Founderless Region Alliance Constitution

From Lichentia

The Constitution of the Founderless Regions Alliance

Article 1. Preamble

i) The Founderless Regions Alliance (FRA) is an organisation founded on the principles of sovereignty and freedom of all regions in Nationstates. The organisation is co-founded by North Pacific, Global Right Alliance and Jethnea.

ii) The FRA endeavours to protect founderless regions from the menace of imperialism and agression and promises to work tirelessly towards that end.

iii) All member regions of the FRA are bound to uphold the Constitution of the FRA and are automatically a signatory once their application to join the organisation is approved by the FRA Legislative Assembly.

iv) All signatories hereby pledge to defend the members of this organisation via all available military means should any member(s) be victim(s) to unprovoked aggression.

v) The member regions, as an act of solidarity, forever renounces the right to declare war on any region(s) in the program or risk expulsion from the FRA.

vi) Any member region may leave the organisation once they make their intentions known to the Arch Chancellor and the Assembly via their official represenative(s)

Article 2. FRA Assembly

i) The FRA Regional Assembly, interchangeably known as The Regional Assembly, is the supreme source of authority on issues concerning the FRA.

ii) The member regions shall each elect two representatives to the Assembly. If an assemblyman resigns, the member region concerned shall be responsible for electing a new representative who needs to be approved by the Assembly.

iii)The Arch-Chancellor has the authority, with the Assembly’s backing to force a member region to elect a new representative to the assembly should that member fall into inactivity(1) or breaks Charter law.

iv)The Assembly shall hold elections for the Government of the FRA.

v) The Assembly shall decide whether a region should be accepted or expelled from the FRA.

vi) Any member of the Assembly may suggest a new bill or an amendment to the Charter, however it is the Speaker of the Assembly that is responsible for moderating the debate and bringing the matter in front of the assembly for vote.

(1)See Article 8.I

Article 3. Elections procedures

i) The elected Government, interchangably known as the cabinet, has a term of office spanning 3 months.

ii) The Assembly shall be responsible to hold elections under the supervision of the Arch Chancellor of the FRA and will begin on the first day of the fourth calender month or after the term of office of the Government lapsed, whichever comes earlier.

iii) Nominations will begin thereafter and will last a total of three days. The Assembly may nominate fellow assemblymen or regional collegues of FRA Member Regions for the various Cabinet positions. Nominations will cease after three days and three days shall be allowed for members to pose questions. Afterwhich, the Assemblymen must cast their votes within three days.

iv) The election shall be held through open balloting but Assemblymen who wish to remain anoyomous can submit their votes via PM to the Arch Chancellor.

v) In the event of resignation(s), the Arch Chancellor will organise the snap election(s) immediately in accordance with the Article 3 (iii). Should the Arch Chancellor resign, the Assembly will elect a member of The Assembly as pro tempore Chancellor to ensure the election procedure is carried out in a fair and timely manner. The nomination and confirmation of the pro tempore Chancellor shall take no more than 2 days and needs a simple majority endorsement by The Assembly.

Article 4. The Government of the FRA

i) The Assembly shall be responsible for electing the Government of the FRA which comprises the following positions;

(1) Arch Chancellor (2) Foreign Affairs Minister (3) Recruitment Officer (4) Chief of Defence Force (5) Intelligence Minister (6) Communications Minister (7) Regional Development Minister (8) Speaker of the Assembly

ii) The role and responsibilities of the Cabinet members as specified under Article 4 (i) are as follows;

(1) Arch Chancellor

1.i) The Arch Chancellor shall have oversight on the various ministries and ensure the elected ministers are discharging their duties with panache and responsibility. 1.ii) The Arch Chancellor shall be responsible for the smooth running of the organisation. 1.iii) The Arch Chancellor shall be responsible for overseeing the elections procedures are followed and the Arch Chancellor's term only ends with the successful conclusion of the elections. 1.iv) The Arch Chancellor has the power to remove members of the cabinet, or a regional representative, from their position, with backing from the Regional Assembly. 1.v) The Arch Chancellor has the power to appoint members, with Regional Assembly approval, to cover certain cabinet positions for a select period of time if the elected official is unable to do his duties for a sort amount of time.(2)

(2)See Article 8.II

(2) Foreign Affairs Minister

2.i) The Foreign Affairs Minister (FAM) shall be responsible for all foreign affairs related issues. 2.ii) The FAM for the appointment of ambassadors and the head of the diplomatic corps of the FRA. 2.iii) Initiation of Alliance talks shall be the prerogative of the FAM but will be subjected to ratification by the The Assembly.

