Blood Spawn

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The name "Bloodspawn" is a general term derived from the translation of Corada'an ("Of blood") and refers to a wide variety of Power-based constructs. Bloodspawn are not born, they are built using a Power-favored soul with its native form of the Power. These souls were at some point those of former BS supporters who have passed on, but some have been "recycled" through a new body multiple times. There should be around at least 20-30 kinds of BS, each based on a different form of the Power. First I'll describe basic BS stuff and then go to particular kinds starting with some of the more general or important and appending to this list as I write descriptions for more of them.


BS Society

Some of you may have thought that the BS did not exist prior to the Deluge, but that is not the case. There is a reason there is so little human habitation in those central mountains: there is plenty of BS habitation. The reason the BS were never a problem before is that they are composed of numerous clans (for which there will probably be a different word), most clans ruling a particular city/colony/settlement/whatever you want to call it. They operate independently, but not within defined areas--clans may lead raids into other territories because territories are largely unmarked by BS: In the opinion of the BS, marking territory only places limits on yourself. Outside of their cities, anything is fair game, and that's why people avoid the area; BS are far more likely to raid humans than other BS given the chance. Prior to the Deluge, BS raids outside of the marked map area were not nearly as common, but definitely a threat, and definitely one that nearby towns took into account. Today, these strikes occur with similar frequency as then--whatever brought the BS together for the Generational War is no longer binding them.

Clans of BS are generally built on BS of similar kinds (ie, two or three kinds related to water), though it is not entirely uncommon to see otherwise. The exact form of government varies, depending on agreeance by those in power, but leadership isn't necessarily something to be desired. It comes with a lot of risk, and honestly doesn't provide much in the way of advantages. The highest leaders are appointed differently and rarely overthrown. The lowest members of BS society are Aka--which are not really BS, see below--, whom function mainly as workhorses, often only to maintain themselves as most BS have no need for food or drink. The motive driving most clans is proving its superiority over the others. Wars are not uncommon between clans, but attacking enemy cities is. The settlement themselves are generally small (though impressive) as there is little need for anything other than residences (more barracks style), armories, prisons, and meeting areas.


A Corada'an

Shared BS physiology/psychology

The full spectrum of BS is so varied, there is little they share between them. The following are true: BS are intelligent, BS have souls, BS may not actually feel pain, BS do not require food or drink, though some may do either as part of a disguise or because they enjoy it--or because eating and drinking certain things strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies. BS are evil.


These creatures/races are commonly mistaken for BS, or are simply categorized as BS out of convenience.

Aka (Cor, Sor, and Tor) are not real BS, but they do generally serve the BS--specifically in larger armies.

Envorki may look like some kind of BS, but they are not related in any way.

Laserak may sometimes serve the BS, but are also unrelated (Tsir descendents and all that).

Lost Souls are similar to BS in that they have avoided the Hall, but they do not have the defined form of a BS (BS have bodies manufactured by and held together by the Power--in order to keep this shape more easily without constantly draining themselves, the shape is made permanent)

Morlathe-"Dark Lords"

Native Power: primarily Dark Radiance

Morlathe were often seen on the battlefront during the Generational War. With their dark robes and unfathomable hoods, they were often mistaken for Dhelsorath himself. In groups they were taken to be apprentices of the Dark Lord, but in reality, they are just another form of BS--though most important than most. Due to their emphasized presence during the Gen War, it is often supposed there are lots of them, but these are actually one of the more uncommon kinds of BS.

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