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Revision as of 15:31, 9 September 2006 by Curiaistan (Talk | contribs)


The Sovereign and Independent region of Liberalia was born on 20th December 2005, by exiled democratic nations from the region of WWSETI. The first three of these nations, Carops, Ardalia and Loslakia, proclaimed a government-in-exile in Liberalia, following the instalment of a dictatorship in their home region.

Liberalia grew rapidly and talks with WWSETI, which was losing members and failing to find recruits, collapsed. It wasn't long before it became clear that Liberalia would thrive independantly and it was decided that reunification with WWSETI was not an option that would do well for the region.

The first Liberalians retained Carops as their Prime Minister from the 28th December 2005, when they elected their first democratically-elected leader. Carops served as provisional Prime Minister up to this point to enable the region to grow large and stable enough to be in a position to elect a leader. Carops served as Prime Minister until early March 2006, even though his term was slated to end in late February. Farlane was elected Prime Minister under the Moderate Party.

As of 2 April 2006, Liberalia is also the first region with a recreational television station, Liberalian Television Network (abbreviated LTN). LTN is a project headed by former admin Northern Sushi to bring a nice place for forum members to sit back and relax as they watch a wide variety of television programming relating to everything from entertainment to sports.

Liberalian News Service (LNS)

Started by Farlane and continued by Curiaistan, it aims to offer a neutral point of view on the latest stories affecting Liberalia. There is also the Moderate Champion but it is widely seen to be heavily biased.

You can see the latest stories here [1]

Significant Members

Current Members

  • Carops - Admin, Founder, Guardian (permanent), Former Prime Minister (December~March '06, May/June '06), Chairman of the Moderate Party, Christmas Revolutionary
  • Curiaistan - Admin, former Speaker of the Liberalian Parliament, Current Interior Minister Chairman of the Liberal Party, Christmas Revolutionary
  • Haelhan - Admin, Former Guardian (Jan./Feb. 06), Secretary of Intelligence during the April '06 Caropsyne Administration, Christmas Revolutionary
  • Ardalia - Admin, Guardian (permanent), Christmas Revolutionary
  • Latagon - Former Admin and Christmas Revolutionary
  • Fernetti- Deputy Speaker (May 06'- June 06'), Minister of Foreign affairs (Apr 06'- June 06'), Christmas Revolutionary, Current Prime Minister
  • Random_Textbox_Inputs - Minister of Defence during the April '06 Caropsyne Administration, Former Prime Minister, Christmas Revolutionary
  • Nucleawasta - Secretary of Recruitment during the April '06 Caropsyne Administration, Chairman of the Centre-Right Party, Christmas Revolutionary
  • Wulgaria - Secretary of Security during the April '06 Caropsyne Administration, Chairman of the Liberalian Workers' Party, Christmas Revolutionary
Former Members
  • Farlane - Admin, Former Prime Minister (March/April '06), Minister of Foreign Affairs, Christmas Revolutionary
  • Four Hectares - Former Guardian (Jan~June '06), Secretary of Justice during the April '06 Caropsyne Administration, Regional Cartographer, Chairman of the Libertarian Party, Christmas Revolutionary.

Infamous Members

  • Julio Trigman Former speaker and Guardian, indicted for not maintaining neutrality during trial of Northern Sushi. Nation died before he went to trial and since then has tried repeatedly to reenter Liberalia
  • Loslakia - Former Admin, infamous for tampering with Feb '06 PM elections and sabotaging the regional forums, subsequently admitted guilt and indefinitely banned for Acting Against Democracy
  • Northern Sushi - Former Admin (disgraced after threatening to release classified information and attempting to disrupt relations with Liberalia's allies), serving six-month ban for Treason
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