Cult of Pharos

From Logoscreation

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The world is in danger. That much is obvious to anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear.

Fair Folk lurk at the edges of our society, the dead walk – bereft of the peace that they want and deserve. Demonic threats lurk at the edge of sanity, waiting to reclaim what they believe to rightfully be theirs.

All of these monsters have but one goal: the complete eradication of humanity. From the farthest edge of Halta to the Blessed Isle itself and beyond.

There are those who would tell you that the only protection we have against these beasts is the Dragon-Blooded Host, or the returned “Shining Ones”. I am here to tell you that they are wrong.

Our greatest weapon in the war against the monsters that eat our world is you.

Core Dogma

  • When a person dies and is properly buried with the correct rituals, he passes into the Lethe.
  • When such a person passes into the Lethe, their soul is recycled into a new body.
  • A soul that has attained great Essence is too powerful to be placed into one body, and thus is placed into many bodies.
  • This way, when someone who has achieved inner peace and enlightened attunement with the Essence of the world passes into Lethe, the population of the world is strengthened.
  • By strengthening the population of the world, the restless dead, the fair folk and the yozi have fewer holes with which to cross into this world.
  • Therefore, by cultivating one's Essence and then passing peacefully into the Lethe upon death, one can help to build a better world for his descendants.

Important Teachings/Morals

  • If an individual refuses to pass on after death, they should be honoured for as long as they remain, but encouraged to pass into Lethe at the first opportunity. Ghosts who linger too long and grow mad, or Hungry Ghosts, should be exorcised into Lethe if possible or destroyed if not.
  • It is the duty of every Exalt to protect mortals and help them enlighten themselves and attain higher attunement to Essence until such a time as the mortals may protect themselves. Further, the long lives of Exalts confer upon them a responsibility to cultivate within themselves as high an essence as possible in order to ensure that the next generation benefits from their strength.
  • It is not enough to acquire enlightenment and then die, enlightenment is not the goal, only the means. It is important for the enlightened and the Exalted to use their power to the benefit of others while alive through the use of charms, sorcery and thaumaturgy.
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