Cabinet Members
From Liberalia Wiki
Since Liberalia was formed, there have been several changes in the Cabinet form. At first, there were secretaries for departments then the cabinet format with Ministers and Secretariats was developed.
Lists of People who have served in the positions
Prime Ministers
Carops (December 05' to Febuary 06')
Farlane (Febuary to April 06')
Carops (April to June 06')
Random Textbox Inputs (June to August 06')
Fernetti (August 06' to present)
Soccersian (August 06' to September 06; resigned during term)
- Fernetti is now currently prime minister. The election in August 06' resulted in a tie between Soccersian and Fernetti, in which they comprimised on both being prime ministers, resulting in the first time Liberalia had ever had two prime ministers. However, in early september of 2006, Soccersian announced his resignition. See Coalition Government
Deputy Prime Minister
Farlane (Febuary 06 to April 06')
Curiaistan (April 06' to August 06')
Cooperative People (August 06' to present)
Deputy Speaker
Interior Ministers
Foreign Minister
Random Textbox Inputs (Replaced Ardalia after Soccersian's departure)
Director of Public Prosecutions
Although not a Cabinet post, the DPP is important in bringing people to trial.