Liberalian Relief Agency Act

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Liberalian Relief Agency Act is a Liberalian Law.

The Bill

This bill creates and implements the Liberalian Relief Agency, a regional emergency response organization.

Section 1: Goals The two main goals of the Liberalian Relief Agency:

A. Relief and direct prevention: This organization aims to provide relief in situations where human life is jeopardized -either in the long or short term- and the prevention of such situations where possible within its capacity, also this organization would prepare, prioritize and manage resources which may be needed in present and future emergencies.

B. Consultation and Advice: The organization shall have an advisory role to national governments by presenting reports on both how best to relieve an outstanding crisis and how to improve current health services or other services including but not limited to Sanitation, Nutrition, Water supply, Public Awareness and any other issue which is determined to have a substantial effect on health and mortality, emphasizing on any dire consequences of not following these recommendations.

The organization may also, provided the consent of all related parties, manage or give advice on how to manage any aid given aimed at relieving an outstanding crisis or emergency or improving current health services or other services including but not limited to Sanitation, Nutrition, Water supply, Public Awareness and any other issue which is determined to have a substantial effect on health and mortality.

The organization may, in extreme circumstances with the consent of the local government or the majority of the region, take over the direct management of the nation's Medical, Health, Environmental and related resources till a definite time. Ample cause must be given before this is even considered.

Section 2: Impartiality The Liberalian Red Cross is a regional organization headed by a responsible independent body sworn to political independence, the appointment of this body is preliminary determined by the Ministry of Health with the supervision of various neutral bodies, afterwards the appointment of the body is left to senior members of the body with the supervision of the Ministry of Health. The organization shall be independent from individual nations and shall never discriminate aid to specific nations or groups of people.

Section 3: Immunity If aid is accepted by a certain nation, they must agree to allow immunity to the organization and their members from national immigration restrictions or any other restrictions which may hamper the functions of the organization. Members of the organization reserve the right of diplomatic immunity; however, the organization may waive this right for the purpose of justice. A nation may overturn the organization's diplomatic immunity from the legal code by making a declaration in the 90 days after this bill is passed. A committee in which both parties are present will be created to settle disputes between the orginization and the other parties involved.

In addition property of the organization may not be taxed or seized by the local government unless under extremely abnormal conditions.

Section 4: Recognition of Sovereignty The organization recognizes the right of a recognized nation to refuse resources given as aid by the organization, also the organization recognizes the right of a nation to not carry out recommendations given by the organization. However there will be vast emphasis on the consequences of ignoring the organizations recommendations on the respective nation.

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