
From Lichentia

Revision as of 04:45, 19 December 2007 by (Talk)
Avatar of Prez

1st Prime Minister of Lichentia
In office:
December (?), 2006 - January (?), 2007
Deputy Prime Minister  ? (Dec ? - Jan ?)
Predecessor (none) November Revolution
Successor Forthampton

1st Leader of the Libertarian Party
In office:
November 15, 2006 - ?, 2007
November 7, 2007 - present
Predecessor (none) (1st term)
(party revived) (2nd term)
Successor (party ceased to exist) (1st term)
incumbent (2nd term)

2nd Party Leader of the Conservative Party
In office:
August 9, 2007 - November 5, 2007
Predecessor Julio Trigman
Successor TripleKo

Political party Libertarian Party
UN Membership Yes
FRA Ranger Yes

Born July 6, 1992
Residence Sydney, Australia
Time Zone Eastern Summer Time, UTC+11

Prez, Originating back in old Liberalia, is one of the cofounders of Lichentia, the best region to ever exist. He joined in late july 2006 to Liberalia (before its summer revolution), however, due to political infighting, as well as numerous other reasons, felt the need to leave liberalia. Shortly beforehand, he had joined in the experimental region of crimea, headed by Carops. However, during the Novemeber revolution (which was actually in december for little old prez, dwelling in australia) Moved to lichentia and became the first Prime Minister.

He has been active in the libertarian, and then conservative parties, but stood down as conservative party leader after his political attitude swayed once again to a more right libertarian ideology.

His nation in the internet game Nationstates is Kalikanna, he has several puppet nations, such as Grecialos, Neu Kaisterstadt, and Prezville.

Kalikanna being his main nation, grecialos his second, neu kaisterstadt just happened to be there, and Prezville is his puppet for dual citizenry in New Liberalia.

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