UN Integrity Act

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Revision as of 22:06, 15 January 2007 by (Talk)
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UN Integrity Act is a Liberalian Law.

[edit] The Bill


This bill resolves involvement in the NationStates United Nations (NSUN).

Article I Proposals

Clause 1: All nations of Liberalia may submit proposals to the UN Office.

Section a: All nations of Liberalia may suggest changes to the proposal.

Section b: With any proposal by a nation of Liberalia, the Regional Delegate will submit it to the NSUN and/or approve of it upon the author's request.

Clause 2: It is at the discretion of the Regional Delegate to read and approve of proposals submitted by nations outside of Liberalia.

Article II Resolutions

Clause 1: The Regional Delegate will send a decision to the NSUN on the resolution at vote based upon the results of a poll conducted within the UN Office of the Liberalia forums.

Section a: The poll will consist of two options, Aye, representing FOR, and Nay, representing AGAINST.

Section b: Only UN members of Liberalia may vote in the poll.

Section c: The Regional Delegate may also vote.

Section d: For a vote to count it must be declared.

Clause 2: The Regional Delegate will cast his or her vote to the NSUN no more than one day before voting ends.

Section a: In the case of a tie, the Regional Delegate will take no action.

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