From Liberalia Wiki
Prez Kaldeno is a member of Liberalia, and the owner of the nation Kalikanna and its sub-sectors.
Prez arrived in Liberalia in July, and since then has been very active in Parliament and many other aspects of Liberalia life. He has strived to become a prominent and influential personality in Liberalia and has tried to make a difference.
Prez is many different people, he is a peguin loving madman, a Libertarian, a Director of Security, and a loudmouth crazy person. He is open for critisism, but will always fight for what he believes in. He is widely admired for his creative penguin avatars, which are also the flags of his nations. He is one of the most active forum members, and always provides a good laugh.
Prez is part of the Liberalian Libertarian Party and is currently serving as its vice chair, he is Deputy Speaker in the August '06 Coalition Government, and is the current Director of Security and co-founder of the Unrecognized Nations and Peoples organisation.