Books 800-899
From Lib
(Difference between revisions)
Current revision as of 11:27, 27 February 2008
Books and reading. Criticism
- 801/.95 20. An Experiment in Criticism. Lewis, C.S. 1961 ħ
Allusions. Allusions > Dictionaries. Allusions in literature > Dictionaries. English language > Dictionaries. English language > Idioms > Dictionaries. English language > Terms and phrases. English language > Terms and phrases > Dictionaries. English literature. Fables > Dictionaries. Folklore > Dictionaries. Literature > Dictionaries. Literature > Dictionaries, indexes. Mythology > Dictionaries. Terms and phrases > Dictionaries
- 803. Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable: Sixteenth Edition. 1999 ð
Aphorisms and proverbs. Quotations. Quotations > Translations into English. Quotations, English. English language > Rhetoric. English language > Style. Creative writing. Authorship > Handbooks, manual. English language > Rhetoric. Report writing. Invective > Humour. Public speaking. Poetry > Authorship
- 808.1 22. The Ode Less Travelled: Unlocking the Poet Within. Fry, Stephen. 2007
- 808.5/1 19. Never Be Nervous Again. Sarnoff, Dorothy. 1988 Ω
- 808.5/1 19. I Can See You Naked. Hoff, Ron. 1992 σ
- 808.88/2. Book of Insults, Ancient and Modern. McPhee, Nancy. 1979 ħ
- 808/.042 19. Writing with Power: Techniques for Mastering the Writing Process. (Galaxy Books). Elbow, Peter. 1981 Ħ
- 808/.02 21. Elements of the Writing Craft. Olmstead, Robert. 1997 ʒ
- 808/.042 19. The Way to Write. Fairfax, John. 1981 ʒ
- 808/.042 19. Writing for Pleasure and Profit. Legat, Michael. 1993 ʒ
- 808.3/872 19. Writing a Thriller. (Books for Writers). Jute, Andre. 1994 ʒ
- 808.3 20. Creating Characters: How to Build Story People. Swain, Dwight V. 1995 ʒ
- 808.3 20. The Weekend Novelist. Ray, Robert. 1994 ʒ
- The Craft of Writing Television Comedy. (Allison & Busby's Writer's Guides). Schwarz, Lew. 1988 ʒ
- The Way to Write Novels. (The Way to Write). Kitchen, Paddy. 1981 ʒ
- Put It in Writing. Whale, John. 1984 ʒ
- "Economist" Pocket Style Book. 1986 ʒ
- The Novelist's Guide: Powerful Techniques for Creating Character, Dialogue and Plot. Geraghty, Margret. 1997 ʒ
- Screenwriting. (Teach Yourself: Writer's Library). Frensham, Raymond. 1996 ʒ
- Comedy Writing. (Teach Yourself Educational). Roche, Jenny. 1999 ʒ
- Writing Comedy. (Writing Handbooks). Byrne, John. 1999 ʒ
- Cassell Guide to Written English. (Language Reference). Aitchison, James. 1994 ʒ
- The Wordsworth Word Finder. (Wordsworth Reference). McCutcheon, Mark. 1997 ʒ
- Wordsworth Dictionary of Cliche. (Wordsworth Reference). 1996 ʒ
- The Blair Effect. Seldon, Anthony. 2001 ʒ
- The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang. (Oxford Reference). 1993 ʒ
- Successful Article Writing. ("Writers News" Library of Writing). Thornton, Gillian. 1993 ʒ
- How to Write Books for Children—and Get Published. Jordan, Louise. 1999 ʒ
- Bloomsbury Good Word Guide. 1991 ʒ
- Crisp, Clear Writing in an Hour. (One Hour Wordpower). 1993 ʒ
- 808.042 20. The Quick Reference Plain English Guide. (Oxford quick reference). Cutts, Martin. 1999 o
- 808.88/2. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. Press, Oxford University. 1979 Я
- 808.88/2. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations. 1996 d
- 808.88/2. Oxford Dictionary of Quotations by Subject. (Oxford Paperback Reference). 2003 d
Bible > Criticism, interpretation, etc. Bible as literature. Fairy tales > History and criticism. Fiction in English
- 809/.915 19. Tree and Leaf. Tolkien, J R R. 1979 ₦
- 809/.93522 19. The Literary Guide to the Bible. 1989 c
Large type books. Mysticism > Poetry. Prose poems, American
- 811.5. The Prophet. Gibran, Kahlil. 1991 j
Authors, American > 20th century > Biography. Authorship. Horror tales > Authorship. Autobiographical fiction, American > History and criticism. Fantasy fiction. Quests (Expeditions) > Fiction
- 813/.4. Well at the World's End: Volume II. Morris, William. 1971 λ
- 813/.54. Side Effects. Allen, Woody. 1987 Γ
- 813/.54 20. Sheltering Sky. Bowles, Paul. 1990 β
- 813/.54 21. Cold Mountain. Frazier, Charles. 1998 ₧
- 813/.54 20. The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer. Lynch, Jennifer. 1990 ₧
- 813/.54 20. Red Mars. (Mars Trilogy). Robinson, Kim Stanley. 1999 ₧
- 813/.54 20. Relic. Preston, Douglas. 1996 ₧
- 813/.54 20. Jurassic Park. Crichton, Michael. 2006 ₧
- 813/.54 19. Where I'm Calling from: Selected Stories. Carver, Raymond. 1993 ₧
- 813/.5/2. Omnibus: Haunter of the Dark and Other Tales No. 3. Lovecraft, H.P. 1985 ₧
- 813/.4 20. The Red Badge of Courage. (American Library). Crane, Stephen. 1983 ₧
