Solar Charms

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Solar Charms

Dawn Caste Abilities


Charm Concept: Artillery
Charms with the Artillery keyword are designed for use with the heavy siege and artillery weapons of Creation - catapaults, cannons, Fuel Bolt Launchers, Essence Cannons and the like - and are incompatible with bows, crossbows and other, lighter weapons.

Siegemaster's Excellent Reckoning

Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Artillery
Duration: Instant
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: Any Archery Excellency

The Solar Exalted were masters of all crafts - including the arts of siege. This charm supplements an Archery attack made with an appropriate weapon, allowing the Solar to ignore cover, and to target enemies he cannot see - removing all penalties for poor or restricted vision from the attack.

Careful Artillerist's Eye
Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Artillery
Duration: Instant
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Siegemaster's Excellent Reckoning

The Solar Exalted understand that grace was not as important as a keen eye in artillery. This charm allows the Solar to use his Perception in place of his Dexterity when attacking with artillery weapons. Additionally, charms that enhance eye sight may apply their effects to Artillery attacks if the Solar spends 4m, 1wp as a reflexive, non-charm action to allow it.

Martial Arts

Plowshares to Swords Understanding

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Solar Hero Form

As the Lawgiver masters his Essence, he begins to master the world around him, and for one who's Essence is that of a warrior, the world is a weapon. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's capabilities. Any time that the Solar uses an improvised weapon, he adds his Essence to the weapon's Accuracy and Defense, and increases its Rate by 1. At Essence 4, this charm also reduces the Speed of the weapon by 1.

Everything Under The Sun Meditation

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Plowshares to Swords Understanding

The Lawgiver is a master of his own destiny, unlimited by circumstance, and his choice of weapons should reflect his unfettered future. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's capabilities, allowing him to select one weapon with the M-Tag for every point of Essence he possesses. These selected weapons are considered Form-type weapons for use with Solar Hero Style charms. At Essence 4 and higher, the Solar may select weapons without the M-Tag.

Solar Bolt Fist Technique

Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Fist of Iron Technique

The reach of the Lawgivers is long, and few escape their Wrath. This charm supplements a Martial Arts attack made by the Solar, allowing the Exalt to target individuals up to the Solar's permanent Essence x 15 yards. This charm cannot supplement clinches.

Burning Essence Dance

Cost: 3m + 1m/target
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Martial Arts: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Solar Bolt Fist Technique

The Solar's mastery of Essence allows him to unleash the full fury of his righteous anger as a burning essence attack against all who oppose him. An attack supplemented by this charm adds the Solar's permanent essence to its post-soak damage. Additionally, the Solar may apply the same attack against multiple target - paying 1 mote for each target past the first up to a maximum of the Solar's Martial Arts score in additional targets.


The Perfect Cut

Cost: 1m
Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Melee: 1
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: None

Many of the greatest warriors of the Deliberative were so devoted to the art of combat that every sword-strike was a masterpiece. When this charm is activated, the Solar regains a number of motes of essence equal to the number of post-soak damage dice on his attack. These motes cannot take the Solar's essence pools above their maximum and no combination of charms including the Perfect Cut can grant the Solar more than 20 motes of essence during a single action.

Arm-Breaking Blow

Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant (see below)
Minimum Melee: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Hungry Tiger Technique

To guard against the Anathema, one must be mighty indeed. If the Solar attacks a target and rolls even one die of post-soak damage, that target suffers a penalty to his DVs equal to the Solar's Melee skill. This penalty lasts until the target takes a miscellaneous action to restore their DV.

Shell-Bursting Stab

Cost: 3m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant (see below)
Minimum Melee: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Arm-Breaking Blow

It was a truism in the First Age that armour does not keep the heart strong. If the Solar attacks a target and rolls even one die of post-soak damage, that target's bashing and lethal soak is reduced by the Solar's Essence. For mortal armours, this reduction is permanent until the armor is repaired. For natural soak, it is restored at a rate of 1 point each per hour of bedrest, or with a successful Intelligence + Medicine roll, difficulty equal to the Solar's dots in the Melee ability. For artifact armor, it is restored similarly, either at a rate of 1 point each per hour, or with care from someone with the appropriate Craft skills and abilities. If used on magitech armor, this charm adds the Solar's Essence to the armour's effective use time for purposes of needing repairs.


Razor-Edge Wall Attack

Cost: 1m/attack
Type: Extra Action (Speed 5, DV -1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Duration: Instant Minimum Martial Arts: 5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisites: Returning Weapon Concentration, Cascade of Cutting Terror

Even armed with the simplest of weapons, the Solar Exalted could face multitudes and in the end, only they would still draw breath. When this charm is activated, the Exalt may make a thrown attack with his weapon of choice. If this attack is successful, even if it fails to do any damage, the martial artist may then spend 1 mote of essence and make another attack against a different target. This continues until the Exalt misses an attack, runs out of Essence, or runs out of valid targets for the charm's effects. This attacks ignore the Rate of the weapon.

In Mass Combat, this charm doubles the amount of damage done to a mass combat unit once for each mote spent, to a maximum number of motes equal to the magnitude of the unit attacked.


Glorious Solar General Ideal

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Minimum War: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Any War Excellency

The Solar Exalted knew their place in battle - leading the forces of Creation against all of its foes. This charm permanently enhances a Solar's abilities. Any time that the Solar engages in tactical or strategic planning, or helps to train and prepare an army for battle, or leads an army in battle, she regains Essence equal to the Magnitude of the unit she's commanding.

