From Liberalia Wiki
Ardalia, one of the original 3 Christmas Revolutionaries, along with Carops and Loslakia, helped to set up that beacon of democracy that Liberalia is today. Also a permanent member of the Guardian Council, Liberalia's judicial branch, Ardalia has actively contributed to the stability of the region.
Well known for his pragmatic political stances, Ardalia is known to be willing to implement social reform albeit gradual reform. "Change for change's sake is not necessarily a good thing" is one of his personal philosophies. However, even Ardalia realises that the region of Liberalia must do something for its poor, and in his earlier position in the Interior Minister under Carops's government, tried to launch comprehensive reform programmes in the education and health services.
During the first month of Liberalian democracy, Ardalia founded the FDP, a party dedicated to freedom and individualism. However, since then Ardalia has moved significantly to the left, and for want of a better word, would probably now describe himself as belonging to the Social Democrat/Centrist group. As a member of the Moderate Party, Ardalia has seen Liberalia flourish over the last year to a region of over 200 nations.