
From Lixans Comics

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Kasai was a council member. He controlled Shadow and Fire. But after the Angel Purge, he decided that being part of the Demon Council wasnt safe because the Demon King told him how to fight. He wanted to fight his own way so he quit and became a law breaker. He later escaped to the Mortal World to be sealed inside Korzahk. Later during the mini-war between his clan and another clan, he was released unwillingly from Korzahk and while he was being released, he got killed.


When the King was being attacked by Slutock, Kasai defended the King and fought Slutock. He lost. But what was so shocking was that he was one of the VERY FEW demons that could actually injure Slutock and have him stop attacking. When Slutock tried to leave to regain his strength, Kasai rushed forward-despite his pain- and grabbed Slutock. Slutock started punching Kasai but he just wouldnt let go. He held Slutock up long enough for reinforcments to come and send Slutock to the prison. If Kasai hadnt done what he did, Slutock would have recieved his Level 5 Torture.


He is currently one of the deceased demons that Slutock revived and is in his army.

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