Additionally, this charm adds 10 motes to the Solar's peripheral Essence pool. Unlike normal Essence, these motes can only be regained by the method above, or by Essence-regaining charms. This charm can be taken a number of times equal to the Solar's Essence.

Zenith Caste Abilities


Mandate of the Viridian Prison

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Integrity: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Spirit-Maintaining Maneuver

The Solar Exalted bore the mandate of the Unconquered Sun, and even the servants of the Yozi were more apt to bow to them. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's capabilities, and can also be bought as an Occult charm requiring Occult 5, Essence 4, any Occult Excellency and Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. This charm allows the Solar to spend 2 motes per -1 penalty to a demon's Essence + Willpower roll to resist enslavement, rather than 5 motes.


Sunborn Hero Saga

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Performance: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Any Performance Excellency

The might of the Solar Exalted grows as tales of their heroism spread. Any time that a tale of the Solar's great deeds is relayed to a crowd in the Solar's presence, the Solar regains Essence equal to the crowd's Magnitude.

Additionally, this charm may be purchased a number of times equal to the Solar's Essence. Each time this charm is purchased, it adds 10 motes to the Solar's peripheral Essence pool. Unlike normal motes of Essence, these motes may only be regained through the above method or essence-restoring charms.

Speaking on the Breath of the Sun

Cost: 5m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Performance: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Phantom-Conjuring Technique

It is said that the Solar Exalted could express their will across vast distances, projecting their image and voice wherever they desired. While this Charm is active, the Solar may target any individual or group within his (dots of permanent Essence x 5) miles with social attacks, including charm-based social attacks, as though he were present. While this charm is active, the Exalt is considered unaware of his actual physical surroundings and can only use charms such as Surprise Anticipation Method or Reflex Sidestep Technique to do anything involving their physical surroundings, though combos that include those charms are perfectly valid actions.

The Solar may target only one individual or group at a time, though he may switch targets as a reflexive action. At Essence 6, the Solar may target any and all valid targets within the area simultaneously, projecting the same image - and thus the same message or social attack - to everyone in the area or, by flurrying his social actions, projecting individualized messages simultaneously.


Appealing Presentation Mudra

Cost: 3m/dot
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Presence: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Presence Excellency

The Solar Exalted never lacked for bedmates, and their skill as seducers are legendary. This charm increases the Solar's effective Appearance for the remainder of the scene by 1 point for every three motes spent, to a maximum increase equal to his Presence. Additionally, this charm removes limits on the effect of Appearance on DVs in Social Combat for its duration.

Blinding Beauty of the Sun

Cost: 5m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Appealing Presentation Mudra

The beauty and grace of the Lawgivers was such that none could raise their hand against them. For the remainder of the scene, the Solar is considered to have a natural Appearance of 7 before factoring in bonuses from other charms. Additionally, these charms have their maximum potential increase to the Solar's Appearance increased by the Solar's Essence, and the Solar adds her Presence added to both DVs for the remainder of the scene.

Glib Tongue Technique

Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Minimum Presence: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: Any Presence Excellency

Dueling with the Solar Exalted is folly, whether their weapons are words or blades. This charm allows the Solar to apply his full MPDV to a social attack regardless of penalties. Inapplicability is not a penalty.

Unyielding Fortress of Wit

Cost: 5m
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Social
Duration: Until Next Action
Minimum Presence: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Glib Tongue Technique

The Solar Exalted were firm in their beliefs, and their words can turn aside the lies of the unrighteous. This charm negates all penalties to MPDV until the Solar's next action. Inapplicability is not a penalty.

Striking Adder Tongue

Cost: 3m
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Social
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: Glib Tongue Technique

The Solar Exalted were so eloquent that their passion turned their most dire foes into their most loyal allies. The Solar may activate this charm in response to any social combat attack that he deflects with his MPDV, allowing him to make an immediate counterattack which is resolved at Step 9 of the original attack.

Impenetrable Wall of Words

Cost: 4m
Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Social
Duration: Instant
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Unyielding Fortress of Wit

In the end, the will of the Lawgivers prevails over mere words. This charm is invoked in response to a social attack, which must not be unexpected. This charm perfectly defends against this attack, even if it is normally unblockable or otherwise a perfect effect.

Terrible Lashing Tongue

Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social
Duration: Instant
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Irresistible Salesman Spirit

The words of the Lawgivers cut all excuses asunder. A social attack supplemented by this charm renders the target's MPDV inapplicable.


Invulnerable Sun Hero's Skin

Cost: 4m
Type: Reflexive (Step 8)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Resistance: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Iron Skin Concentration

The blades of the unrighteous cannot penetrate the flesh of the Chosen. This charm allows the Solar to treat his entire soak value as Hardness for the purposes of one attack. If the attack still penetrates, apply soak as normal. The use of this charm is incompatible with armor.

Unconquered Aegis Meditation

Cost: 6m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Invulnerable Sun Hero's Skin

For the Lawgivers, true righteousness was more powerful than the finest armor. This charm provides the Solar with Bashing and Lethal Hardness equal to twice his dots in permanent Essence for the remainder of the Scene. This charm is incompatible with the use of armor.