(3) Recruitment Officer

3.i) The Recruitment Officer shall be in charge of approaching regions who might be interested to join the FRA as member regions.

(4) Chief of Defence Force

4.i) The Chief of Defence Force (CDF) shall be in command of the FRA Rangers. 4.ii) The CDF shall be approving authority for all applicatVions to join the FRA Rangers.

(5) Intelligence Minister

5.i) The Intelligence Minister shall work closely with the CDF to plan missions for the FRA Rangers. 5.ii) The Intelligence Minister shall endeavour to collect information on any threats towards the FRA or its members.

(6) Communications Minister 6.i)The Communications Minister shall be responsible for news publication intended for public consumption. All official disclosures of the organisation are also managed by this department.

(7) Regional Development Minister 7.i) The Regional Development Minister shall be responsible for dealing with requests from member regions for assistance in the development of their region. 7.ii) The Regional Development Minister shall also endeavour to assist in the re-building of regions which are defended or liberated by the FRA Rangers.

(8) Speaker of the Assembly

8.i) The Speaker of the Assembly shall be responsible for the moderation of discussion in the Regional and Independent Assemblies, respectively. 8.ii) The Speaker of the Assembly shall be responsible for bringing amendments to the Charter and other matters worth the attention of the Assembly to debate and vote in front of the Regional Assembly. 8.iii) The Speaker of the Assembly shall be responsible for overseeing the acceptance and expulsion of regions into/from the Founderless Region Alliance. 8.iv) The Speaker of the Assembly shall be responsible for maintaining activity within the Regional Assembly and recommending dismissal of inactive Assembly members to the Arch Chancellor. 8.v) Only members of the Regional Assembly are eligible to run for this position.

iii) Goverment Officials who discharge their duties in a dishonourable manner deemed by members of The Assembly may have an impeachment motion brought against them requiring a 2/3 majority vote in The Assembly to pass. If successfully impeached, the Arch Chancellor shall hold snap elections following the procedures indicated in Article 3, iii immediately.

iv) The elected cabinet ministers have the option of appointing a ministerial deputy if he/she deems that necessary for carrying out the duties of the Ministry concerned.

Article 5. Ordinance of The Assembly

i) The Assembly members shall endeavour to participate in a civil manner, failing which, the member(s) may petition to the Arch Chancellor to censure the member with a simple majority vote.

ii) Voting on matters with the exception of impeachments and Constitution Amendments shall require a simple majority to pass. In the event of a tie, the motion shall be considered as a failed motion.

iii) Voting shall be open for a period of 4 days.

iv) All Assembly members shall be eligible to initiate discussions or propose motions as deemed fit.

Article 6. Forum Administration

i) The FRA Forum shall serve to coordinate efforts within the FRA and a place to foster camaraderie between members.

ii) The Forum Administrators shall act in an honest, upright, rational manner and to the ends of the FRA, failing which may result in the administrative powers being revoked and remonstrations deemed appropriate.

iii) The forum Administrators are as follows;

- BKB - Northern Chittowa - The Merlion

Additional administrators may be added at a later point of time and will be subjected to approval from The Assembly.

Article 7. Explusion of members

i) This article states the conditions whereby a member region may be expelled by the Assembly. A region may be expelled for the following reasons:

1. According to Article 1v, member region(s) who attacks a fellow member region may be expelled from the FRA. 2. The member region(s) takes to invading which goes against the spirit of the FRA. 3. The member region is dead or extremely inactive.

ii) To invoke Article 7, a representative must make a motion in the FRA Assembly and must be seconded by two other representatives. The Arch Chancellor will then decide whether to proceed with a discussion or a vote for the explusion of the member region.

iii) a simple majority vote will suffice to expel the member and the diplomatic residence of the member region in the FRA forum will be closed.

Article 8. Notes

i) Inactivity is defined as the lack of participation on the FRA forums over a period of two weeks and the lack of response to Personal Messages and Telegrams sent to them about their activity.

ii) Short amount of time is classified as holidays, health issues and lack of computer access for a set amount of time.

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