Liberalian history

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Revision as of 02:24, 10 April 2007 by Leonstein (Talk | contribs)

This is the project to write down the entire history of Liberalia's RP world, from the first arrival of Sarah Quent and the vast fires in Carops, to today.

Everyone is welcome to add bits and pieces or start new sections. When finished, this should be the one place to go to for both new and old nations to catch up on what happened before.


PreHistory of Liberalia


The rise and fall of the WTO

On the grounds of WWSETI four nations of very different backgrounds met to do bussiness and battle. These "Creators" of WWSETI Role-Play were Carops, Ardalia, Loslakia, and Latagon. The beggining was a time of trust and little fighting. They tried to clean up the enviornment and set rules of warfare. Neither of which were accomplished because Latagon was attacked by terrorist during the Latagon Conference. During this time Latagon fought these terrorist. The terrorist attacked all the countries except Ardalia. In an effort to extablish peace, Carops made a treaty organization. Thus the WTO was formed. As it stands it was joined by Latagon, Carops, Ardalia, and Loslakia. As these nations stayed in peace it came to the attention of Carops that the terrorist were the Garmeanist of Ardalia. Carops then ousted Ardalia from the WTO and tensions flaired between the two nations. Latagon sided with Ardalia telling Carops, "The government of Ardalia has no power to stop it's terrorist." Carops would have none of it.

A quick demise

As relations worsened Latagon and Ardalia left the WTO and began a war against the Caropsyne and Loslakian people. After much fighting on the Latagonian side of the war a stalemate between Latagon and Loslakia was achieved. On the other side though, Ardalia's capital of H'ran was slowly being beaten down. Feeling a losing tide Latagonian leaders hatched a huge plan to invade Loslakia. Code named Operation Shining Dagger. Ardalian troops reinforced Latagonian boarders as H'ran fell and the plan was set in motion. Early in the morning of L-Day on X-Hour the men disembarked their ships. Latagonian men landing on both Silver and Platinum beaches. The Platinum beachhead was captured quickly and Farlia was burned by these men led by the CincoEstrellan general, Andrew Gregory. The Latagonian men on Silver beach moved in and routed the Loslakians from the back. The Platinum beach men then moved on to Kilow and took the Loslakian capital. After the messy invasion in which claims of over 1,000,000 citizens were killed and Ardalia surrenedered. With a Loslakian defeat at hand though Latagon bargained the surrender of Loslakia and Peace with Carops. It was said that that night the demise of the WTO was set in motion. In reality it was a chaotic event ending in the three day war.

The Three Days War

After the war the WTO broke down. The Allies and victors of the war went on to form the security council of the three nations who had started the Allies. They were Latagon, who was largest and thus became the leader, Ardalia, and CincoEstrellas. They were set up to guide the Allies in the direction they felt best. The WTO broke up when Loslakia formed the Communist States and Carops became a lone wolf. After that, thinking he could hold the allies hostage, Loslakia attacked CincoEstrellas in what is now called the Three Days War. He was defeated by mostly Ardalian and Latagonian troops and deep gratitude has been there from the Latagonians to their allies since.

Before the First Liberalian War

Sarah Quent

Sarah Quent was chosen by Dear Leader of Palacetonia to work as a liason between Palacetonia and Curiaistan. As subsequent events would show, she became a powerful political figure and eventually became President. Introduced in the Arrival of Sarah Quent as sweeping imperiously in, she made an impact on other nation's leadership where in conversation, Caropsyne officials said:

"And what do you think?"

"Not a lot. She seems to have gained her position through horizontal negotiation,"

which probably wasn't far from the truth. As time went on, she would find herself the target of assassination attempts, devious behind-the-scene manoeuvrings with the presidency and spent the rest of her days in a wheelchair after her helicopter was shot down by a Hasadonian Missile.

Third Liberalian War

Events leading to the war

After the collapse of the major alliances something of an unstable power vaccuum arose. No nation in the region had anywhere near the power for example the Allies had enjoyed, but this also resulted in less checks and balances on the behaviour of individual nations.

In this climate the nation of Kalikanna called other smaller and medium powers to a conference on the small island of Kalathessaloniki. The plan was most likely to form a group with a common interest which could provide security and the protection of interests in this new uncertain future. However, the overconfidence of the attending delegations and disputes with powerful nations such as Carops soon turned the tone of the conference a lot more aggressive.

The result was an embargo against the Pontanore by the Kalikannese Alliance, which Hasadon and Caldari then joined in an effort to improve their power position in the region. Entertaining a very real fear of isolation, Carops reacted with aggressive replies to the offending nations. As the situation got out of hand and talk of war became more and more common, the Wulgerian Union (one of the original attendees of the Kalikannese summit) attempted to move into neutrality and left the region in uncertainty regarding its diplomatic status.

As accusations of spying and sabotage ran abound, it was a surprise to some as Hasadon suddenly took the opportunity to declare war on the Kalikannese Alliance, despite previously having joined their embargo against Carops. Confronted with the threat of a Hasadonian war of conquest against the smaller powers, Leonstein, which had been uninvolved up to this point, affirmed its support for the Kalikannese Alliance, not least because of the belief that Joguk (which had recently returned independence to the people of Leonstein upon the return of the player to the region) would be one of the nations under threat.

The final constellation came about when Caldari joined Carops and Hasadon and the Wulgerian Union followed this move.

As a result the nations of the Kalikanna Summit (Curiaistan, Shawnworshippers, Kalikanna, Cheesyweesy) and Leonstein stood on one side, the three major powers of Carops, Hasadon and Caldari on the other, with the WU as support.

Jogukian Theatre

In the confusion of the days leading up to the war the military of Leonstein had originally thought to be fighting alongside Joguk, but as the country made a last-minute switch to support Caldari, this was not to be.

Since Joguk was ruled by an unstable dictator, Leonstein's military machine had had plans for a war against the country for some time, and these came into effect immediately. The idea was to win a quick victory over the smaller and weaker Joguk, instigate a regime change and then use the country as an arena to stage an invasion of Gregon, from which in turn the mainlands of Carops and Caldari could come under attack. While Leonstein took this northern route, the hope was that the Kalikannese Alliance would overpower Hasadon and attack the major powers along a southern route.

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