Turtle's Shell Technique

Cost: 4m
Type: Reflexive (Step 8) Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Resistance: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Whirlwind-Armor Donning Prana

The warriors of the Solar Exalted strode across the battlefield, and wore the sun like a mantle. This charm doubles the effective soak and hardness provided by armour against a single attack.

Invulnerable Second Skin Prana

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Armored Scout's Invigoration

The Solar Exalted were often as at home in their armour as they were out of it. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's capabilities, reducing the mobility penalty and fatigue value of any armour they wear by their dots in permanent Essence. Additionally, the cost of Armoured Scout's Invigoration is reduced to 1 m/mobility and fatigue.

Ever-Ready Warrior Prana

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Resistance: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Resistance Excellency

The warriors of the Deliberative were said to never sleep, merely to wait for the next battle. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's abilities, doubling his Stamina + Resistance for purposes of determining exhaustion and inebriation, and negating up to his Essence in penalties from exhaustion, sleep loss or inebriation.

Steadfast Excellent Xystarch Meditation

Cost: 5m, 1wp
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: (Essence) Days
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Ever-Ready Warrior Prana

Even in their extremity, the Solar Exalted knew neither weariness nor want. While this charm is active, the Solar suffers no penalties for exhaustion or sleep loss. At the end of the charm's duration, however, all penalties accumulated over the duration catch up with the Solar. The Solar may reflexively renew this charm's activation by spending 1 mote of Essence, but can only renew a number of times equal to his dots in the Resistance ability before he must rest.


Blood of the Land Meditation

Initial concept by Lavos.
Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Survival: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Survival Excellency

The Solars are the rulers of all they survey - and all that they survey knows it. This charm permanently enhances a Solar's abilities. When in a region or area that the Solar owns (see Ownership sidebar, Exalted 2nd edition core pg. 238), the Solar automatically succeeds at all Survival rolls, including rolls made to activate charms.

Twilight Caste Abilities


Object-Reassembling Touch

Cost: 15m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Touch
Duration: Instant
Minimum Craft: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Craft-Mending Technique

Nothing broken was beyond repair for the Solar Exalted. This charm allows the Solar to instantly and perfectly repair a single item to its original state, even if pieces are missing or otherwise irreparably damaged.


Burning Eye Witness Method

Cost: 3m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Investigation: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Evidence Discerning Method, Crafty Observation Method

The savants of the Solar Exalted were renowned for their immediate and perfect recall. This charm allows a Solar to create a perfect mental image of a location, person or item, completely accurate and detailing the subject exactly as they are at the moment the essence is spent. This requires a dramatic action and stores details from all five senses. For as long as the essence remains committed, the Solar can instantly and perfectly recall the image as a reflexive action, creating a fully interactive mental picture in his mind which includes sight, sound, touch, taste and scent - including details from those senses which may have been enhanced by Awareness charms. When she does so, the Solar can immediately recognize any changes made to the subject since the image was created. Additionally, the Solar can describe the subject so well that others who listen to her may use their Abilities and charms to find more information about the scene, as though they were there in person. If necessary, the Solar may "store" multiple images at once, up to a maximum number of images equal to the Exalt's dots of permanent Essence, and recall them all at the same time with perfect clarity, allowing her to compare multiple scenes and subjects for additional clues.

If the user also possesses the Performance Charm "Phantom-Conjuring Technique", they may use this image to create a fully interactive, 3d illusion of the captured scene, spending an additional mote of essence when recalling the scene to do so. This allows her, and others, to explore the image in much greater depth, adding the Exalt's Essence to all rolls made to glean information from the scene.


Drinking From the Root of the World

Cost: 1m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Lore: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: Any Lore Excellency

The Lawgivers take their respite anywhere they may within their dominion. When this charm is activated, the Solar's caste mark flares, drawing in golden motes of essence that appear in the air around the Exalt. The Exalt rolls Wits + Occult, adding his Essence in automatic successes if this charm is used during the day outside of a shadowland. Every success rolled restores one mote of Essence to the Exalt's pool, to a maximum of his normal essence pool maximums. Additionally, no combination of charms including Drinking from the Root of the World may add more than 20 motes to the character's mote pool during a single action.

Sun-Dappled Leaves Understanding

Cost: 15m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Lore: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisites: Drinking From The Root of the World, Immanent Solar Glory, Power Awarding Prana

As a Lawgiver is the master of Creation, so should she become a master of her own Essence. When this charm is activated, the Solar's anima flares to life and remains active at the 10+ motes stage until the charm's effect ends. While the charm is active, the Solar is considered to have Essence 10 for the purposes of charm effects, static values such as minimum damage and DVs, essence pools, and other purposes. This does not allow them to learn or use abilities that would normally be outside of their reach due to Essence requirements, but for all other purposes, they have 10 Essence.

Assimilation of Knowledge Prana

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Lore: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Any Two Lore Excellencies

The Solar Exalted developed this charm to compress the time needed to train into easily digestible chunks of knowledge. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's capabilities, reducing the training time for all charms, sorcery and necromancy spells and abilities to "Instantaneous".


Body-Breaking Anatomical Understanding

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Medicine: 3
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: Any Medicine Excellency

The Lawgivers possessed precise knowledge of the human body, which could be used to heal, as well as harm. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's capabilities, allowing him to use Medicine in place of Martial Arts when rolling Martial Arts attacks. The Solar can use Medicine Excellencies to assist these attacks, and may use the higher of their Dexterity + Medicine or Dexterity + Martial Arts for their die adder cap. This charm explicitly does not affect or bolster defense, and cannot be used to allow the Solar to learn or use charms for which they lack the prerequisites.