- 813/.2 19. The Last of the Mohicans. (Wordsworth Classics). Cooper, James Fenimore. 1992 ₧
- 813/.54 20. School for the Blind. McFarland, Dennis. 1995 €
- 813/.54 20. The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger, J.D. 1994 €
- 813/.52 20. There Was an Old Woman. Queen, Ellery. 1970 €
- 813/.5/4. Surfacing. Atwood, Margaret. 1994 €
- 813/.54 19. The Great Gatsby. (Penguin Modern Classics). Fitzgerald, F. Scott. 2000 ₢
- 813/.52 20. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Hemingway, Ernest. 1976 ₢
- 813/.4. The Portrait of a Lady. (The Great Writers Library). James, Henry. 1987 ₢
- 813.3 22. The Fall of the House of Usher & other stories. (The Great Writers). Poe, Edgar Allan. 1987 ₢
- Tales of Mystery and Imagination. (Oxford World's Classics). Poe, Edgar Allan. 1986 ₢
- 813/.5/4. Gravity's Rainbow. (Picador Books). Pynchon, Thomas. 1975 ¢
- 813/.54 20 True Crime. Klavan, Andrew. 1995 ¢
- 813/.52 19. The Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck, John. 1975 ¢
- 813/.54 20. On the Road. (Penguin Modern Classics). Kerouac, Jack. 2000 ¢
- 813/.54 20. Catch-22. Heller, Joseph. 1994 ¢
- 813/.3 20. Moby Dick. (Wordsworth Classics). Melville, Herman. 1992 ฿
- 813/.52 21. Collected Stories: Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Other Stories. Fitzgerald, F Scott. 1969 ð
- 813/.54 B 21. On Writing. King, Stephen. 2001 Ħ
- 813/.54 20. The English Patient. (Picador Thirty). Ondaatje, Michael. 2002 p
- 813/.54 19. The Bonfire of the Vanities. Wolfe, Tom. 2002 p
- 813/.54 19. A Boy's Own Story. (Picador Thirty). White, Edmund. 2002 p
- 813/.54 20. American Psycho. (Picador Thirty). Ellis, Bret Easton. 2002 p
- 813/.52 20. Riders of the Purple Sage. (Oxford Popular Fiction). Grey, Zane. 1995 k
- 813/.4 19. The Aspern Papers: AND The Turn of the Screw. (English Library). James, Henry. 1984 b
- 813/.54 21. To Kill a Mockingbird. Lee, Harper. 1989 æ
- 813/.54 20. Absolute Power. Baldacci, David. 1997 ¢
- 813/.54 21. Wobegon Boy. Keillor, Garrison. 1999 $
- 813/.54 20. The English Patient. Ondaatje, Michael. 1993 $
- 813/.54 19. Lake Wobegon Days. Keillor, Garrison. 1987 $
- 813/.5/4. Slaughterhouse 5. Vonnegut, Kurt. 1991 $
- 813/.52 19. A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway, Ernest. 1977 ₦
- 813/.54 20. Et Tu, Babe. (Flamingo Original). Leyner, Mark. 1993 ₦
- 813/.54 20. Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? Moore, Lorrie. 1999 ₦
- 813/.54 19. God Knows. (Black Swan). Heller, Joseph. 1985 ₦
- 813/.54 19. The Beautiful Room Is Empty. (Picador Books). White, Edmund. 1988 ₦
- 813/.54 19. A Boy's Own Story. (Picador Books). White, Edmund. 1986 ₦
- 813/.54 19. Dune. Herbert, Frank. 1982 ₦
- 813/.52 20. Flowers for Mrs. Harris. Gallico, Paul. 1958 ₦
- 813/.52 19. The Bridge of San Luis Rey. (Penguin Modern Classics). Wilder, Thornton. 1969 ₦
- 813/.5/4. The Exorcist. Blatty, William Peter. 1973 ₦
- 813/.4 21. Washington Square. (Modern Classics S). James, Henry. 1970 ₦
Travel > Humor. Vacations > Humor. World politics > 1975-1985 > Humor. World politics > 1985-1995 > Humor. World politics > 1985-l995 > Humor
- 814/.54 20. Holidays in Hell. (Picador Thirty). O'Rourke, P.J. 2002 p
- 817.5. The Most of S. J. Perelman. Perelman, S. J. 1958 Γ
Aging > Humour. Comedians > United States > Biography. Cosby, Bill, 1937-
- 818/.5/407. Getting Even. Allen, Woody. 1980 Γ
- 818/.5402 19. Time Flies. Cosby, Bill. 1989 ¢
- 818/.309 B 22. Where I Lived, and What I Lived For. (Great Ideas). Thoreau, Henry David. 2005 ₥
English literature > History and criticism. Great Britain > Intellectual life. English literature > Encyclopedias
- 820.81. The portable Oscar Wilde. (The Viking portable library). Wilde, Oscar. 1977 ₦
- 820/.9 19. The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 1967 ð
- 820.9 20. The Wordsworth Companion to English Literature. (Wordsworth Reference). 1994 Ħ
- 820/.9 19. The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature. (Oxford Paperbacks). 1990 p
English poetry
- 821/.912 B 20. Goodbye to All That. (Modern Classics S.). Graves, Robert. 1969 w
- 821/.7 B 21. Coleridge: Darker Reflections. Holmes, Richard. 1998 w
- 821/.7 B 20. Coleridge: Early Visions. Holmes, Richard. 1989 w
- 821/.4 19. A Life of John Milton. (Oxford Paperbacks). Wilson, A.N. 1984 w
- 821.17. The Canterbury Tales. (The Great Writers Library). Chaucer, Geoffrey. 1988 ₢
- 821/.008. The New Oxford Book of English Verse, 1250-1950. (Oxford Books of Verse). 1972 Ð
- 821/.1/08. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: WITH Pearl and Sir Orfeo. Tolkien, J R R. 1996 k
