University Charter Act
From Liberalia Wiki
The University Charter Act is a Liberalian Law
The Bill
Preamble: This is a bill to set up a charter to found a University for Liberalia.
The Charter shall read as follows:
Article I Purpose
Clause 1: The Name of the University shall be The Farlane University of Liberalia (The University)
Clause 2: The University shall consist of The Chancellor, The Board, The Faculty, The Schools, The Graduates and the The Students
Clause 3: The goal shall be to further the knowledge of Students enroled in courses
Clause 4: The University shall teach subjects decided by The Board.
Clause 5: The University shall foster links with other Universities across the Nation States Community.
Article II The Board
Clause 1: The Board shall consist of the Chancellor, Faculty heads, School Heads and those awarded Academic Awards.
Section a: The Board shall be the ruling body of the University and preside over the day to day running of The University
Clause 2: The Chancellor shall be chosen by The Board to chair The Board and represent The University at official events as deemed necessary.
Section a: The Chancellor may resign at any time or be removed by a majority of The Board.
Clause 3: The subjects taught shall have relevance to Liberalia and the wider Nation States community
Clause 4: The Board will appoint Faculty Heads should a vacancy arise.
Section a: The Faculty Head shall be drawn from volunteers
Section b: The Faculty Head may resign at any time or be removed by a majority of The Board.
Article II The Faculty
Clause 1: The Board shall decide which Faculties are to be set up or closed.
Clause 2: Instead of a Faculty, a school may be set up and placed within a Faculty by The Board.
Clause 3: The Faculty Head may appoint teachers to work in the Faculty and give lectures.
Article III The School.
Clause 1: A school will be headed by a Professor appointed by The Board
Section a: The Professor may resign at any time or be removed by a majority on The Board
Article IV Lectures
Clause 1: Lectures shall be open to everyone.
Section a: The teachers shall decide on a suitable format for their lectures.
Clause 2: The teachers may research information to prepare their lectures and be prepared to provide sources for information.
Section a: Plagarism, defined as quoting published work either on the internet or in books without citing the source shall not be allowed.
Clause 3: Guest Teachers shall apply first to the Faculty Head for permission to present a lecture.
Article V Academic Awards
Clause 1: Academic Awards shall be either Degree or Honorary Degree
Section a: Art Degrees shall be known as DA (Degree of Art)
Section b: Science Degrees shall be known as DSc (Degree of Science)
Section c: Honorary Degrees shall be identified by a H prefix. i.e HDA or HDSc
Section d: Only The Board shall decide which Faculty and/or school shall award a DA or DSc
Clause 2: Higher Academic Degrees shall be available for those who have already received a Degree.
Section a: They shall be known as Masters Degrees
Section b: Higher Art Degrees shall be known as MA (Master of Arts)
Section c: Higher Science Degrees shal be known as MSc (Master of Science)
Section d: Original Research outside of standard faculty teaching shall lead to a DPS (Degree of Postgraduate Studies)
Section e: Honorary Degrees shall be identified by a H prefix i.e HMA, HMSc or HDPS
Clause 2: Earned Degrees are given to those who it is felt makes a significant contribution towards knowledge in a subject
Clause 3: Honorary Degree are given to those who it is felt makes a significant contribution towards Liberalia
Clause 4: A majority of The Board is required to award a Degree
Article VI Misc.
Clause 1: Any breaches of the Charter shall result in an investigation by The Board who shall decide on a punishment.
Clause 2: Amendments to this Charter may only happen with the approval of Parliament.