Compassionate Healer's Sacrifice

Cost: 10m, 1hl/target
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Minimum Medicine: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Annountment of Miraculous Health

The magnamity of the Lawgivers is legendary. When this charm is activated, the Solar selects a number of targets up to his permanent Essence. He takes one point of unsoakable bashing damage for each target selected. The targets gain a number of health levels back equal to his Medicine, starting with their most severe wounds first. At Essence 6, the Solar may pay 3 motes per target instead of the health level.


Godslaying Genius Meditation

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Occult: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Ghost-Eating Technique

In the Primordial War, the Solars developed this charm to give them the strength to defeat hordes of the Primordials' minions at once. This charm permanently enhances the effects of Ghost-Eating Technique, allowing the Solar to activate Ghost-Eating Technique with an extra 1 mote surcharge when striking a killing blow against a spirit, demon, god, elemental or other valid target of Ghost-Eating Technique.

As the spirit dies, the Solar gains a number of temporary willpower points equal to the spirit's permanent Essence dots. This can put the Solar's temporary willpower higher than their permanent willpower, but any dots of temporary willpower that remain at the end of the scene are lost if they exceed the character's permanent willpower. Use of this charm inside Yu Shan is a Severity 3 offense.

Mandate of Divine Consumption

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Occult: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisites: Godslaying Genius Meditation

It is the mandate of the Lawgivers to protect Creation, even from itself. This charm permanently enhances Ghost-Eating Technique, allowing the solar to activate that charm with a surcharge of 1 willpower when striking the killing blow against a valid target of Ghost-Eating Technique.

As the spirit dies, its power passes to the Exalt, whose personal and peripheral mote pools are both refresh to full. Additionally, until the end of the scene, the Solar adds the spirit's dots of permanent Essence to his own permanent Essence for purposes of charm effects and determining static values, minimum damage and mote pools.

Night Caste Abilities


Stone-Sinew Prana

Cost: 3m/+1 bonus
Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Athletics: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Increasing Strength Exercise

The might of the lawgivers was unmatched, this much is true, but many found that even trying was folly. This charm supplements an attack, increasing the attack's minimum damage by 1 for every three motes spent, to a total maximum bonus equal to the Solar's Strength + Athletics.


Vigilant Guardian Touch

Cost: 5m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Awareness: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Keen Sight Technique

The Lawgivers often sat in the middle of vast networks of informants, the better to ferret out enemies of Creation unseen. When this charm is activated, the Solar selects a target - who must have a lower Essence than the Solar - and paints a special sigil on his forehead with golden essence. This sigil glows briefly before fading into invisibility. For the duration of the charm, the Solar may - as a reflexive, non-charm action - see what the target of the charm sees, as though he were present. He has no control over the target, or what the target looks at, and cannot use any of his charms to enhance the target's perception, but otherwise views the scene as though he were present.

At its most basic, this charm grants only sight. If the Solar also possesses the other Keen (sense) Charms, he may spend an additional mote when activating this charm to confer those senses as well. At Essence 5, the Solar may also use any reflexive Awareness charms to enhance the target of this charm's perceptions.

Sight Beyond Sight Technique

Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Hour
Minimum Awareness: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Unsurpassed Sight Technique

The Solar Exalted were never fooled by simple obfuscations. For the duration of this charm, the Solar may see through opaque objects up to his (Essence) feet in thickness, as though they were simply not present.


Limitless Evasion Approach

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Dodge: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Reflex Sidestep Technique

The nature of the Lawgivers is to move and act without limits. This charm enhances the Solar's natural abilities, allowing the Exalt to ignore penalties to her DDV that result from external environmental or situational conditions, including clinches.

Mindful Defense Technique

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Dodge: 5
Minimum Occult: 3
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Seven Shadows Evasion, Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

This charm was the hallmark of the war-sorcerers of the Solar Exalted, whose skill and sorcerous might was unmatched. It permanently enhances the effectiveness of of reflexive Solar charms of the Dodge ability, allowing the Solar to activate those charms normally while undertaking a Shape Sorcery or Cast Sorcery action by paying a 2 mote surcharge. At Essence 5, this is reduced to 1 mote, and at Essence 6 the surcharge is eliminated.

Elusive Sun-Ray Defense

Cost: 3m
Type: Reflexive (Step 9)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
Duration: Instant
Minimum Dodge: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Leaping Dodge Method

The Solar Exalted move in harmony with the world - largely because they set the pitch. This charm may be activated any time the Exalt applies his DDV to a melee attack and reduces the attacks total successes to 0. When activated, the attacker must immediately make a roll to avoid knockdown, with a difficulty equal to the Solar's dots in the Dodge ability.
At Essence 3, the attacker must also roll to avoid knockback of the Solar's (Essence) in yards, with a difficulty equal to the Solar's (Dodge ability -1). At Essence 4, this charm can counter ranged attacks as well.

Walking Between the Blades

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Dodge: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Reflex Sidestep Technique

The Exalt's reflexes are in tune with the Essence of the world, and all is well. The Solar may subtract her Essence from penalties to her DDV resulting from onslaught and coordinated attacks. Additionally, this charm permanently enhances the effects of Reflex Sidestep Technique, allowing it to be activated as a reflexive, non-charm action which can be used with other charms without being part of a combo.