- 821.008 21. The Oxford Book of English Verse. 1999 d
- 821/.7 B 20. William Blake. (World of Art). Raine, Kathleen. 1970 λ
- 821/.7 20. Selected Poetry. (Poetry Library). Blake, William. 1988 λ
- 821/.04. Oxford Book of Ballads. 1969 λ
- 821.47. Poems. (Poetry Library). Milton, John. 1985 λ
- 821.0822. The Golden Treasury. (Penguin Popular Classics). 1994 λ
English poetry. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 > Outlines, syllabi, etc. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 > Stories, plots, etc. Ghost stories, English. English language > Early modern, 1500-1700 > Style. English language > Early modern, 1500-1700 > Versification. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 > Language. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 > Literary style. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 > Versification. Radio plays, English. Science fiction plays, English. Science fiction radio programmes. Political satire, English
- 822.3/3 B 21. Shakespeare. (DK Eyewitness Guides). Chrisp, Peter. 2004 Π
- 822/.914 19. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Radio Scripts. Adams, Douglas. 2003 Γ
- 822.0523 21. The Complete Beyond the Fringe. (Methuen Humour Classics). Bennett, Alan. 1992 Γ
- 822.33. The Merchant of Venice. (Wordsworth Classics). Shakespeare, William. 2000 z
- 822.33. Macbeth. (Wordsworth Classics). Shakespeare, William. 1992 z
- 822.3/3 21. Shakespeare's Language. Kermode, Frank. 2001 w
- 822/.3/3. Ghost Stories. (Wordsworth Classics). James, M.R. 1992 ₧
- 822.3/3 19. Complete Works of William Shakespeare. (Collins classics). Shakespeare, William. 1994 l
- 822.3/3 21. Comedies. (The Great Writers Library). Shakespeare, William. 1988 ₢
England > Fiction. English fiction > History and criticism > Theory, etc. Fiction > Technique. English fiction > Scottish authors. Scotland > Social life and customs > Fiction. Short stories, English
- 823/.8. Little Dorrit. Dickens, Charles. 1987 σ
- 823/.01/0889163 19. The New Penguin Book of Scottish Short Stories. 1983 Ξ
- 823 20. Lazarus. West, Morris. 1990 μ
- 823/.914 20. The Beach. Garland, Alex. 2000 λ
- 823/.9/12. A Handful of Dust. (Penguin Modern Classics). Waugh, Evelyn. 2003 λ
- 823/.9/12. Youth and The End of the Tether. (Modern Classics S.). Conrad, Joseph 1975 λ
- 823/.8 19. The Mystery of Edwin Drood. (English Library). Dickens, Charles. 1974 λ
- 823.914 F 20. Birdsong. Faulks, Sebastian. 1994 λ
- 823/.914 22. Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason. Fielding, Helen. 1999 ₤
- 823/.912 22. The Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit. (illustrated hardback). Tolkien, J.R.R. 2000 ₤
- 823/.912 20. Weekend Wodehouse. (Pimlico). Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville. 1991 ₤
- 823/.9/12. The World of Mr Mulliner: The Mulliner Omnibus. Wodehouse, P.G. 1999 ₤
- 823/.9/12. Vintage Wodehouse. Wodehouse, P.G. 1995 ₤
- 823/.9/12. The Hound of the Baskervilles. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 21. The Sign of Four. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. The Return of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. A Study in Scarlet. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. The Valley of Fear. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. His Last Bow. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823/.8 20. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1996 ₭
- 823.91 18. The Alexandria Quartet. Durrell, Lawrence. 2001 ₭
- 823/.912 20. Ulysses: Corrected Text. (Modern Classics S.). Joyce, James. 1986 ₭
- 823/.5. Gulliver's Travels. (The Great Writers Library). Swift, Johnathan. 1988 ₢
- 823.914 20. Bliss and Other Stories. (The Great Writers Library). Mansfield, Katherine. 1988 ₢
- 823.912. The Virgin and the Gipsy and Other Stories. (The Great Writers Library). Lawrence, D.H. 1993 ₢
- 823.5. Tom Jones. (The Great Writers Library). Fielding, Henry. 1988 ₢
- 823/.912 21. Vile Bodies. Waugh, Evelyn. 1987 ₢
- 823/.912 21. Vile Bodies. Waugh, Evelyn. 1987 ₢
- 823/.912 21. Brave New World. (The Great Writers Library). Huxley, Aldous. 1988 ₢
- 823/.912 21. Jacob's Room. (Twentieth Century Classics). Woolf, Virginia. 1998 ₢
- 823/.912 21. Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder. Waugh, Evelyn. 1993 ₢
- 823/.912 20. The Forsythe Saga. (The Great Writers Library). Galsworthy, John. 1988 ₢
- 823/.912 20. I, Claudius. Graves, Robert. ₢
- 823/.912 19. To The Lighthouse. (The Great Writers Library). Woolfe, Viginia. 1988 ₢
- 823/.912 19. Of Human Bondage. (The Great Writers Library). Maugham, W Somerset. 1988 ₢
