The Moderate Party

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Revision as of 12:40, 10 September 2006 by RTI (Talk | contribs)


The Moderate Party is and was the oldest party in Liberalia, dating back to the pre-Liberalia days of the WWSETI parliament. Originally called "The Centrist Party," it changed its names to reflect its newer policies in January 2006. Since then, the Moderate Party has been the most successful political party in Liberalian history, providing four Prime Ministerial terms and also managing to expand the region from its small foundations after the Christmas Revolution to its massive status today. The Moderate Party was the first party to be established in Liberalia and it's colour, Purple, is present on the regional flag.


The Moderate Party was founded by Carops in August 2005. The party was successfully elected to government in WWSETI, where the future Christmas Revolutionaries were then based, and was monumental in leading the revolution itself. The Moderate government was overthrown in effect by the dictatorial actions of the WWSETI admin staff, and forced the legitimate government, under Carops to relocate to Liberalia.

Therefore, on arrival in the new region, the Moderates led the new provisional government, which was comprised of all the parties. Followin g the elections called shortly afterwards, Carops was re-elected unanimously as the now Prime Minister of Liberalia and WWSETI, a title which has now been dropped. The Carops government continued to rule until March 2006, when another Moderate, Farlane, was elected to office. Farlane's term continued to build upon the strong foundation which Carops had provided and led Liberalia to even greater times.

Carops, who seemed to have left politics in many ways, made a return in the May 2006 elections to beat Julio Trigman to the position and to regain the Prime Minister position. Carops ruled agin until July, when Random_Textbox_Inputs, the first non-Moderate, took control of the region.

Following this, the Moderate Party began to suffer from a long and slow decline, which continued up to the point that Carops announced that the party would be closing shortly in late August 2006.

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