Free Healthcare Act

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== The Bill ==
== The Bill ==
This is a bill to provide free health care in Liberalia.
This bill provides free health care to all Liberalians, promotes health education and healthy lifestyles, and guarantees the individual right to choose one’s own health care provider.
Clause 1: Vaccinations, emergency operations, medications, care for recurring illnesses and permanent disabilities, and health care education shall be fully funded by individual national governments; nations must provide these basics for their citizens.
Section a: All non-emergency operations, defined as a surgical procedure which is not required to save the life, mobility, or basic life functions of the patient (i.e. cosmetic surgery which does not correct a malformation), will not be funded by the government.
Section b: To prevent abuse of the health care system, and to promote healthy lifestyle choices, routine visits to a health care provider (i.e. basic physical exams or out-patient procedures) will be limited to four doctor’s visits a year being funded by the government. Additional visits will be paid for by the patient or by his/her health insurance.
Section c: Those who are disabled or unable to work because of their disability or other medical problems or are over the age of 65 are exempt from Section b.
Section d: Disabilities are defined as an impairment that has substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
Section e: People defined as disabled may be assessed by an independent medical assessor employed by the the state or by the insurance company to check their status.
Section f: The government shall make no restrictions in regard to an individual’s right to choose a health care provider.
Clause 2: In order to pay for health care that is not covered by the government, people are to be able to take out private health care in addition to the state health provision.
Section a: Private health insurers shall not deny coverage to any person based on their choice of health care provider, or on the basis of a pre-existing, persistent medical condition.
Clause 1: Vaccinations, operations, medicine and health care education will be free at point of use.
Section b: Full-time employers shall pay at least 50% of their employees’ health insurance costs.
Clause 2: People are to be able to take out private health care on top of state health provision.
Section c: Individuals who are unemployed or employed part time and are physically able to work will have 50% of their health insurance costs reimbursed by the regional government for 6 months or until they are able to become employed.
Section a: Governments may not remove one type of provision in favour of another.
Clause 3: Medical schools will be founded in each nation, drawing on a fund from both national government, regional government, and private enterprise. The mission of these schools will be to perform research to discover new methods of medical treatment and illness prevention.
Clause 3: Healthcare schools will be founded in each nation.
Clause 4: There will be campaigns to promote healthier living. Said campaigns will be funded fully by regional government, and the content will be up to the national governments.
Clause 4: To try and make Liberalia healthier there will be campaigns as deemed appropriate by both nations and the region of Liberalia to promote healthier living.
Clause 5: Every nation is reserved the right to exceed the public health standards set forth in this bill.

Current revision as of 03:39, 14 January 2007

The Free Healthcare Act is a Liberalian Law.

[edit] The Bill


This bill provides free health care to all Liberalians, promotes health education and healthy lifestyles, and guarantees the individual right to choose one’s own health care provider.

Clause 1: Vaccinations, emergency operations, medications, care for recurring illnesses and permanent disabilities, and health care education shall be fully funded by individual national governments; nations must provide these basics for their citizens.

Section a: All non-emergency operations, defined as a surgical procedure which is not required to save the life, mobility, or basic life functions of the patient (i.e. cosmetic surgery which does not correct a malformation), will not be funded by the government.

Section b: To prevent abuse of the health care system, and to promote healthy lifestyle choices, routine visits to a health care provider (i.e. basic physical exams or out-patient procedures) will be limited to four doctor’s visits a year being funded by the government. Additional visits will be paid for by the patient or by his/her health insurance.

Section c: Those who are disabled or unable to work because of their disability or other medical problems or are over the age of 65 are exempt from Section b.

Section d: Disabilities are defined as an impairment that has substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Section e: People defined as disabled may be assessed by an independent medical assessor employed by the the state or by the insurance company to check their status.

Section f: The government shall make no restrictions in regard to an individual’s right to choose a health care provider.

Clause 2: In order to pay for health care that is not covered by the government, people are to be able to take out private health care in addition to the state health provision.

Section a: Private health insurers shall not deny coverage to any person based on their choice of health care provider, or on the basis of a pre-existing, persistent medical condition.

Section b: Full-time employers shall pay at least 50% of their employees’ health insurance costs.

Section c: Individuals who are unemployed or employed part time and are physically able to work will have 50% of their health insurance costs reimbursed by the regional government for 6 months or until they are able to become employed.

Clause 3: Medical schools will be founded in each nation, drawing on a fund from both national government, regional government, and private enterprise. The mission of these schools will be to perform research to discover new methods of medical treatment and illness prevention.

Clause 4: There will be campaigns to promote healthier living. Said campaigns will be funded fully by regional government, and the content will be up to the national governments.

Clause 5: Every nation is reserved the right to exceed the public health standards set forth in this bill.

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