Lunar Charms
From Logoscreation
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Lunar Charms
Attack Enhancement Charms
Crippling Charms
Damage Enhancement Charms
Feats of Strength Charms
Grappling Charms
Subdual Charms
Lotus-Eating Tiger
Prerequisites: Internal Form Mastery, Dexterity 5, Perception 4, Essence 4, Taste of Luna's Champions, Honing the Stolen Form
This knack allows the Lunar to treat any supernatural martial art known to someone whose Heart's Blood he has consumed as though its charms were Dexterity-based rather than Martial Arts. The Lunar must still be able to learn the charms as Martial Arts charms, and must spend the necessary experience to learn them, but does not need a mentor.
As an additional effect, if a Lunar consumes the heart's blood of a Sidereal, the Lunar becomes capable of purchasing any Sidereal Martial Art that the victim knew up to at least the form charm at the Solar/Abyssal xp costs. Sidereal Martial Arts charms can never be considered Dexterity charms.
Lunar Hero Style
Balance and Grace Charms
Defensive Charms
Movement Charms
Speed and Extra Action Charms
Consumption Charms
Endurance Charms
Environmental Charms
Essence-Regaining Charms
Fury Charms
Healing Charms
Soak Enhancement Charms
Substance Charms
Animal and Training Charms
Holy Charms
Fascination Charms
Interaction Charms
Military Unit Charms
Social Unit Charms
Territory Charms
Belief Charms
Defense and Dissembling Charms
Hungry Cat Defense
Initial Concept by Spaiden
Cost: 8m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Manipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Commanded to Fly
The Lunar Exalted long ago learned the valuable lesson, "you get what you give". This charm can be used as part of a defense against any natural or unnatural mental influence, making it a perfect defense which cannot be breached by any social attack. Like normal perfects, there is only one flaw. In this case, the Lunar's defenses can be overcome by offering the Lunar an appropriate gift. This gift must have a value in Resources or Artifact equal to the Lunar's permanent Essence, and the Lunar may - generally speaking - stipulate what the gift must be. A gift of "food" or "fish" is an appropriate demand, a gift of "Chiaroscuran Bass soaked in a white wine marinade" is not, and while a Lunar may demand a hearthstone or artifact (and even specify whether that artifact be utilitarian, combat-oriented, etc.), they cannot demand a specific hearthstone or artifact. If the attacker presents an appropriate gift within a single month of the time this charm is activated, then the social attack is considered an automatic success. If a month passes before the gift is provided, then the attacker may not attempt another social attack against the Lunar for a number of months equal to the Lunar's permanent Essence.
Feint Charms
Interaction Charms
Military Unit Charms
Social Unit Charms
Disguise Charms
Interaction Charms
Craft Charms
Defensive Charms
Insight Charms
Sorcery Charms
Wyld Charms
Monarch Ant Meditation
Prerequisites: Emerald Grasshopper Form, Wits 5, Essence 5
This knack allows the Lunar to transform into a swarm or flock based on one of his forms. The form in question must be that of an insect, fish or bird, or a small mammal such as a cat or rat, and has an effective Magnitude equal to the Lunar's Essence. Additionally, this knack can also allow the Lunar to transform into a "pack" of larger mammalian creatures, with a number of constituent members equal to the Lunar's Essence.