- 823/.8 21. The Woman In White. (The Great Writers Library). Collins, Wilkie. 1987 ₢
- 823/.8 21. Far from the Madding Crowd. (The great writers series: Their lives, works and inspiration). Hardy, Thomas. 1987 ₢
- 823/.8 20. Kim. (The Great Writers Library). Kipling, Rudyard. 1988 ₢
- 823/.8 20. Barchester Towers. (The Great Writers Library). Trollope, Anthony. 1987 ₢
- 823/.8 20. Wuthering Heights. (Oxford World's Classics). Bronte, Emily. 1986 ₢
- 823/.8 20. Tess of the D'Urbervilles. (World's Classics). Hardy, Thomas. 1988 ₢
- 823/.8 20. Middlemarch. Eliot, George. 1950 ₢
- 823/.8 19. The Mill on the Floss. (Penguin Classics). Eliot, George. 2003 ₢
- 823/.8. A Tale Of Two Cities. (The Great Writers Library). Dickens, Charles. 1987 ₢
- 823/.5 21. Robinson Crusoe. (The Great Writers Library). Defoe, Daniel. 1988 ₢
- 823/.914 22. The Comedians. (The Great Writers Library). Greene, Graham. 1993 ₢
- 823/.7 20. Frankenstein: Or, the Modern Prometheus. (Wordsworth Classics). Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft. 1992 ¢
- 823/.912 20. Wide Sargasso Sea. (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.). Rhys, Jean. 1997 ¢
- 823/.9/1 F 18. The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin. Nobbs, David. 1976 ¢
- 823/.9/14. The Magus. Fowles, John. 1997 ¢
- 823/.914 21. Bridget Jones' Diary. Fielding, Helen. 1998 ¢
- 823/.914 20. Fatherland. Harris, Robert. 1997 ¢
- 823/.914 20. Feet of Clay. (Discworld Novel). Pratchett, Terry. 1997 ¢
- 823/.912 F 19. The Alexander Trilogy. Renault, Mary. 1984 ¢
- 823.912 21. Rebecca. Maurier, Daphne Du. 1992 ¢
- 823/.914 21. Master and Commander. O'Brian, Patrick. 1996 ₥
- 823/.912 20. The Young Visiters. Ashford, Daisy. 1984 ₥
- 823/.914 21. Bridget Jones's Diary: A Novel. Fielding, Helen. 1997 ð
- 823/.7 22. Pride and Prejudice. (Penguin Popular Classics). Austen, Jane. 2007 ð
- 823/.0876208 20. The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories. 1993 Ħ
- 823/.087208 20. The Oxford Book of English Detective Stories. 1992 Ħ
- 823/.0108 20. The Oxford Book of Modern Fairy Tales. 1994 Ħ
- 823/.912 19. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. (Penguin Popular Classics). Conrad, Joseph. 1994 Ð
- 823/.01/08 19. The Oxford Book of Short Stories. (Oxford Paperbacks). Pritchett, V.S. ed. 1988 Ħ
- 823.009 20. The Art of Fiction: Illustrated from Classic and Modern Texts. Lodge, David. 1992 ʒ
- 823.009 20. The Practice of Writing: Essays, Lectures, Reviews and a Diary. Lodge, David. 1997 ʒ
- 823/.2 21. Works. (Oxford Standard Authors). Malory, Sir Thomas. 1971 l
- 823/.5 21. A Journal of the Plague Year. (English Library). Defoe, Daniel. 1970 b
- 823/.6 19. Tristram Shandy: Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. (English Library). Sterne, Laurence. 1970 b
- 823/.7. Waverley. (Penguin Popular Classics). Scott, Sir Walter. 1995 b
- 823/.914 22. Don't Panic: Douglas Adams and the "Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Gaiman, Neil. 1993 q
- 823/.8 21. David Copperfield. (English Library). Dickens, Charles. 1969 b
- 823/.8 21. Oliver Twist. (English Library). Dickens, Charles. 1970 b
- 823/.8 20 Collected Stories. (Everyman's Library Classics). Kipling, Rudyard. 1994 f
- 823/.9/12. The Lord of the Rings. [7 Book Box set]. Tolkien, J.R.R. 2001 e
- 823/.9/1 F 18. George Orwell Omnibus. Orwell, George. 1983 s
- 823/.912 19. Nostromo. (Classics S.). Conrad, Joseph. 1983 b
- 823/.912 21. Howards End. (Penguin English Library). Forster, E.M. 1992 b
- 823/.912 20. Wodehouse Nuggets: An Anthology. Wodehouse, P.G. 1992 o
- 823/.912 B 20. Shadowlands: C.S.Lewis and Joy Davidman. (Hodder Christian paperbacks). Sibley, Brian. 1990 j
- 823/.912 20. The Thirty-Nine Steps. (Wordsworth Classics). Buchan, John. 1993 k
- Biggles in the Jungle. Johns, W E. 1981 k
- 823/.912 19. The Four Just Men. (Oxford Popular Fiction). Wallace, Edgar. 1995 k
- 823/.912 19. Greenmantle. (Wordsworth Classics). Buchan, John. 1994 k
- 823/.9/12. The Riddle of the Sands: A Record of Secret Service. (Oxford Popular Fiction). Childers, Erskine. 1995 k
- 823/.8 20. Under Two Flags: A Story of the Household and the Desert. (Oxford Popular Fiction). "Ouida" . 1995 k
- 823/.8 20. Trilby. (Oxford Popular Fiction). Maurier, George Du. 1995 k
- 823/.914 22. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. (Flamingo Modern Classics). Tressell, Robert. 1993 l
- 823/.9/1 J 18. Box of Delights. Masefield, John. 1984 l
- 823/.92 21. The "Fellowship of the Ring" Visual Companion. ("Lord of the Rings"). Fisher, Jude. 2001 s
- 823/.914 J 19. Mr. Majeika. (Young Puffin Books). Carpenter, Humphrey. 1985 q
