Books 500-599

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Current revision as of 11:24, 27 February 2008

Science > Popular works. Sciences > Ouvrages de vulgarisation. New York Public Library. Science > Handbooks, manuals, etc. Science > Miscellanea

  • 500 20. NYPL Science Desk Reference. (The New York Public Library Series). Frommer. 1995 ð
  • 500 21. A Short History of Nearly Everything. Bryson, Bill. 2004 æ

Forecasting. Science > Forecasting. Science > Methodology. Science > Social aspects > Forecasting. Cosmology. Physics. Physics > Philosophy. Science > Philosophy. Human beings. Science > History. Science > Philosophy. Science and civilization

  • 501. The Ascent of Man. Bronowski, Jacob. 1973 ξ
  • 501 20. Theories of Everything: The Quest for Ultimate Explanation. Barrow, John D. 2005 t
  • 501 20. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. (Foundations of Unity of Science). Kuhn, Thomas S. 1970 t
  • 501/.12 20. Searching for Certainty. Casti, John L. 1992 t

Biology > Dictionaries. Chemistry > Dictionaries. Physics > Dictionaries. Science > Dictionaries. Science > Dictionaries. Science > Dictionaries

  • 503 21. Ultimate Visual Dictionary of Science. Dorling Kindersley. 1998 ς
  • 503 22. Illustrated Dictionary of Science. (Illustrated Science Dictionaries). 1999 α

Science > History. Technology > History. Discoveries in science. Science > History

  • 509 22. The Science Book. 2001 ₭
  • 509 19. The Day the Universe Changed. Burke, James. 1985 s

Mathematics > Popular works. Artificial intelligence. Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750. Escher, M. C. (Maurits Cornelis), 1898-1972. G�odel, Kurt. Logic, Symbolic and mathematical. Mathematics. Metamathematics. Symmetry. Mathematics > History. Mathematics > Philosophy. Mathematics > Study and teaching

  • 510 19. The Mathematical Experience. (Penguin Press Science S.). Davis, Philip J. 1990 t
  • 510/.1 21. Godel, Escher, Bach. Hofstadter, Douglas R. 1980 t
  • 510. Mathematics. Bergamini, David. 1969 j
  • 510 20. A Mathematician's Apology. (Canto). Hardy, G.H. 1992 k
  • 510/.3 20. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics. (Oxford Paperback Reference). Clapham, Christopher. 2005 d

Fermat's last theorem. Algebra. Number theory

  • 512/.7 19. The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers. (Penguin Press Science S.). 1986 t
  • 512.8. Topics in Algebra. Herstein, I N. 1964 q
  • 512/.74 21. Fermat's Last Theorem. Singh, Simon. 1997 k

Probabilities. Statistics. Statistics > Problems, exercises, etc

  • 519.5 19. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics. (Schaum's Outline). Spiegel, Murray R. 1992 p
  • 519.5 20. How to Lie with Statistics. (Pelican S.). Huff, Darrell. 1973 f
  • 519 18. Facts from Figures. Moroney, Michael Joseph. 1951 l

Astronomy. Solar system

  • 520 20. The Space Atlas: A Pictoral Guide to Our Universe. Couper, Heather. 1992 Ω
  • 520 19. The Skywatcher's Handbook. 1985 q


  • 523.4. New Guide to the Planets. Moore, Sir Patrick. 1993 f

Cartography > History. Early maps. Maps, Pictorial

  • 526 22. The Map Book. 2005 ρ
  • New Worlds: Maps from the Age of Discovery. Baynton-Williams, Ashley. 2006 ρ

Mathematical physics. Physical laws. Physical sciences. Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955

  • 530/.092/4 B. Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel. Hoffmann, Banesh. 1975 u
  • 530.1 22. The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. Penrose, Roger. 2006 e


  • 551.5 20. Weather. (DK Eyewitness Guides). Cosgrove, Brian. 1997 Π

Geology > North America

  • 557 19. The Making of a Continent. Redfern, Ron. 1983 ₣

Burgess Shale (B.C.). Contingency (Philosophy). Evolution. Evolution > History. Invertebrates, Fossil. Fossils. Paleontology

