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Kalikanna is a natio in the region of liberalia. it has a remarkable amount of histort for its short time in liberalia. it has many protectorate states and has recently plunged into a civil war.

Preotectorates of Kalikanna

kalikanna has had many protectorates in its time, they include: ~Kaliakba: Large Industrial State, Major Prison State.

Kalbina:Major Shipping and industrial State.
Kalabida: Commercial and Industrial State.
kalizaroka: Island State with large fishing influence.
Kalepopion: Major Mining State.
Kaliopoulos: Farming and cattle grazing State.
kalizar: Small metropolis with high commercial business sector.
Kalajakia: Farming and mining state.

Civil war

Kalikanna has plunged into a civil war. It all began after the death of the Emperor Kalikazaros in an attack on the Imperial Palace in the capital city of Kalathenium. After this incident the region was taken over by a military commander name Joseph Kold. Kold had a very shot reign after he was assassinated along with Omar Akoy, the head of National Defence.

Kold was killed by a sniper bullet to the head by a curian soldier in the capital city of kalathenium. Omar was killed by a group of troops from a faction in Kalikanna known as the Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo (EAM.

Kalikannese Factions

In light of recent events in kalikanna three major factions have arisen in kalikanna they are:

Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo (National Liberation front)

Political Leader: Ionniaz Metaxo

Military Leader:General Nikos Apollo


Ethniki Kai Koinoniki Apeleftherosis (National and Social Liberation front)

Political Leader: Vladimir Kakislov

Military Leader: Dmitri Voulos


Kommunistiko Komma Ethinkos (Communist party Nation)

Political Leader: Peteros Mokosov

Military Leader: Marcos Vlitzeroi


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