Hunting Restrictions Act

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Hunting Restrictions Act is a Liberalian Law.

[edit] The Bill

Preamble Hunting within Liberalia will be restricted as outlined in this bill.

Article I. Restrictions

Clause 1. Hunting on land that is designated as public property will be prohibited.

Section a. Individual nations may designate land within that nation as legal hunting areas.

Section b. The penalty for hunting in a restricted area will result in the hunter's license being revoked for one year and a $100 fine. A second offense will result in a permanent license suspension and a $500 fine.

Clause 2. Hunting animals that are designated as endangered or protected species will be prohibited.

Section a. The penalty for hunting a protected or endangered animal will result in the hunter's license being revoked for one year and a $500 fine. A second offense will result in a permanent license suspension and a $1000 fine. Proceeds from this fine will go toward protecting endangered animals.

Clause 3. Nations may impose quotas on the number of animals that a person may hunt per week.

Section a. The penalties for exceeding a quota will be determined by the individual nation.

Clause 4. Hunters must obtain a hunting license from the regional government.

Section a. Hunting licenses must be renewed every three years. A $50 fee will be assessed for obtaining a new license and for license renewal. Proceeds from this fee will go toward protecting endangered animals.

Section b. The penalty for hunting without a valid license will be determined by a judge. Proceeds from this fine will go toward protecting endangered animals.

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