- 823/.914 20. Flaubert's Parrot. (Picador Thirty). Barnes, Julian. 2002 p
- 823/.914 20. The Heather Blazing. (Picador Thirty). Toibin, Colm. 2002 p
- 823.914 F 20. Foetal Attraction. (Picador Thirty). Lette, Kathy. 2002 p
- 823/.9/14. Jewel in the Crown. Omnibus. Scott, Paul. 1997 ʃ
- 823/.9/12. The Lord of The Rings. (50th Anniversary Single volume edition). Tolkien, J.R.R. 1995 ʃ
- 823.914 F 21. Killing Ground. Seymour, Gerald. 1997 ħ
- 823.914 F 21. A Line in the Sand. Seymour, Gerald. 2000 ħ
- 823/.914 20. Captain Corelli's Mandolin. Bernieres, Louis De. 1995 $
- 823/.914 19. The Balkan Trilogy: "Great Fortune", "Spoilt City" and "Friends and Heroes". Manning, Olivia. 1990 $
- 823/.912 20. Three Men on the Bummel. Jerome, Jerome K. 1983 $
- 823/.912 19. The King Must Die. Renault, Mary. 1993 $
- 823/.9/14. The French Lieutenant's Woman. Fowles, John. 1997 $
- 823/.9/14. Day of the Jackal. Forsyth, Frederick. 1973 $
- 823/.9/12. The Bull from the Sea. Renault, Mary. 1973 $
- 823/.9/12. To Serve Them All My Days. Delderfield, Ronald Frederick. 1995 $
- 823/.8 21. The Lost World. (Wordsworth Classics). Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. 1995 $
- 823.914 21. The Colour of Memory. Dyer, Geoff. 2003 $
- 823/.914 F 19. Welcome Strangers. (Abacus Books). Hocking, Mary. 1987 ₫
- 823/.914 21. The Gun Seller. Laurie, Hugh. 1997 ₫
- 823/.914 21. Dr No. Special Edition. Fleming, Ian. 1997 ₫
- 823/.914 20. Sacred Hunger. Unsworth, Barry. 1993 ₫
- 823/.914 20. Swimming-pool Library. Hollinghurst, Alan. 1989 ₫
- 823/.914 20. Hannibal. Leckie, Ross. 1996 ₫
- 823/.8 19. The Complete Short Stories of Raffles. Hornung, E.W. 1987 ₫
- 823.914. Jennings' Little Hut. (Armada S). Buckeridge, Anthony. 1967 ₫
- 823.912 20. Yours, Plum: The Letters of P.G.Wodehouse. Wodehouse, P.G. 1992 ₫
- 823/.914 21. High Fidelity. Hornby, Nick ₯
- 823/.914 19. Fire Down Below. Golding, William. 1990 ₯
- 823/.912 20. Where Angels Fear to Tread. (Modern Classics S.). Forster, E.M. 1969 ₯
- 823/.912 19. The Collector. Fowles, John. 1976 ₯
- 823/.9/14. Darkness Visible. Golding, William. 1979 ₯
- 823/.9/12. The Best of Saki. (Picador Books). Saki. 1976 ₯
- 823/.9/12. Maurice. Forster, E.M. 1975 ₯
- 823/.8 19 Sybil: Or the Two Nations. (Oxford World's Classics). Disraeli, Benjamin. 1998 ₯
- 823.912 21. Chance: A Tale in Two Parts. (World's Classics). Conrad, Joseph. 1988 ₯
- 823.51. Roxana The Fortunate Mistress. Defoe, Daniel. 2006 ₯
- 823/.914 J 19. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase. (Red Fox Older Fiction). Aiken, Joan. 1992 €
- 823/.914 20. The Remains of the Day. Ishiguro, Kazuo. 1999 €
- 823/.914 20. London Fields. Amis, Martin. 1990 €
- 823/.914 20. Waterland. (Picador Books). Swift, Graham. 1984 €
- 823/.914 19. Love Unknown. Wilson, A.N. 1987 €
- 823/.914 19. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy). Adams, Douglas. 1985 €
- 823/.912 20. That Hideous Strength: A Modern Fairy-tale for Grown-ups. Lewis, C.S. 1987 €
- 823/.9/14. Merlin. Nye, Robert. 1979 €
- 823/.9/14. The Sweets of Pimlico. Wilson, A.N. 1983 €
- 823/.8 19. Loss and Gain: The Story of a Convert. (World's Classics). Newman, John Henry. 1986 €
- 823.8 FS 20. Stories: Sahibs' War and Others. (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.). Kipling, Rudyard. 1993 €
- 823/.914 F 19. The Woman in Black. Hill, Susan. 1984 ₦
- 823/.914 20. The Passion. (Penguin Fiction). Winterson, Jeanette. 1988 ₦
- 823/.914 20 Art and Lies: A Piece for Three Voices and a Bawd. Winterson, Jeanette. 1995 ₦
- 823/.914 20. Nice Work. Lodge, David. 1989 ₦
- 823/.914 20. The British Museum Is Falling Down. Lodge, David. 1983 ₦
- 823/.914 20. The Message to the Planet. Murdoch, Iris. 1990 ₦
- 823/.914 20. A Philosophical Investigation. Kerr, Philip. 1993 ₦
- 823/.914 19. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Adams, Douglas. 1988 ₦
- 823/.914 19. The Bachelors. Spark, Muriel. 1963 ₦
- 823/.914. How Far Can You Go? Lodge, David. 1981 ₦
- 823/.912 22. Jill the Reckless. Wodehouse, P.G. 1958 ₦
- 823/.912 21. Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain. Waugh, Evelyn. 1981 ₦
- 823/.912 20. Out of the Silent Planet. Lewis, C.S. 1968 ₦
- 823/.912 20. Perelandra. Lewis, C.S. 1983 ₦
- 823/.912 19. The Collected Short Stories Of Saki. (Wordsworth Classics). Munro, Hector Hugh. 1993 ₦
- 823/.912 19. Hungry Hill. Maurier, Daphne Du. 1969 ₦
- 823/.912 19. All Hallow's Eve. Williams, Charles. 1948 ₦
- 823/.9/14. Changing Places: A Tale of Two Campuses. Lodge, David. 1978 ₦
- 823/.9/12. House on the Strand. Maurier, Daphne Du. 1971 ₦
