Seal of the Foresaken

From Lixans Comics

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Ever since the Zenamara clan was started, they had been working on a seal that would grant immense power to the user. It wasn't until recently that it was completed by Kato Zenamara.


The seal, as Kato finished and used it, had great advantages and almost as bad disadvantages. Firstly, it takes a random form on the user's forehead, probably according to the user's chakra, as Kato's took the shape of a dragon and his chakra was from the 5-Tailed Demon Dragon.

Secondly, to activate it one must use its first part: a great boost of power. The limit to this boost seems unlimited, which allows the user to use almost any jutsu or ability.

Thirdly, once the first boost is used, the figure on the user's forehead begins to distort. Once the first boost is used, the figure branches off into oddly-shaped lines all over the user's head. Once this part begins, the user's natural power is doubled.

Fourthly, the branches begain to move further down the user's body, further distorting the figure on the user's forehead. It takes about six hours for the seal to cover the user's body completely, which ends in the figure being completely gone.

Fifthly, once the branching starts, the user is allowed a second power boost exactly like the first. If the user does not use this before the seal completely covers the user's body, the user dies. If they do use it, the seal immediately disappears until applied again, and permenantly takes away a third of the user's power.

However, once Kato had his operations and had a seal of evil removed, the jutsu the doctors used seemed to have effected the seal of the foresaken. It became permenant on Kato, and no longer reduced his power once used.

Kato's Seal

The seal seemed to stay the same, taking the form of the dragon and branching down the user once the furst power boost was used.

However, Kato's seal doesn't reduce his power once the second boost is used. The seal simply receads, and cannot be accessed for six hours. Also, 30 minutes of sleep are required for Kato to fully regain his senses and full power after the use of the seal, as it weakened his greatly until this sleep happens.

The side effect of death remains the same as well. If he does not use the second boost before the seal fully covers him, he will die.

Interesting enough, the seal seems to reject demon energy, as the Demon Dragon residing inside Kato claimed that it was "pushing him out, and if one of them is not removed, then Kato will die and unressurectable death."

In the end, Kato took out the dragon, unsing the seal to stay alive durring the extraction.

Also, his seal seems to have a second form, which Kato has yet to accuire. But what it known is that it can only be accessed in the state between both power boosts. In it, the seal spreads to cover the user, and stretches until the user is covered in the seal cover, in Kato's case red. Their pupils disappear, and all jutsu are amplified. Something emerges from his back, like Sasuke's hand-wings, but what it exactly is, is unknwon as of yet.

It also appears that the second level can only stay together for 1 hour, and then commences to "wash" off the user, crackes of skin appearing on the seal user, like how the seal began to make its way down in level 1.

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