Dragon-Blooded Charms

From Logoscreation


Dragon-Blooded Charms

Air Aspect Abilities



Essence-Scattering Wind

Inspired by Gaelic_Ninja
Cost: 6m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Cooperative
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Lore: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Elemental Succor Method, Eternal Mind Meditation

The Dragon-Blooded developed many tools to lessen the advantage that the Anathema's stolen power gave them, and this charm was one of the greatest. When activated, the charm-user goes into a deep meditative trance, during which time his essence suffuses the air around him, disrupting the ability of any essence use. For the remainder of the charm, all charm use, commitment costs and essence expenditures of any kind are increased by a number of motes equal to the DB's lore skill. This effect has a radius of the Dragon-Blooded's Essence x 10 in yards. If more than one Dragon-Blooded uses this charm in tandem, the effect is magnified. Take the highest Lore score among the charm-users, and add one for each additional user. Do the same with Essence. Use these values to determine the radius and scope of the effect. This charm requires a certain degree of concentration. While it is active, the Terrestrial cannot use any non-reflexive charms and suffers a -2 penalty to all DVs.

Creatures composed entirely of Essence that are caught in the radius - including ghosts and dematerialized spirits - suffer lethal environmental damage each tick equal to the Terrestrial's Lore skill. This damage can be soaked normally, but cannot be parried or dodged.




Earth Aspect Abilities






Righteous Hammer of Pasiap Meditation

Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Cooperative, War
Duration: Instant
Minimum War: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Terrestrial War Reinforcement

The Dragon-Blooded war machine is mighty, and this charm allows it to clear battlefields in an instant. This charm supplements an artillery attack. In addition to the normal effects of the artillery attack, everyone within the Dragon-Blooded's (Essence x 5) yards of the attack must immediately roll for knockdown, with a difficulty of 2 + the extra successes on the attack. If multiple Dragon-Blooded apply this charm to the same attack, add 1 to the primary Dragon-Blooded's Essence, and add 1 to the difficulty of the roll to resist knockdown. If used in Mass Combat, this charm causes any Mass Combat unit targeted by the enhanced artillery attack to immediately check morale to see if they rout, with a difficulty equal to the primary Dragon-Blooded's Essence.

Fire Aspect Abilities





Smoke-Bourne Whisper Technique

Cost: 6m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Combo-OK
Duration: (Essence) Days
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Passion Transmuting Nuance

The Dragon-Blooded speaks to his target and low, conspiratorial tones, breathing smoke as he does. The target of this charm can resist breathing the smoke in by holding her breath - a Stamina + Resistance roll with a difficulty of the Dragon-Blooded's Essence. If unsuccessful, she inhales the smoke and must resist its unnatural mental influence. The Dragon-Blooded rolls his Manipulation + Presence against the target's MDDV. If successful, the target immediately gains an Intimacy for the Dragon-Blooded, or for an ideal or belief - true or not - decided upon by the Dragon-Blooded. This false Intimacy lasts a number of days equal to the Terrestrial's Essence, after which time it fades unless strengthened by other means.

Virtuous Commander Understanding

Cost: 5m, 1wp, 1 virtue channel
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Synergy
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Glowing Coal Radiance. Any Presence Excellency

The Dragon-Blooded inspire their followers with the righteousness of their cause. When this charm is activated, the Exalt decides on a specific task – such as “guard this bridge”, “find the Anathema known as Harmonious Jade”, or even “slaughter everyone that even looks like a demon cultist”. For the remainder of the scene, all people affected by the charm – which targets a group of people loyal to the Dragon-Blooded using the charm with a Magnitude equal to Dragon-Blooded's Essence – add a number of dice equal to the Terrestrial's rating the Virtue channeled by the Exalt when activating the charm to all rolls made in pursuing the goal set. When this charm is activated by multiple Dragon-Blooded at once in pursuit of the same goal, the total Magnitude affected increases by 1 for each Dragon-Blooded involved. Additionally, one die is added to all affected rolls on top of the Virtue dice to a maximum of the lead Dragon-Blooded's Presence + the Virtue.


Water Aspect Abilities




Martial Arts


Wood Aspect Abilities






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