- 823/.9/12. Gormenghast. (Modern Classics S.). Peake, Mervyn. 1970 ₦
- 823/.9/12. Monsieur, or the Prince of Darkness. Durrell, Lawrence. 1976 ₦
- 823/.9/12. Black Mischief. (Modern Classics S.). Waugh, Evelyn. 1974 ₦
- 823/.9/12. Scoop. Waugh, Evelyn. 1987 ₦
- 823/.8 21. Return of the Native. Hardy, Thomas. 1974 ₦
- 823/.8 20. The Picture of Dorian Gray. (World's Classics). Wilde, Oscar. 1982 ₦
- 823/.8 20. Dracula. (Wordsworth Classics). Stoker, Bram. 1993 ₦
- 823/.8. Lord Arthur Savile's Crime. (Modern Classics S.). Wilde, Oscar. 1973 ₦
- 823/.7 21. Mansfield Park. (Collins). Austen, Jane. 1953 ₦
- 823/.7 20. Sense and Sensibility. (World's Classics). Austen, Jane. 1980 ₦
- 823.914 F 21. Part of the Furniture. Wesley, Mary. 1998 ₦
- 823.914 21. The Sword of Honour Trilogy. Waugh, Evelyn. 1984 ₦
- 823.914 20. The Silver Castle. James, Clive. 1997 ₦
- 823.914. East of Wimbledon. Williams, Nigel. 1994 ₦
- 823.914. Close Quarters. Golding, William. 1988 ₦
- 823.88. Adam Bede. (English Library). Eliot, George. 1980 ₦
- 823 F 12A. Casanova's Chinese Restaurant. (Flamingo). Powell, Anthony. 1983 ₦
- 823 F 12A. At Lady Molly's. (Flamingo). Powell, Anthony. 1983 ₦
- 823 19. Schindler's List. Keneally, Thomas. 1994 ₦
- 823/.914 F 19. A Bit of a Do: A Story in Six Place Settings. Nobbs, David. 1987 ₧
- 823/.914 20. A History of the World In 10.5 Chapters. (Picador Books). Barnes, Julian. 1990 ₧
- 823/.914 20. Ticket to Ride. Potter, Dennis. 1987 ₧
- 823/.914 20. The Journeyman Tailor. Seymour, Gerald. 1993 ₧
- 823/.914 20. Wyrd Sisters. (Discworld Novel). Pratchett, Terry. 1989 ₧
- 823/.914 19. Hawksmoor. (Abacus Books). Ackroyd, Peter. 1991 ₧
- 823/.914 19. Mort. (Discworld Novel). Pratchett, Terry. 1988 ₧
- 823/.914. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Adams, Douglas. 1986 ₧
- 823/.912 F 19. A Question of Upbringing. (Flamingo). Powell, Anthony. 1983 ₧
- 823/.912 21. Mapp and Lucia. (Black Swan). Benson, E.F. 1984 ₧
- 823/.912 21. The Go-between. (Essential.penguin). Hartley, L.P. 1999 ₧
- 823/.912 20. Mrs. Dalloway. (Essential.penguin). Woolf, Virginia. 1999 ₧
- 823/.912 20. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. (Essential.penguin). Joyce, James. 1999 ₧
- 823/.912 19. Wodehouse on Wodehouse. Wodehouse, P.G. 1981 ₧
- 823/.912 19. Dr. Fischer of Geneva or the Bomb Party. Greene, Graham. 1981 ₧
- 823/.9/12. Plum Pie. Wodehouse, P.G. 1991 ₧
- 823/.9/12. Titus Groan. (Modern Classics S). Peake, Mervyn. 1970 ₧
- 823/.9/12. The hard life: An exegesis of squalor. (Picador). O'Brien, Flann. 1976 ₧
- 823/.9/12. Temporary Kings. (Flamingo). Powell, Anthony. 1983 ₧
- 823/.9/12. Bachelors Anonymous. Wodehouse, P.G. 1973 ₧
- 823/.9/1 F 18. The Glittering Prizes. Raphael, Frederic. 1976 ₧
- 823/.8 21. Jane Eyre. (World's Classics). Bronte, Charlotte. 1980 ₧
- 823/.8 21. Vanity Fair. (English Library). Thackeray, William Makepeace. 1968 ₧
- 823/.8 21. The Pickwick Papers. (Wordsworth Classics). Dickens, Charles. 1992 ₧
- 823/.8 18. The Diary of a Nobody. (Penguin Popular Classics). Grossmith, George. 1995 ₧
- 823/.8. Can You Forgive Her? (English Library). Trollope, Anthony. 1974 ₧
- 823/.7 21. Persuasion. (World's Classics). Austen, Jane. 1980 ₧
- 823/.914 19. Chatterton. (Abacus Books). Ackroyd, Peter. 1991 w
- 823/.912 B 20. C.S.Lewis: A Biography. Wilson, A.N. 1990 w
- 823/.8 B 20. Dickens. Ackroyd, Peter. 1991 w
English essays > Early modern, 1500-1700
- 824.49. Tragedies. (The Great Writers Library). Shakespeare, William. 1988 ₢
- 824.75. The Essays of Elia. Lamb, Charles. 2006 ₢
- 824/.3 22. Of Empire. (Great Ideas). Bacon, Francis. 2005 ₥
- 824/.7 22. Penguin Great Ideas : On the Pleasure of Hating. Hazlitt, William. 2004 ₥
- 824/.7 20. Selected Writings. (English Library). Hazlitt, William. 1970 b
English wit and humour. English wit and humour > 20th century > Collections. Great Britain > History > Humour. Great Britain > History, Comic, Satirical, etc. Great Britain > Humour. Parodies > Travel writing > Humour. Wit and humour, Pictorial
- 827. Lifemanship. Potter, Stephen. 1977 Π
- 827.4 22. Phaic Tan: Sunstroke on a Shoestring. Cilauro, Santo. 2005 k
- 827.91. How To be Topp. Searle, Ronald and Willans, Geoffrey. 1954 Γ
- 827.91. Garden Rubbish. Sellar, W C. 1977 Γ
- 827. Lifemanship. Potter, Stephen. 1993 Γ
- 827.91. 1066 and All That. Sellar, W.C. 1930 α
- 827/.9/1408 18. "Private Eye's" Bumper Book of Boobs. 1973 €
- 827.914'08. Cockburn's A. to Z. of After-dinner Entertainment. Brandreth, Gyles. 1985 ₢
