Custom Artifacts and Hearthstones

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(Dragon Tooth Launchers)
(Dragon Tooth Ammunition)
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==== Soulsteel Dragon's Teeth ====
==== Soulsteel Dragon's Teeth ====
A recently developed weapon, soulsteel Dragon's Teeth burrow through their target, dealing half the weapon's base damage on the tick after a successful attack, ignoring armored soak.
A recently developed weapon, soulsteel Dragon's Teeth burrow through their target, dealing half the weapon's base damage on the tick after a successful attack, ignoring armored soak.
==== Adamant Dragon's Teeth ====
These rare bullets add the P tag to the attack. Additionally, it adds the Crippling keyword to the attack. If the attack isn't a called shot, the target suffers a -2 internal penalty due to the painful nature of the shattering steel-glass as it impacts. If the attack is a called shot, and does at least one HL of damage, the limb impacted by the shot is disabled.
== Two Dot Artifacts ==
== Two Dot Artifacts ==

Revision as of 07:59, 6 November 2007



One Dot Artifacts

Dragon Tooth Ammunition

Until the Usurpation, the rarity of Dragon Tooth weapons meant that their ammunition could be custom designed using magical materials, providing the user with a great deal more power. After, as the Dragon-Blooded mass produced them during the Shogunate, lesser metals were used for the ammunition, and it became harder to find these rare relic ammunitions. Each dot of Artifact buys five shots of the appropriate ammunition. Artifact Dragon Tooth Ammunition has a base damage of 8L.

Orichalcum Dragon's Teeth

These golden slugs fly straight and true toward their target, adding two to the weapon's Accuracy and Damage.

Moonsilver Dragon's Teeth

Moonsilver Dragon's Teeth deformed on impact, inflicting horrible wounds on their target, and increasing the damage of the attack by 4, and adding the O tag with a minimum damage of 3 but were strangely less effective at long range, reducing the range of the weapon by 50 yards.

Jade Dragon's Teeth

A favourite of assassins, Jade Dragon's Teeth were bouyed by the confluence of fire and air, increasing the weapon's range by 75 yards.

Starmetal Dragon's Teeth

This rare ammunition was designed to create a link in the Loom of Fate between the target and the firer. For every two successful attacks made using Starmetal Dragon's Teeth, the weapon receives a +1 bonus to its Accuracy against that target.

Soulsteel Dragon's Teeth

A recently developed weapon, soulsteel Dragon's Teeth burrow through their target, dealing half the weapon's base damage on the tick after a successful attack, ignoring armored soak.

Adamant Dragon's Teeth

These rare bullets add the P tag to the attack. Additionally, it adds the Crippling keyword to the attack. If the attack isn't a called shot, the target suffers a -2 internal penalty due to the painful nature of the shattering steel-glass as it impacts. If the attack is a called shot, and does at least one HL of damage, the limb impacted by the shot is disabled.

Two Dot Artifacts

Dragon-Hide Lamellar

This armor was developed in the mid-Shogunate as standard issue equipment for mortal infantry stationed at secure Shogunate bases. Though not actually made from dragon's hide, its composite jade-and-ceramic construction, combined with the comfortable design of lamellar armour, made it a popular and easy-to-produce armour for mortal soldiers during the Shogunate. Dragon-Hide Lamellar has the stats listed below, and ignores the soak-halving effects of weapons with the Piercing tag.

Soak +8B/+10L
Mobility Penalty -1
Fatigue 0
Tags: May be hidden under a heavy jacket or coat.

Three Dot Artifacts

Four Dot Artifacts

Five Dot Artifacts

N/A Artifacts


One Dot Magitech

Clockwork Armour

This wonder of the Age of Sorrows consists of exceptional mortal armor - Articulated Plate, Plate-and-Chain and Superheavy Plate can all be modified with a series of steam-powered clockwork devices which ease their movement and help support their great weight. Armor so-equipped reduces its Fatigue value to 0, and subtracts 2 from its Mobility Penalty. Clockwork Armor has a Repair Rating of 2.

Piston Hammer

This exceptional sledge is equipped with a specially designed head, installed with densely packed, spring-loaded pistons. Its base damage is reduced to +6B/2 for the first four successful attacks made with it. On the fifth attack, however, it releases the stored energy of the first four attacks, increasing its damage to +16L/5. Piston Hammers have a repair rating of 1.