Sun to Coin Prana

Cost: 3m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Larceny: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Larceny Excellency

When one plays against the Lawgivers, it becomes less a game of chance, and more a contest of wills. This charm allows the Solar to win any game of chance she is involved in without the need to cheat, or even really try. This is a perfect effect, but can be resisted by other perfect effects. If so, resolve the charm by rolling the Solar's Wits + Larceny contested by the opposing charm-user's Wits + Larceny, adding the participants' permanent Essences to their rolls as automatic successes.

Essence Re-Allocation Instinct

Cost: 1m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Larceny: 2
Minimum Essence: 1
Prerequisites: None

When the Solar Exalted turned to crime, they did so with grace and style that few could match. This charm may be activated any time a Solar successfully makes a Larceny roll that results directly in monetary gain - pickpocketing someone's coin-purse or winning a large pot while gambling are valid rolls for this charm, but opening a lock is not, unless it's the lock to a huge treasure room or some other valuable item. The Solar spends one mote of Essence, but regains a number of motes of Essence equal to twice the Resources value of the gain she's made. This cannot take her essence pools above their normal maximum and no combination of charms including Essence Re-Allocation Instinct can provide the Exalt with more than 20 motes during a single action.

Mirror of Celestial Order Technique

Cost: 15m, 1wp
Type: Simple (Speed 6 in long ticks)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Hour
Minimum Larceny: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Perfect Mirror

The Solar Exalted could impersonate someone so perfectly, that even the heavens themselves were fooled. This charm can be activated any time that a Solar is impersonating someone through the use of the Larceny ability and/or charms. For the duration of the charm's effect, the Solar IS the person being impersonated - at least as far as the Loom of Fate is concerned. All astrological effects that are affecting or may affect the target of this charm while the charm is in effect affect the Solar instead - this includes the Destiny merit, which the Solar may use as though he possessed it himself for the duration of the charm. While this charm is in effect, it may cause alerts in the Bureau of Destiny, as both the Solar and the target of the charm appear in the Loom as being the same person, existing in two different places.

Mirror into Mind Technique

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Larceny: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Perfect Mirror

The Solar Exalted were masters of disguise, stealing even their target's memories. This charm is a permanent charm, permanently enhancing the capabilities of the Charm "Perfect Mirror". When activating Perfect Mirror, the Solar may committ an additional 3 motes of essence. If she does so, she acquires access to the target's incidental memories (names, passwords, etc.). Additionally, she may make a reflexive Wits + Larceny roll, acquiring a number of Ability points equal to the number of successes rolled. This ability points may be applied to the target's favoured skill. If the target does not possess a favoured skill, this ability cannot be used.

Eternal Reflection Meditation

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Larceny: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Perfect Mirror

Often, the Solar Exalted were called upon to go undercover for months, even years at a time, without break. This charm enhances Solar disguise-based Larceny charms, such as "Perfect Mirror". These charms change their duration to "Indefinite", and remain active for as long as the Solar has committed the Essence needed to activate them.

Ownership-Transferring Edict

Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Larceny: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Stealing From Plain Sight Spirit

The Lawgivers were the final arbiters of ownership, and the spirits of objects still bow to their will. When this charm is activated, the Solar is considered to "own" any object that he just stole - be it an artifact, a boat, or something else entirely - per the Ownership rules in the Exalted corebook on page 238. If the object is an artifact that requires a commitment of Essence, the Solar may instantly commit that essence to attune to the object.

Manacle-Releasing Gesture

Cost: 3m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Larceny: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Lock-Opening Touch

To restrain the Solar Exalted is folly. This charm instantly and perfectly removes any restrictions on the Solar's movement caused by external or environmental effects. The Solar could be bound and gagged, chained to a wall, or buried neck-deep in sand and would be able to instantly break free. Additionally, this charm can be used to add the Solar's Essence in automatic successes to any roll made to control a clinch.

Attention-Stealing Misdirection

Original Concept by Kogitsune and MJ12
Cost: 2m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Compulsion, Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Larceny: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Larceny Excellency

Where the Lawgivers guided, the masses followed. This charm is an unnatural mental influence, which compels its targets (essentially everyone within visual range of the Solar, though the Exalt may spend 1 mote per target when activating this charm to exclude a number of people up to his dots in permanent Essence) to turn and look intently at a location, individual, or object pointed out by the Solar. The effects of this charm last as long as the Solar commits the Essence spent on the charm, but anyone affected may spend 2 willpower to break the charm's effects. While the charm is active, all targets suffer an external penalty to all Awareness rolls to notice anything occuring in their equal to the Solar's dots in permanent Essence, but add that same amount as a bonus to any rolls made to notice something happening at the location indicated by this charm.

Elephant In The Room Understanding

Cost: 8m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Compulsion
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Larceny: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Attention-Stealing Understanding

It is said that the Solar Exalted were so adept that their enemies did not know they were beaten until weeks afterward. When activating this charm, the Solar rolls Wits + Larceny, adding his Essence in automatic successes to the roll. The successes achieved on this roll are applied as an unnatural mental attack against the MDVs of anyone attempting to notice any evidence of whatever action the Solar chooses to cloak with this charm - as far as they are concerned, the crown jewels are still in their case, their daughter is still a virgin, and there's no elephant in the Perfect's bedchambers. They may resist this compulsion by spending 1 willpower, but it re-exerts itself at the first available opportunity. Anyone targeted by this attack can be free of it once they have spent a number of points of willpower equal to the Solar's Essence. The effects linger for anyone who has not broken its hold in this manner until the Solar ceases to commit the Essence spent on this charm.