Allegories. Poets, English > Early modern, 1500-1700 > Biography. Puritan movements > Fiction. American prose literature. American wit and humor. English prose literature. English wit and humour. Australians > England > Cambridge. Authors, Australian > 20th century > Biography. Cambridge (England) > Social life and customs. Authorship. Orwell, George, 1903-1950 > Authorship
- 828/.91407/08 19. The Best of "Dear Bill". Ingrams, Richard. 1987 Γ
- 828/.91402 19. Dr. Fegg's Encyclopaedia of All World Knowledge. Jones, Terry. 1984 Γ
- 828/.91202 20. One-upmanship. Potter, Stephen. 1977 Γ
- 828/.9/1208 18. And Now All This. Sellar, W.C. 1977 Γ
- 828/.91209 19. Hilaire Belloc. Wilson, A.N. 1986 w
- 828 B 19. Falling Towards England. (Picador Books). James, Clive. 1986 w
- 828/.91209 B 19. Testament of Youth. (Virago Classic Non-fiction). Brittain, Vera. 1992 ₫
- 828/.91409 19. Not 1983. Anon. 1982 ₡
- 828/.8/0808. The Portable Victorian Reader. (Viking Portable Library). 1981 ¢
- 828/.509 20. Penguin Great Ideas : A Tale of A Tub. Swift, Jonathan. 2004 ₥
- 828/.91209 22. Penguin Great Ideas : Why I Write. Orwell, George. 2004 ₥
- 828 B 20. May Week Was in June. James, Clive. 1991 ð
- 828.08 21. The New Oxford Book of English Prose. 1999 o
- 828/.08 20. The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose: From William Caxton to P.G.Wodehouse - A Conducted Tour. (Oxford Paperbacks). 1992 o
- 828/.407 21. The Pilgrim's Progress. (English Library). Bunyan, John. 1970 b
Anglo-Saxons > Literary collections. Anglo-Saxons > Sources. English literature > Old English, ca. 450-1100 > Modernized versions. Great Britain > History > Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 > Sources
- 829/.08 19. The Anglo-Saxon World: An Anthology. (World's Classics). 1984 f
- 832/.912 19. The Threepenny Novel. (Twentieth Century Classics S.). Brecht, Bertolt. 1989 ₦
Allegories. Trials > Fiction. Buddha and Buddhism. German fiction. German language > Readers. Ayres, Lew, 1908- > Performances. German fiction > Translations into English. Germany > History > 1871-1918 > Fiction. Lobby cards > American > 1930-1940. War stories. World War, 1914-1918 > Campaigns > Western Front > Fiction. World War, 1914-1918 > Fiction. World war, 1914-1918 > Trench warfare > Fiction
- 833/.912 21. All Quiet on the Western Front. Remarque, Erich Maria. 1996 λ
- 833/.912 21. Steppenwolf. (Essential.penguin). Hesse, Hermann. 1999 ₧
- 833/.912 20. Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man. (Modern Classics S.). Mann, Thomas. 1970 ₧
- 833/.912 20. Man of Straw. (Modern Classics S.). Mann, Heinrich. 1984 ₦
- 833.91. Siddhartha. (Picador Books). Hesse, Hermann. 1974 ₯
- 833.91. The Trial. (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics). Kafka, Franz. 1994 ¢
- 833/.9/12. The Glass Bead Game. (Penguin Modern Classics). Hesse, Hermann. 1972 ₫
Didactic fiction. Philosophy > Fiction. Philosophy > History > Fiction. Young adult fiction
- 839.8/2374 20. Sophie's World: A Novel About the History of Philosophy. Gaarder, Jostein. 1996 ¢
France > History > February Revolution, 1848 > Fiction. France > Social life and customs > 19th century > Fiction. Fiction in English > Translations from French. French fiction > Translations into English. Novelists, French > 20th century > Biography
- 843/.914 19. The Outsider. (Twentieth Century Classics). Camus, Albert. 1989 ₧
- 843/.9/14. A Happy Death. (Penguin Modern Classics). Camus, Albert. 1973 ₦
- 843/.9/12. Vatican Cellars. (Modern Classics S). Gide, Andre. 1969 ₦
- 843.91. Strait Is the Gate. (Modern Classics S.). Gide, Andre. 1969 ₦
- 843/.912 19. A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu. Proust, Marcel. 2002 ₭
- 843/.914 19. Life: A User's Manual. Perec, Georges. 1988 €
- 843/.8 20. Madame Bovary: Life in a Country Town. (Oxford World's Classics). Flaubert, Gustave. 1987 ₢
- 843/.912 21. How Proust Can Change Your Life. Botton, Alain de. 1998 ¢
- 843/.914 20. The Plague. (Twentieth Century Classics S.). Camus, Albert. 1989 ¢
- 843/.2 19. The City of Ladies. (Great Ideas). Pizan, Christine de. 2005 ₥
- 843/.912 B 21. Proust. (Lives S.). White, Edmund. 1999 Ð
- 843/.912 19. The Remembrance of Things Past: Vol 1. (Vintage Books Paperback). Proust, Marcel. 1982 u
- 843/.912 19. The Remembrance of Things Past: Vol 2. (Vintage Books Paperback). Proust, Marcel. 1982 u
- 843/.912 19. The Remembrance of Things Past: Vol 3. (Vintage Books Paperback). Proust, Marcel. 1982 u
- 843/.8 20. Therese Raquin. (Classics). Zola, Emile. 1970 b
- 843/.7 F 19. Cousin Pons: Part Two of 'Poor Relations'. (Classics). Balzac, Honore de. 1978 b
- 843/.8 22. Sentimental Education. (Classics). Flaubert, Gustave. 1970 b
- 843/.8. Selected Short Stories. (Classics). Maupassant, Guy de. 1971 b
