Audiobook CDs
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Current revision as of 23:00, 13 March 2008
- Adams, Douglas. The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy—The Primary Phase
- Adams, Douglas. The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy—The Secondary Phase (έ)
- Adams, Douglas. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (έ) (3/5; heard 10-Jan-08; A cop-out, time-travel/space-based/ecological ending, but overall a very pleasant surprise after the disaster that was the Hitchhiker movie.)
- Austen, Jane Lumley, Joanna Pride and Prejudice
- Austen, Jane Stevenson, Juliet Persuasion
- Bennett, Alan Diaries 1980-1990 1994
- Bennett, Alan Forty Years On
- Bennett, Alan Telling Tales
- Bennett, Alan The Lady in the Van 1994
- Bennett, Alan The Laying On of Hands
- Betjeman, Sir John Late Flowering Love 1974
- Bronte, Charlotte Boyd, Carole Jane Eyre
- Bronte, Emily Gordon, Hannah Wuthering Heights
- Bryson, Bill Shale, Kerry The Lost Continent 1993
- Chandler, Raymond The Big Sleep, The High Window
- Christie, Agatha Murder on the Orient Express
- Christie, Agatha Hickson, Joan 4.50 from Paddington
- Conan Doyle, Arthur The Advertures of Sherlock Holmes Volume Three 1998
- Conan Doyle, Arthur The Hound of the Baskervilles
- Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur Jones, Freddie The Hound of the Baskervilles 1996
- Conrad, Joseph Cox, Brian Youth and Heart of Darkness
- Crompton, Richmal Jarvis, Martin Just William 1990
- Crompton, Richmal Jarvis, Martin Just William 2 1990
- Crompton, Richmal Jarvis, Martin Just William: Live on Stage
- Cronkite, Walter & Friendly, Fred I Can Hear It Now / The Sixties 1970
- De Bernieres Powell, Robert Captain Corelli's Mandolin 1997
- Defoe, Daniel Britton, Tony Robinson Crusoe
- Dexter, Colin Whately, Kevin Death is now my Neighbour
- Dexter, Colin Whately, Kevin The Remorseful Day
- Dickens, Charles Jarvis, Martin Oliver Twist
- Dickens, Charles Lesser Oliver Twist
- Dickens, Charles Lesser, Anton Great Expectations
- Dickens, Charles Lesser, Anton The Pickwick Papers
- Dickens, David Lesser, Anton David Copperfield
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Anthony, Nigel Crime and Punishment
- Du Maurier, Daphne Agutter, Jenny and Williams, Simon Rebecca
- Eliot, George Gordon, Hannah Middlemarch
- Fielding, Helen Bennett, Tracie Bridget Jones's diary
- Fielding, Helen Fielding, Helen The Edge of Reason
- Flaubert, Gustave Agutter, Jenny Madame Bovary
- Fry, Stephen Moab is my Washpot
- Gibbons, Stella Atkins, Eileen Cold Comfort Farm
- Golding, William Pigott-Smith, Tim Lord of the Flies 1996
- Grahame, Kenneth Bennett, Alan The Wind in the Willows 1989
- Grossmith, George and Weedon. The Diary of a Nobody. (Martin Jarvis). 2006. (έ) (3/5; heard 30-Jul-07; Book is now overrated; Jarvis a bit Just William-like, but quite enjoyable.)
- Griffith, Tom and Hugh. Ancient Greek Philosophy—an Introduction. (2007)
- Hardy, Thomas Bron, Eleanor Tess of the D'Urbervilles 1994
- Hardy, Thomas Jason, Neville Far from the Madding Crowd
- Hardy, Thomas Shaw, Martin and Duncan, Lindsay Tess of the D'Urbevilles
- Herodotus Marsden, Roy The Persian War
- Holmquist, Allen Meditation
- Homer Lesser, Anton The Iliad
- Homer Lesser, Anton The Odyssey
- Jenkins, Elizabeth The Life and Times of Queen Elizabeth I
- Jerome, Jerome K Laurie, Hugh Three Men in a Boat
- Keenlyside, Percy Jacobi, Derek The History of English Literature
- Keillor, Garrison Lake Wobegon Days 1989
- Lee, Christopher. This Sceptred Isle 1087-1327 (έ) (4/5; heard May-07)
- Lee, Christopher. This Sceptred Isle 1327-1547 (έ) (3/5; finished 14-May-07; a distant period of which I still know very little)
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1547-1660
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1660-1702
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1702-1760
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1760-1792
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1792-1815
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1815-1837
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1837-1901
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1901-1919
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1919-1939
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1939-1959
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1959-1979
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 1979-1999
- Lee, Christopher This Sceptred Isle 55BC-1087
- Masefield, John The Box of Delights (1996)
- Mason, Edward J Dick Barton - Special Agent! (1972)
- McCabe, Bob The Pythons by the Pythons
- Milton, John Lesser, Anton Paradise Lost
- Montefiore, Simon Sebag. Young Stalin. (2007)
- Parris, Matthew Chance Witness
- Proust, Marcel Sodom and Gomorrah Part I
- Proust, Marcel Sodom and Gomorrah Part II
- Proust, Marcel Swann's Way
- Proust, Marcel The Guermantes Way Part I
- Proust, Marcel The Guermantes Way Part II
- Proust, Marcel Within a Budding Grove Part II
- Proust, Marcel Jason, Neville Swann in Love
- Pullman, Philip His Dark Materials
- Robbins, Anthony Awaken the Giant Within
- Sebag Montefiore, Simon. Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (έ) (5/5; heard Mar-08; A brilliant account of the monster. Makes 1984 seem tame.)
- Sergeant, John Give Me Ten Seconds
- Shakespeare Hamlet
- Shakespeare Julius Caesar
- Shakespeare King Lear
- Shakespeare Macbeth
- Shakespeare Othello
- Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
- Shakespeare The Tempest
- Shakespeare Mitchell, Warren The Merchant of Venice
- Shelley, Mary Frankenstein
- Siepmann, Jeremy - JS Bach - Life and Works
- Steinbeck, John Sinise, Gary Of Mice and Men
- Stevenson, RL Britton, Jasper Treasure Island
- Stoker, Bram Dracula
- Swift, Jonathan Jason, Neville Gulliver's Travels
- Tartt, Donna Tartt, Donna The Little Friend
- Thackeray, WM Lapotaire, Jane Vanity Fair
- Timson, David The History of Theatre
- Tolkien, JRR The Hobbit 1968
- Tolkien, JRR The Lord of the Rings 1981
- Tolkien, JRR Sibley, Brian An Audio Portrait
- Tolstoy, Leo Jason, Neville War and Peace
- Townsend, Sue Mangan, Stephen The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4
- Townsend, Sue Planer, Nigel Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years 1999
- Townsend, Sue Sessions, John Number Ten 2002
- Trollope, Anthony Timothy, Christopher Barchester Towers
- Various Great Political Speeches
- Various Popular Poetry -- Popular Verse
- Various The Nation's Favourite Poems
- Various The New Testament
- Various BBC Various A Selection from the Nation's Favourite
- Various Donovan, Anthony Classic Chilling Tales Volume 2
- Various Timson, David 1000 Years of Laughter
- Virgil Aeneid
- Waugh, Evelyn Brideshead Revisited
- Waugh, Evelyn Havers, Nigel Brideshead Revisited
- Wodehouse, PG The Edge of Reason
- Wodehouse, PG Callow, Simon Jeeves in the Offing 2000
- Wodehouse, PG Callow, Simon Thank You, Jeeves 2000