Visions to Remember

From Lixans Comics

Visions to Remember is the Sequel to Kato's Past and the final installment in The Oracle Trilogy.


Kato, as he is falling into The Torch, thinks back on his life and wonders what would have happened if things had gone different. As he decides that he wouldn't have his life any other way, he has three visions, one after another.

Vision 1 (Part 1)

Vsion 1 focuses on the future that includes Kato's son, Drarus, whose mother is Gail. Drarus, a prodigy, possesses mimicing kinet, allowing him to mimic any kinet he has seen within a day's time and, with later training, any kinet he has ever seen used. To copy a kinet, Drarus must first see the kinet in use. Being the son of two Xailians, the first time in a long time, Drarus experiences strange happenings that few of the other characters experience, and no past characters have. These happenings deal with the fact that he has Kato's future sight kinet in his blood, and his mimicing kinet is causing it to activate in his sleep, uncontrolably. He has yet to be seen using Gail's kinet.

Characters in Part 1

Part 1 introduces many new characters, including:

Felix Falcon

Samuel Falcon

Drarus Zenamara

Oran Dusk

Alexa Dusk

Tean Dusk

Casey McKalin

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