Education Act

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The Education Act is a Liberalian law, which was written by Ardalia. It lays down the principles of the region's educational system, as recorded at the time. It has since been amended on 28 September 2006.

[edit] The Bill

Education Act AMENDED 28 September 2006

Article I Extent of Act

Clause 1: All children in the region of Liberalia will be entitled to a free education up until the age of 19.

Clause 2: Children will attend primary school from the age of 5 - 13. Before this, they can attend nurseries and other such education centres.

Article II Subjects

Clause 1: At the age of 13, all children will take an examination called the PSLP (Primary School Leaving Paper) in 6 subjects: 1) English (or first language) 2) Maths 3) Science 4) Foreign Language (taught from the age of 9 as compulsory subject - different schools may choose different languages) 5) EITHER

a) Religious Studies (which will include studying of world religions) and Citizenship Studies (which will aim to make students aware of the institutions, processes and politics of Liberalia in an unbiased manner)


B) Philosophy (thinking about moral questions and issues and looking at how people try to explain questions that science can't) and Citizenship Studies (see above)

6) Combined History and Geography (these will cover a variety of time periods and countries and will aim to give the student a breadth of knowledge as opposed to a depth of knowledge - specialism in either history or geography or in specific parts of these subjects will occur in secondary education)

Clause 2: Other subjects will be studied but these will not be tested on this stage except in a much more informal manner (ie. teacher assessment)

Article III Secondary Education

Clause 1: The secondary schools will comprise a three-tier system:

1) Grammar schools - for the top 15% of the students. Students must take the PSLPs and there will be a set average % which they need to gain to be allowed into the grammar schools.

2) Secondary modern schools - for any other students that wish to study academically-based subjects, who didnt attain a high enough grade in their PSLPs. Help will be given to those who are less academically able.

3) Vocational Training Colleges - after primary school, children may opt to go to vocational training colleges to learn work-related skills as opposed to actual academic subjects. They will still however be expected to pass similar level tests in both English (or their first language) and Maths.

Clause 2: In the school year beginning in September immediately after a person has reached 18, they may attend Higher Education which will comprise of education at colleges, universities, graduate schools and law schools.

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