masters.

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