Dancing Blade Feint

Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Larceny: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Attention-Stealing Misdirection

The power of the Lawgivers must often be tempered by subtlety. This charm supplements any attack made with the Archery, Martial Arts, Melee or Thrown abilities, and may explicitly be combo-d with charms of those abilities. An attack supplemented by this charm is considered unexpected by its target.


Shadowing the Iron Eye

Cost: 3m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Stealth: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Invisible Statue Spirit

Often, foolish criminals will hide behind simple traps and mindless automatons to avoid the wrath of the Lawgivers. The Exalt is completely invisible to machines while this charm is active, and will not trigger any mechanical or essence-fueled traps that he may come across - including artifacts designed to trigger automatically. This charm ends if the character moves more than half his normal movement as one action.

Stalking Wolf Prana

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Stealth: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Stealth Excellency, Easily Overlooked Presence

The knives of the Lawgivers often find their quarry when they prey least expects it. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's abilities, adding his Essence to all attempts to establish or re-establish surprise in combat. This counts normally against the Solar's die adder cap for these actions.

Shadowed Blade Dance

Original Concept by MJ12
Cost: 1m
Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Stealth: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Stalking Wolf Prana

The Iron Wolves were unparalleled masters of ambush. This charm may be activated after any attack - successful or not - allowing the Solar to roll to re-establish surprise as a reflexive action.

Standing Between The Starlight Meditation

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Stealth: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Invisible Statue Spirit

The Iron Wolves stalked their prey with such perfection, that Fate itself knew not where they would strike. This charm enhances Invisible Statue Spirit. As long as the latter charm is activated, the Solar is considered to be outside of Fate. This charm's effect ends when Invisible Statue Spirit ends.

Gathering Cloaking Gesture

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: War
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Stealth: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Mental Invisibility

The Generals of the Deliberative were skilled at ambuscades, and could cloak entire armies with a single word. This charm permanently enhances the effects of non-perfect Solar Stealth charms, allowing them to be applied to Mass Combat units with a Magnitude equal to or less than the Solar's Essence.

Eclipse Caste Abilities


Jade Shell Game Meditation

Cost: 3m/dot
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Transaction
Minimum Bureaucracy: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Frugal Merchant Method

The Solar Exalted rarely want for anything, even in their extremity. This charm may be activated any time the Solar desires to purchase something. For every 3 motes of Essence spent, the Solar may ignore one dot of the item or service's Resource cost when determining if he's capable of purchasing it. If the Solar would normally lose Resources by purchasing an item, he may activate this charm to negate that loss.

Wheel-Turning Gift Prana

Cost: 2m/dot
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: (Essence) days
Minimum Bureaucracy: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Any Bureaucracy Excellency

The Solar Exalted often found that unofficial channels within the Celestial Bureaucracy got the job done faster than the more acceptable protocols. This charm targets a single god, one that is either in the Solar's presence or is known by name and department to the Solar. For every two motes that the Solar spends, the god is considered to have one dot in the Cult background for a number of days equal to the Solar's Essence. This ability is often used in conjunction with a sworn and sanctified oath, in order to ensure a fair trade.

Sense The City's Flow

Cost: 3m/dot
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Bureaucracy: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Speed the Wheels

A Lawgiver is never a stranger, no matter where he treads. This charm grants the Solar one dot in the Contacts background for every 3 motes spent when activating the charm, for as long as the motes are committed.

Scent of Avarice Technique

Cost: 1m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Bureaucracy: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Indolent Official Charm

To one of the Lawgivers, the tangled web of bureaucracy appears as simple as a straight line. When this charm is activated, the Solar selects any bureaucratic organization he cares to, and instantly and perfectly knows who within that organization is: most available to him, and most susceptible to a bribe. This charm does not provide the Solar with information regarding exactly what the individual wants, but it does give him a general idea of his location at the time the charm is used.

Compulsive Delegation Instigating Technique

Cost: 6m
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Bureaucracy: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Indolent Official Charm

The enemies of the Lawgivers are lazy, and prefer others to do their work for them. This charm targets a bureaucracy or social group - a guild, for example, or even a department of the Celestial Bureaucracy. To activate this charm, the Solar must communicate meaningfully with someone who has at least Backing 5(- the Solar's Essence) in the organization for at least 30 minutes. After that time, he rolls Manipulation + Bureaucracy, adding his Essence as automatic successes. The successes on this roll become an unparryable, unnatural mental attack against anyone in the organization seeking to undertake a task under their own initiative or at the behest of their superiors, compelling them to pass the task onto someone else within the organization. Work grinds to a halt, and the organization cannot effectively resolve or begin any task until this effect ends. Anyone targeted by the attack may spend 1 willpower to ignore it for one scene, after which it re-asserts itself. The effects of this charm end after targets within the organization have spent a total number of willpower points equal to the Solar's Essence x the organization's Magnitude, or when the Solar ceases to commit the essence spent on the charm.

