
From Lichentia

Revision as of 07:51, 30 November 2007 by Hammer (Talk | contribs)
Avatar of Hammer

1st Governor General of Lichentia
In office:
December 20th 2006 - present
Prime Minister Prez (Dec ? - Jan ?)
Forthampton (Jan ? - Mar 22-26 (?))
Golgora (Mar ? - May 16)
Julio Trigman (May 16 - Jul 11)
Bandaloon (Jul 11 - Sep 11)
TripleKo (Sep 11 - present)
Predecessor (none)
Successor incumbent

Political party Conservative Party
UN Membership Yes
FRA Ranger Yes

Born September 28, 1979
Residence Victoria, BC, Canada
Time Zone Pacific Standard Time, UTC-8

Crimea was a region originally founded by Carops to be a Commune Experiment Region. Crimea citizens were under the impression that this experiment region would be run in a similar fashion as a RL city council. After a period of inactivity by the founder of the NS region Crimea, Carops, from the Crimea forums, Hammer set up the Congress of Lichentia. Many of Crimea's citizens, with the notable exception of Several Contradictions, were originally from and maintained dual citizenship in the NS region, Liberalia. Near the end of November, Carops returned to the forums, bemoaned the loss of his 'beautiful commune' and his admin powers, so he began to plot revenge.

Forthampton alerted Crimea Senators about the plot after talking to Carops. It was an attempt to get Crimea citizens to peacefully leave Crimea and drop all references to it on the forum, as Carops was determined to start over with the Commune experiment, with only left wing nations allowed. Carops plan was to isolate Hammer on the forums and eventually ask him to leave. After learning of the plan, Hammer demoted all admins temporarily until the crisis was over. There were several admins at the time, as Crimea was intended to be a colony region of Liberalia and all Liberalia admins were given admin access.

On December 1st, 2006, several active nations were banjected from Crimea by Carops. The night before, after a meeting on Gabbly about the name of the new region, Lichentia was picked, with Eleytheria coming in a close second. It was decided that Lichentia would be the region name, and Eleytheria would be the regional capitol's name. Golgora picked the name of the founder nation, Sonnenwende, and all Senator's unanimously agreed that Hammer should exclusively control the founder nation. All banjected nations moved to Lichentia on December 1st, marking the birth of Lichentia. By the end of the first week, Bandaloon, Fishy, Forthampton, Prez, Golgora all had their admin powers back.

On December 20th, 2006, the Constitution of Lichentia was ratified by unanimous vote in Lichentia Congress. In the Constitution, the Governor General, specifically named as Hammer, would control the Founder Nation and to lead and break ties in the Senate. On this day, Lichentia became a legitimate democracy in the eyes of the NS world.

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