Lizan (Legacy)

From Lixans Comics



Lizan was once one of the four authors. He, alonng with Lexan, Lixan, and Lexen (Shadow), had author powers and could access them.

However, after their adventures were over, he joined the Archers.


Even though he has author powers, strange energy emmited by Zailen has blocked them. However, he is not powerless.

He carries a spear, which he has always had and is called an "Author's Spear."

He can also draw strength from the other authors. The closer they are, the stronger they become. When all four are together, they are each near invincible.

He also has enhanced speed, agility, and strength.

The Archers

Lezan is a high ranked Archers Agent. He is on the same level as Lexan and Revan, and is a rank below Axe and Lixan, were he an Archers Agent.

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