Fog of Bureaucract Mandate

Cost: 5m, 1wp
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion
Duration: Permanent, see below
Minimum Bureaucracy: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Compulsive Delegation Instigating Technique

The Solar Exalted know that some things are better forgotten. To activate this charm, the Solar must spend time in meaningful conversation and interaction with someone who has Backing 5 (- the Solar's Essence) within the targeted organization for 30 minutes or more. At the end of this time, the Solar activates the charm and instantly and perfectly removes all information regarding the location of existence of an object, person, location, or a group with a Magnitude equal to or less than the Solar's dots of permanent Essence from the targeted organization's records. This effect of the charm cannot be resisted. The motes spent on this charm are not committed, but the effects are essentially permanent. Nothing prevents new information or memories from being gained about the subject of the charm.

The erasure extends even to the memories of those members of the affected group, perfectly erasing the memories of anyone who may have interacted with the subject of this charm in any fashion, if their Essence is lower than that of the Solar's and they lack mental defense charms to prevent it. Any member of the organization whose permanent Essence is higher than the Solar's may roll Wits + Integrity, with a difficulty of the Solar's dots in the Bureaucracy ability, to retain their memories. This memory loss is an unnatural mental influence and can be resisted for one scene by spending 1 point of willpower, but re-asserts itself immediately at the end of the scene.

When the Solar reaches Essence 4, he may reflexively add a 2 mote surcharge to the cost of this charm. Doing so causes any attempt to re-introduce information regarding the subject to the targeted organization to increase its difficulty by the Solar's permanent Essence.

Underworld Walking Technique

Cost: 5m
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: None
Duration: One Story
Minimum Bureaucracy: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Bureaucracy Excellency

Often, the Solars must go into dark places in order to bring the light of the sun. This charm is also a Larceny charm, requiring Larceny 4, Essence 2 and any Larceny Excellency to purchase. To activate this charm, the Solar must spend 15 minutes walking around the target area. At the end of this time, the Solar acquires perfect knowledge of all illicit business in the targeted area - which can be no larger than his Essence x 10 miles. For the rest of the story, he can find any illegal goods or illicit services he might desire perfectly, and gains a number of automatic successes equal to his Essence on all social rolls involving people engaged in clandestine dealings of an under-handed nature.

Gray-Faced Minister Meditation

Cost: 4m/Dot
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Bureaucracy: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Sense the City's Flow

The Lawgivers often found it useful to be welcomed by any organization they came to, even if they weren't a member. For the remainder of the scene, the Solar is treated as though he had one dot of Backing in the organization of his choice for every 4 motes spent when activating this charm.

Salmon-Spawning Method

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Infectious
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Bureaucracy: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisites: Bureau-Rectifying Method, Foul Air of Argument Technique

The Lawgivers could bring sweeping change with a single, small gesture. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's Bureaucracy charms, allowing the Solar to add a surcharge of 1 xp to any Bureaucracy charm in order to make it Infectious. An Infectious charm will attack other organizations that come into contact with the organization originally affected by this charm. Contact indicates that one person from the original target organization, who possesses Backing 3 or higher, interacts with someone from the new target organization, also with Backing 3 or higher, for a number of hours equal to (10 - the Solar's permanent Essence), to a minimum of 30 minutes. After this time, the new organization must resist the charm as though it were the original target. Like the original target, the new target remains infectious for the Solar's Essence in weeks.

After the Solar's Essence in weeks has passed, the charm is no longer Infectious. Use of this charm to enhance a beneficial Bureaucracy charm when applied to the Celestial Bureaucracy is a Severity 3 offense. Enhancing a detrimental Bureaucracy charm is Severity 4.


Estimable Words of Wisdom Prana

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Linguistics: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite: Poetic Expression Style

The Lawgiver's words were like water to a dying man. This charm permanently enhances the Solar's natural capabilities, allowing him to replace his dots in the Presence or Performance ability with his dots in the Linguistics ability when making a social attack in a written format.


Inexorable Cavalry Pursuit

Cost: 5m or 5m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Day or Indefinite
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Any Ride Excellency

The steeds of the Lawgivers do not fail, nor do they falter. When this charm is activated, the Solar's mount is immune to fatigue and incidental effects which would slow its pace for one full day, allowing the Solar to travel at full gallop without wearing down his horse or needing to change mounts. At Essence 4 and higher, the Solar may pay an additional one point of willpower to make the charm "Indefinite" in duration, allowing the Horse to travel at its maximum speed without fatigue or injury for as long as the motes are committed.

Incomparable Warsteed Raiment

Original Concept by Kogitsune
Cost: 1m/+3B/L Soak, 1 wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Ride: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Any Ride Excellency

The righteous aegis of the Lawgivers extended by default to their steeds. This charm allows the Solar to increase his mount's bashing and lethal soak values by 3 each for each mote spent when activating this charm. The solar may spend a maximum number of motes equal to his Charisma + Essence. This soak increase counts as natural armour.

Invincible Battle Steed Meditation

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Incomparable Warsteed Raiment

So mighty were the Lawgivers, that even their steeds could brush aside the slings and arrows of their foes. This charm permanently enhances the effects of Incomparable Warsteed Raiment, providing the mount with Bashing and Lethal Hardness equal to half the soak provided by the above charm.

