The Shar

From Lost Realm

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The title of Shar is reserved for the heroes of Sharnea's past, but the name itself belonged to the mythological defender of Sharnea. Even when referring to the original, "the Shar" is more acceptable than simply "Shar."

The Legend

The Shar was born in Sheerwater, which was then the northern fringe of the Sharnean Empire, with green eyes and raven black hair. Sharnean myths portray vastly differing images of his life and death, but one thing is clear: the Shar saved mankind from the evil of Volethir. During his lifetime, the Shar wrote several books, including "Omniscience" ("The Way of the Shar" in later printings), and devised his own fighting/weapon style.

Other Shars

The title of Shar has been shared by several other heroes of Sharnea's past; generally, these individuals are those who rise up to combat the forces of Volethic disciples. Shar vs. Volethir style match-ups have occured often enough in Sharnean history that the appearance stereotype of Kin (pure Sharnean descent) vs. Volethic (impure Sharnean descent) remains to the present day.

Current Trend

Recently, Velarik Doreylin massacred several Sharnean cities, giving rise to the rumor that he may be the next incarnation of Volethir.

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