Marriage Act

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The region of Liberalia defines marriage as the legal binding of two human individuals, whom receive all tax, financial and common rights of marriage found in Liberalian law.

Article I: Proposals

Clause 1: Any two (2) human citizens of Liberalia may come together in marriage, regardless of gender, race, religion, national origin, etc.

Section a: All citizens that are wedded must be of legal age in the nation which awards the marriage.

Section b: Individuals of blood relation closer than second cousin will not be allowed to marry.

Article II: Private Institutions

Clause 1: Individuals ordained by state recognized religious institutions may receive a license to perform a wedding ceremony.

Clause 2: All religious institutions have the right to award ordination.

Clause 3: Marriages may also be performed by judges, notary publics, other civil authorities to be defined by individual nations, and ship captains when the vessel is at least 2 miles from land.

Clause 4: Private religious institutions still retain the right to refuse marriage services to couples based on sexual orientation.

Article III: Divorce

Clause 1: Couples retain the right to a divorce at any time after being married.

Clause 2: In marriages that have produced children, parents who do not receive custody shall be made responsible for their child support payments until the child reaches 18 years of age.

Clause 3: The distribution of a divorcing couple's property shall be settled in local Divorce Courts.

Section a: The aforementioned distribution of property may be settled by a prenuptial agreement, defining the distribution of property in case of divorce at the beginning of the marriage.

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