Righteous Battle Companion Understanding

Cost: 6m, 1wp
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Holy
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Ride: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Incomparable War Steed Raiment

The steeds of the Lawgivers were often called to face the foes of Creation, and this charm gave them the tools to do so. While this charm is active, the Solar's mount's natural attacks deal aggravated damage to Creatures of Darkness.


False Flag Deception

Cost: 5m
Type: Simple
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Sea Ambush Technique

The Admirals of the Deliberative used this charm to draw their prey into the waiting arms of the Solar Navy. While this charm is active, that Solar's ship appears to be a friendly vessel to any and all ships that approach it. Failing that, it appears to the eyes of pirates as a wounded, cargo-laden vessel ripe for the picking. The illusion ends if the Solar takes any aggressive action, but by then it's often too late for the enemy vessel. The commander of a vessel approaching a ship under the effects of this charm may spend 1 willpower to see through its effects.


Web-Weaving Tongue

Cost: 5m, 1wp
Type: Simple (Speed 3)
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Socialize: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Mastery of Small Manners

The Solar's tongue is often his most effective weapon. This charm adds the Solar's Socialize directly to their DVs for as long as they maintain a steady stream of "banter". This bonus counts normally against the die adder cap.

Rapid Innundation of Words Methodology

Cost: 5m
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-Basic
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Socialize Excellency

The Solar Exalted, it is said, could turn even their most dire foes into their most loyal allies. This charm allows the Exalt to make social combat attacks on a normal combat scale - reducing their speed in long ticks to their speed in ticks for its duration.

Ally-Arranging Gesture

Cost: 2m/target
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Socialize: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Any Socialize Excellency

With a gesture, the Solar can signal his intent to his allies, allowing them to plan their words carefully. This charm supplements an attempt to coordinate a Social attack against a single target. For every two motes spent, one attack involved in the coordinated social attack is considered unexpected by the target, up to a maximum number of such attacks equal to the Solar's Socialize skill.

Shadowed Tongue Whisper

Cost: 3m
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Instant
Minimum Socialize: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisites: Mastery of Small Manner

The Solar has become adept at saying one thing, and implying something entirely different. This charm supplements an social attack the character makes, and can explicitly be combo-d with charms of other abilities. An attack supplemented by this charm is considered a surprise social attack.

Loyal Citizen Indoctrination

Cost: 10m, 2wp
Type: Simple (Dramatic Action)
Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Training
Duration: One Week
Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisites: Gathering the Congregation, Any Socialize Excellency

Cunning Lawgivers teach the masses to want what their kings want. This charm involves training an organized social group - a kingdom, guild or other such organization - and requires five or more hours of effort in any given week in order for it to bear fruit. In each week of the training, the trainer may choose to do one of the following:

  • Create or Strengthen an Intimacy in the group which she already possesses.
  • Create an Intimacy for herself in the group.
  • Alter the group's Policy to bring it more in line with her own Motivation or short-term goals.
  • Weaken or Destroy an existing Intimacy in the group which she does not, herself, possess.

Legendary God-King Curriculum

Cost: -
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Loyal Citizen Indoctrination

The lawgivers were adept at molding those they ruled like clay. This charm enhances Loyal Citizen Indoctrination, providing the Solar with the ability to train able ministers to assist him in governing her nation. This charm expands the options provided by Loyal Citizen Indoctrination to include:

  • Virtues - The Solar can train any Virtue up to 4, and may train Temperance and Conviction up to 5. At a rate of one point per week.
  • Attributes - The Solar can train Charisma, Manipulation and Wits up to 4 at a rate of one point per week.
  • Abilities - The Solar can train Bureaucracy, Socialize, Performance, Presence, Integrity or Linguistics up to 5 at a rate of two points per week.
  • Intimacies - The Solar can create entirely new Intimacies in the group, even if she doesn't possess them herself. Additionally, she can confer the benefits of Righteous Lion Defense to one Intimacy possessed by the group by spending two weeks training it.
  • Motivation - The Solar can create a new Motivation for the group, even if its one only tangentially related to her own.

Excellent Memetic Understanding

Cost: 1wp, 1exp
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Infectious
Duration: (Essence) Days
Minimum Socialize: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisites: Wise-Eyed Courtier Method, Taboo Inflicting Diatribe, Any Socialized Excellency

The Solar Exalted crafted ideas like fine sculpture, and spread them like wildfire. This charm may be activated any time that a Solar's social attack or mental influence creates a new Intimacy in a character or organization, removes an Intimacy or changes their Motivation. This change in attitude becomes Infectious. For a number of days equal to the Solar's Essence, anyone who interacts meaningfully with the individual or group so targeted by this charm must resist an unnatural mental influence with a number of successes equal to the Solar's successes on the original attack (default to 10 + the Solar's Essence if it was a perfect attack). If they fail to resist, they become "carriers" for this idea, sharing it with the original targets. Like the original target, the new target is infectious for a number of days equal to the Solar's Essence.

If the idea that was tagged Infectious changes as part of its transmission, the changed idea is now the one passed on. For instance, a Solar may instill the Motivation "love me and serve me" and make it infectious. If one of the later targets changes that to "kill everyone the Solar loves so that the Solar belongs only to me", then that is what is then passed on by this charm. For this reason, Solars never used this charm without careful consideration, even in the First Age. In the Second Age, careless use of this charm can earn a Terminal Sanction from the Bureau of Destiny.

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