Two Dot Magitech

Dragon Tooth Launchers

These handheld devices, called "firearmaments", or firearms, by their inventor due to their use of some of the repulsion effects found in Air and Fire aspected Essence, were developed during the late High First Age, but really didn't come into widespread use until the early Shogunate, when the Dragon-Blooded found that their designs were relatively easy to reproduce.

Dragon Tooth Launchers are ranged weapons that use the Archery skill, and fire small slugs of steel or lead at high velocities using a magitech-enhanced alchemical reaction. At 2 dots, they come in two available versions - a one-handed weapon fed from a cylinder that can hold six slugs, and a two-handed, high-rate version that holds a higher number of rounds in a small box that "clips" into the feeding mechanism of the weapon, holding about 20 shots total before it must be reloaded. These devices aren't often produced in the Second Age, but can be found in Shogunate weapons caches or in the hands of Lookshayan urban guerillas.

These items benefit from magical material bonuses as thrown weapons. The following mundane ammunition types are available for Dragon Tooth Launchers:

  • Normal Ammunition, Resources 1 for 20 Shots, Base Damage: 6L
  • Steel Ammunition, Resources 2 for 20 shots, Base Damage: 4L, Adds P tag
  • Exploding Ammunition, Resources 2 for 10 shots, Base Damage: 6L; Exploding ammo does base damage to everyone within 10 yards of the target as a secondary Environmental effect. A botch may cause Exploding Ammunition to explode in the weapon, dealing base damage x the number of rounds in the weapon to the character.
  • Bean bullets, Resource 1 for 20 shots, Base Damage: 8B

Dragon-Tooth "Pistol"

Repair Rating 1
Speed 5
Accuracy +2
Damage As Ammo +2L
Range 75
Rate 2
Tags B
Commitment 3

Dragon-Tooth "Machine Firearm"

Repair Rating 2
Speed 6
Accuracy +1
Damage As Ammo +4L
Range 60
Rate 4
Tags B, 2
Commitment 5
Note: If the Machine Firearm is used to make 4 or more attacks in a single action two actions in row (through flurries or Extra Action charms), the build up of fire-aspected Essence in the chamber may cause overheating on the second action. Roll a number of dice equal to the total number of shots fired on both actions, every three successes deals one level of bashing damage to the user, soaked normally.

Three Dot Magitech

Dragon Tooth "Rifle"

This weapon was one of the later weapons designed prior to the Usurpation and, though many Exalts preferred bows due to their greater potential range, a sizeable minority enjoyed the increased accuracy and damage of the Dragon Tooth weapon.

This weapon has a setting for a single hearthstone, and benefits from magical material bonuses as an Archery weapon. It is otherwise similar to the two-dot Dragon Tooth weapons. A Dragon Tooth Rifle holds ten shots.

Repair Rating 2
Speed 6
Accuracy +2
Damage As Ammo + 8L
Rate 1
Range 150
Tags 2, B
Commitment 5
Note: Dragon Tooth "Rifles" can be equipped with an artifact bayonet, bought and statted as a short daiklave with the same mm bonus as the rifle.

"Dragon Fire" Dragon-Tooth Launcher

This specialty Dragon-Tooth Launcher was designed for ship crews - having a shorter accurate range and less penetration than other designs, but making up for it with tremendous close-range power, making it more useful against the unarmoured opponents more commonly found at sea. At Artifact 3, it holds two shots before it needs to be reloaded. Artifact 4 versions exist, which hold 8 shots in an internal magazine.

Repair Rating 2
Speed 5
Accuracy +1
Range 30
Damage As Ammo + 10L
Rate 2
Tags 2, B
Note: Double soak and hardness provided by armour against this weapon.

Four Dot Magitech

Five Dot Magitech


Air Aspected Hearthstones

Earth Aspected Hearthstones

Fire Aspected Hearthstones

Water Aspected Hearthstones

Wood Aspected Hearthstones

Abyssal Aspected Hearthstones

Lunar Aspected Hearthstones

Sidereal Aspected Hearthstones

Solar Aspected Hearthstones

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