Soul Spawn

From Lost Realm

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The way they were created was almost by mistake, Veskïr was trying to make some sorta spell that would warn him of intruders inside the tower but insted he got something much better. He made flesh insted of just a alarm system. He uses his dagger to steal the souls of people he kills and puts them inside his Soul Spawn so that there souls are bound to his power as well as there own souls fuel the body there in. The flesh is forged out of his own raw power.

Physical Description

Since they were forged out of Veskïr's own power they resemble the type of power he masters in. There body's are a dark ash gray, with jagged scars all across there body that glow. They have dark gray hair that ends inbetween there shoulder blades. And they have long pointy ears that end about 1 and a half inches above there head. There eyes resemble a rageing hurricane with there pupil being the "eye of the storm". They need not to carry any weapons because they either use a simple type of "power" or kill with there bare hands. There usauly seen in simple black robes, and they tend to stay in the shadows of the tower.

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