- 843/.7 20. Les Miserables. (Classics). Hugo, Victor. 1982 b
Literature. Philosophy. Suicide
- 844/.914 20. The Myth of Sisyphus. (Great Ideas). Camus, Albert. 2005 ₥
- 853/.914 19. The Name of the Rose. (Picador Books). Eco, Umberto. 1984 ð
Adventure stories.Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616. Don Quixote. Chivalry > Fiction. Don Quixote (Fictitious character) > Fiction. Knights and knighthood > Fiction. Knights and knighthood > Spain > Fiction. Picaresque literature. Romances. Spain > Fiction. Spain > Social life and customs > 16th century > Fiction
- 863/.3 21. Don Quixote. (Wordsworth Classics). Saavedra, Miguel De Cervantes. 1992 ₧
Latin literature > Translations into English. Rome > Literary collections
- 870/.8. The Portable Roman Reader. (Viking Portable Library). DAVENPORT, B. ED. 1977 g
- The Mammoth Book of How It Happened: Ancient Rome. 2003 i
English poetry > Translations from Latin. Fables, Latin. Fables, Latin > Translations into English. Greek literature. Latin poetry. Latin poetry > Translations into English. Metamorphosis > Mythology > Poetry
- 871.2. Metamorphoses. (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature). Ovid. 1998 b
Greek literature > Translations into English
- 880.82. The Portable Greek Reader. (Viking Portable Library). 1977 g
Aristophanes > Translations into English. Comedies. Dionysus (Greek deity) > Drama. Greek drama (Comedy)
- 882. The Frogs, The Poet And The Women & The Wasps. Aristophanes. 1964
English poetry > Translations from Greek. Epic poetry, Greek. Epic poetry, Greek > History and criticism. Epic poetry, Greek > Translations into English. Epic poetry, Greek > Translations into French. Greek literature > Translations into English. Greek poetry > Translations into English. Greeks > Turkey > Fiction. Homer. Iliad. Literature > Collections. Literature > Indexes. Mythology, Greek > Fiction. Odysseus (Greek mythology) > Poetry. Talking books. Trojan War. Trojan war > Fiction. Trojan War > Literature and the war. Trojan War > Poetry. Troy (Extinct city) > Fiction
- 883/.01 20. The Iliad: A New Prose Translation. (Classics). Homer. 1987
- 883/.01 20. The Odyssey. (Wordsworth Classics). Homer. 1992 p
Ethics. Ethics > Early works to 1800. Protagoras. Socrates. Sophists (Greek philosophy)
- 888.4. Protagoras. (Classics). Plato. 1957 b
Bible. N.T. > History of Biblical events > Fiction. Biographical fiction. Christian fiction. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ > Fiction
- 889.3. The Last Temptation. Kazantzakes, Nikos. 1979 ₧
Russian fiction. Soviet Union > Fiction. Ireland > Fiction. Irish fiction. Poor > Fiction. Satire. Authors, Russian > 19th century > Biography
- 891.73/3 21. Anna Karenin. (Classics). Tolstoy, L.N. 1969 λ
- 891.73/3 B 19. Tolstoy. Wilson, A.N. 1989 w
- 891.73/3 20. Crime and Punishment. (World's Classics). Dostoevsky, F.M. 1980 ₦
- 891.6/2/34. Poor Mouth. (Picador Books). O'Brien, Flann. 1975 ₦
- 891.73/3 20. Dead Souls. (Classics). Gogol, N.V. 1971 ₦
- 891.8/235 20. Dictionary of the Khazars: A Lexicon Novel. Pavic, Milorad. 1989 €
- 891.73. War and Peace. (Wordsworth Classics). Tolstoy, L.N. 1993 ₯
- 891.73/3 21. The Russian Master. (World's Classics). Chekhov, A.P. 1984 ₯
- 891.734. Doctor Zhivago. (Harvill Panther). Pasternak, Boris. 1996 ₫
- 891.7/3/44. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.). Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. 1990 $
- 891.73. War and Peace. (Collector's Library). Tolstoy, L.N. 2004 n
- 891.73/3 20. The Brothers Karamazov. (Classics). Dostoevsky, F.M. 1982 b
English poetry > Translations from Sumerian. Epic poetry, American. Epic poetry, Assyro-Babylonian > Adaptations. Epic poetry, Assyro-Babylonian > Translations into English. Epic poetry, Sumerian. Epic poetry, Sumerian > Translations into English. Erech (Extinct city) > Kings and rulers > Poetry. Gilgamesh > Adaptations. Sumerian poetry > Translations into English
- 892/.1. The Epic of Gilgamesh. (Classics). 1970 b
Basho > Translations into English. Haiku. Haiku > Translations into English. Japan > Poetry. Matsuo, Bash�o, 1644-1694 > Translations into English. Chinese poetry > Translations into English. English poetry > Translations from Chinese. English poetry > Translations from Japanese. Japanese poetry > Translations into English. Zen poetry
- 895.1/1/0080382 19. The Penguin Book of Zen Poetry. (Penguin Poets). 1995 λ
- 895.6/13 19. On Love and Barley: The Haiku of Basho. (Penguin Classics). Matsuo, Basho. 1985 λ
- 895.1/3/4. The Story of the Stone: a Chinese Novel: Vol 1, The Golden Days. (Penguin Classics). Cao, Xueqin. 1974 b