White Reaper Style

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Form Weapons: White Reaper style uses axes, great axes, scythes and artifact equivalents.

Armour: White Reaper is compatible with light and medium armour.

Note: Lunars who learn White Reaper style may apply its Holy Charms against Creatures of the Wyld.

Twin-Reaving Talons
Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Martial Arts: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: None

Practitioners of White Reaper Style are adept at using their weapons as extensions of their bodies. This charm negates the off-hand penalty for using a second weapon in one's off-hand, as long as both weapons used are Form weapons of the style. If using a 2 handed Form weapon, add one to that weapon's Rate and Accuracy.

Demon-Slaying Beast Stance
Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive (Step 7)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Holy
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: None

The White Reaper's weapons become infused with the essence of the Incarna's might, striking down their enemies. This charm doubles the pre-soak damage of an attack made against a Creature of Darkness.

One Soul Against Many Understanding
Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Until Next Action
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Twin Reaving Talons

The White Reaper can face innumerable foes and emerge, still alive. This charm supplements a flurry which contains at least two Martial Arts attacks, allowing the martial artist to negate either his Essence in multiple action penalties from each action in the flurry, or to negate all penalties to his Martial Arts PDV caused by the flurry until his next action.

When White Reaper Form is activated, the practitioner may commit 4m to subtract his Essence from all multiple action penalties and negate all penalties to his PDV for the scene.

Reaper Form
Cost: 5m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-Type
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: One Soul Against Many Understanding, Demon-Slaying Beast Stance

The Lesser Form of White Reaper Style turns the practitioners body into a lethal weapon against his foes. He may choose to do either lethal or bashing damage with his Martial Arts attacks and may activate both options of One Soul Against Many Understanding as a reflexive, non-charm action for 1m.

Burning-Sun-And-Moon Executioner
Cost: 4m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Holy
Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Reaper Form

The White Reaper is an implacable foe to all of Creation's enemies. This charm supplements a martial arts attack against a Creature of Darkness. The attack ignores cover and hardness, and does aggravated damage.

When White Reaper Form is activated, the martial artist may commit 5m to apply this charm to all attacks for the remainder of the scene.

Gaia's Wrath Invocation
Cost: 6m
Type: Simple (Speed 6/DV -3)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Holy, Stackable, Synergetic
Duration: Until Next Action
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Burning-Sun-And-Moon Executioner

The enemies of Creation learn to fear the wrath of the White Reaper. This charm is a Martial Arts attack which creates a holy Environmental Effect with an area of effect equal to the Exalt's Essence x 5 yards. The martial artist rolls Dexterity + Martial Arts as normal, adding his Essence as automatic successes to the roll. The successes on this roll are added to a base damage of 3A to determine the damage of the environmental effect, which is applied each tick until the martial artist's next action. Only perfect effects and dodge charms which move a target out of the area of effect can defend against this damage.

If multiple White Reaper stylists concentrate their use of this charm as a coordinated attack on a single area, its radius increases to (highest permanent Essence x 5) + (total of all other permanent Essence) in yards, and adds 1 to the damage for each additional practitioner using this charm.

When White Reaper form is activated, this charm may be activated as a miscellaneous, non-charm action, dealing its damage for 5 ticks before fading.

Hide-Crushing Blow
Cost: 1m/natural soak or 2m/armored soak
Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Reaper Form

The White Reaper must often face opponents whose hides are like adamant, and even they will fall. This charm allows the martial artist's attack to ignore natural and armored soak at a rate of 2m/1 soak for armored and 1m/1 soak for natural. The practitioner must completely eliminate all armored soak before natural soak can be negated.

Carapace-Shattering Atemi
Cost: 3m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Crippling
Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Hide-Crushing Blow

Even the most invincible foes feel the bite of the White Reaver's blows. When this charm is activated, the martial artist makes a Martial Arts attack against their target. Instead of doing damage, this attack reduces the target's soak by 1L and 1B per success. Mortal armor and magitech armor is permanently damaged until repaired, while normal artifact armor restores this loss at a rate of 1 level each per day. Lost natural soak heals as lethal damage. Additionally, every two successes reduces the hardness of artifact and magitech armours by -1B/-1L.

When White Reaper Form is activated, this charm may be activated as a reflexive, non-charm action applied to an attack as part of a flurry.

Grim Reaper Attack
Cost: 4m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Knockdown, Knockback
Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Gaia's Wrath Invocation, Carapace-Shattering Atemi

The might of the White Reaper is truly formidable. This charm is a Martial Arts attack made using Dexterity + Martial Arts. It is applied to all targets within its area of effect separately, but only rolled once. Damage is determined normally. The attack has two possible areas of effect, chosen when the charm is used. The first is a radius effect extending out to the martial artist's Essence in yards. Targets clinching the martial artist when this version is used are immediately knocked back a number of yards equal to the martial artist's (Strength + Essence), immediately ending the clinch. Anyone else in the radius may dodge or parry normally, but must still check for knockdown and knockback at a difficulty equal to the martial artist's Essence if they parry or the attack is successful against them.

The second area of effect is a ranged attack, extending outward to the martial artist's (Essence x 5) yards in any single direction, and affecting all targets in that area. As with the radius effect, all targets must check for knockback and knockdown as above if they parry or the attack is successful against them. Additionally, the concentrated force of this blow causes its extra successes to be applied as automatic levels of damage against the weapon of anyone who parries the attack, and the attack cannot be parried unarmed without charms or stunts.

If White Reaper Form is active, this charm can be activated as a miscellaneous, non-charm action.

White Reaper Form
Cost: 8+m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisites: Grim Reaper Attack

The Greater Form of the White Reaper Style reveals the martial artist's true might. While the charm is active, the first (Essence) actions of any flurry do not contribute to the martial artist's multiple action penalties or DV penalties. Additionally, other charms in the White Reaper style can be activated using their special rules (listed in the charm's description).

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