Judicial Code of Liberalia

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Revision as of 15:09, 21 October 2006 by Curiaistan (Talk | contribs)

The Judicial Code of Liberalia is a Liberalian Law

The Bill


This bill will oversee an expansion of the Judicial Code.

The Judicial Code of Liberalia states forth the laws of our sovereign region in respects to criminal offences and punishments.

Section A: Civil Order Offences

A1. Use of Profanity

It is illegal to use profanity on the Liberalia forum, if directly at another player. As such, all who do so are in breach of the laws of the region.

Recommended Sentencing-

1st Offence - Warning

2nd Offence - Notice of Offence posted in Liberalia Post, Further Warning

3rd Offence - Account Suspension.

A2. Spamming

The deliberate and prolonged spamming of the forum, outside the Spam section, is against forum rules and unhelpful in slowing down the running of our region.

Recommended Sentencing-

1st Offence - Warning

2nd Offence - Warning

3rd Offence - Temporary Suspension.

However, if spamming is of a malign nature, the sentence may elevated to account suspension.

A3. Flaming and Trolling

Liberalia is a polite region and we do not consider it acceptable to insult other regional members. Any nation doing so will be dealt with severely.

Recommended Sentencing-

1st Offence - Warning

2nd Offence -Probationary Period

3rd Offence - Suspension

Section B: State Offences

These crimes may be tried in the preliminary court of Liberalia and referred to the High Court once a case has been established.

B1. Impersonation of a Liberalian

Impersonating a Liberalian citizen is a serious offence.

Recommended sentencing-

Permanent Suspension


B2. Perjury

Lying before the courts of Liberalia is tantamount to treason, as the courts represent Liberalia and her quest for justice.

Recommended sentencing-

Permanent Suspension


B3. Lying Before Parliament

It is an offence to present false statements to the Parliament of Liberalia.

Recommended sentencing-

Temporary Suspension

B4. Slander

Spreading unfounded lies about other members of the region, in an effort to discredit them, is unacceptable.

Recommended Sentencing-

1st Offence- Written Warning

2nd Offence- Suspension

B5. Contempt of Court

Any Liberalian who hinders or prevents the workings of the Courts shall be in contempt of court.

Recommended Sentencing-

1st Offence- Formal warning

2nd Offence- Short-term suspension

Section C: Immigration Offences

C1. Failure to Disclose Puppets

The failure to declare your puppets in Liberalia and then using them in regional affairs is against Immigration regulations.

Recommended Sentencing-



C2. Invasion

Invading Liberalia,or attempting to do so, will result in the suspension of a member until they have been tried.

Recommended Sentencing-


Section D: National Security Offences

D1: Treason

Acting against the State of Liberalia in an effort to damage it.

Recommended Sentencing-

Indefinite Ejection

D2: Acting Against Democracy

Acting in breach of the Preservation of Democracy Act, is illegal. If any member of the region acts against democracy, whether here or in another region, they will be charged.

Recommended Sentencing-




D3:Abuse of Power

Abusing powers afforded to regional officials by their positions is a criminal offence

Recommended Sentencing-


D4: Espionage

Leaking information from any passworded forums or the passwords to those forums.

Recommended Sentencing-

Revoking of access to sensitive sections (Minor offences only)




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