
From Liberalia Wiki

Revision as of 18:42, 14 November 2006 by TripleKo (Talk | contribs)
The Free Capitalistic Republic of TripleKo is a NationStates nation and member of Liberalia.
Region: Liberalia
Political Party: The Libertarian Party
Motto: Compromising Everything
Map: No Map Available Yet
Language (de facto): Sunsquarian
Capital: DS3-3E
Population: 2.436 billion
Currency: East Sunsquarian Liber
Head of State: Ôwatéuz Dhûlé-Vàis
Stats: NSEconomy Pipian XML



National Status

UN Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights: Very Good
Economy: Powerhouse
Political Freedoms: Good
Regional Influence: Diplomat

National Target

UN Category: Capitalist Paradise
Civil Rights: Very Good
Economy: Powerhouse
Political Freedoms: Very Good



TripleKo was founded in August 29th, 2005. A government was established in S5, situated in the province of 2W. Few weeks later TripleKo joined the newly created region of Sunsquare. The creator of Sunsquare, Stelius, was not interested in an UN membership, and TripleKo successfully claimed the region's delegate post. When Stelius ceased to exist almost three quarters of the region's members departed. TripleKo moved closer to the absolute power, but when the power was ceased TripleKo decided to dissolve Sunsquare due to the utterly low membership figures.

More to come...

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