  • 560 20. Fossil. (Eyewitness). Taylor, Paul. 1998 Π
  • 560/.9 19. Wonderful Life. (Penguin Science). Gould, Stephen Jay. 1991 t

Tyrannosaurus rex. Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs > Pictorial works

  • 567.9/1 20. The Great Dinosaur Atlas. Lindsay, William. 1991 Ω
  • 567.9/7 20. The Complete T.Rex. Horner, John R. 1993 z
  • 567.9 21. Walking with Beasts. Haines, Tim. 2001 z
  • 567.9 21. "Walking with Dinosaurs": A Natural History. Haines, Tim. 1999 z

Brain > Evolution. Human evolution

  • 573.2 20. The Runaway Brain: The Evolution of Human Uniqueness. Wills, Christopher. 1994 o

Ecology. Jungles. Rain forest ecology. Rain forest ecology. Rain forests

  • 574.5 GRE. Jungle. (DK Eyewitness Guides). Greenaway, Theresa. 1997 Π

Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882. Naturalists > England > Biography. Evolution (Biology). Natural history. Zoology > Miscellanea

  • 575 19. Life on Earth. Attenborough, David. 1979 δ
  • 575/.0092/4 B 19. Darwin for Beginners. Miller, Jonathan. 1990 t

Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882. Evolution. Evolution (Biology). Evolution (Biology) > Databases. Natural selection. Natural selection > Databases. Evolution (Biology). Natural selection

  • 576.8/2 22. Penguin Great Ideas : On Natural Selection. Darwin, Charles. 2004 ₥
  • 576.8/2 21. The Blind Watchmaker. (Penguin Press Science S.). Dawkins, Richard. 1988 u
  • 576.8/2092 B 22. Darwin's "Origin of Species": A Biography. (Books That Shook the World). Browne, Janet. 2007 l


  • 580. The Lawn Expert. (Expert Books). Hessayon, D.G. 1982 δ

Cookery (Wild foods). Plants, Edible > Great Britain. Shellfish. Wild foods. Wild plants, Edible > Great Britain

  • 581.6/32/0942. Food for Free. Mabey, Richard. 1996 δ

Flowers. Plants, Ornamental

  • 582/.06/1. Pocket Guide to Garden Plants. Johnson, Hugh. 1981 z


  • 590 21. Animal: The Definitive Visual Guide to the World's Wildlife. 2001 ₭

Marine biology. Marine ecology. Ocean. Endangered species. Animal behavior. Animal genetics. Animals, Habits and behavior of. Behavior genetics. Evolution. Evolution (Biology). Genetics. Natural selection. Sociobiology

  • 591 20. Amazing Animal Facts. Maynard, Christopher. 1993 ς
  • 591.5 20. The Selfish Gene. Dawkins, Richard. 1989 u
  • 591.52/9 20. Last Chance to See... Adams, Douglas 1991 u
  • 591.77 21. The Blue Planet. Byatt, Andrew. 2001 s

Insects. Insects > Identification > Juvenile literature. Insects > Juvenile literature

  • 595.7 20. Insects. (DK Eyewitness Explorers). Parker, Steve. 1997 δ

Rays (Fishes). Rays (Fishes) > Identification. Sharks. Sharks > Identification. Reptiles

  • 597. Shark. (Eyewitness Project Pack). 1998 ς
  • 597.9 20. Reptile. (DK Eyewitness Guides). McCarthy, Colin. 1991 Π
  • 597. Shark. (DK Eyewitness Guides). MacQuitty, Miranda. 1992 Π
  • 597.3 21. Sharks and Rays. (Nature Company Guides). Taylor, Leighton. 1997 j

Apes. Gorilla. Monkeys. Primates. Marine mammals. Marine mammals. Whales

  • 599.8. Gorilla. (DK Eyewitness Guides). Redmond, Ian. 1997 Π
  • 599.5 20. Whale. (DK Eyewitness Guides). Papastavrou, Vassili. 1997 Π
  • 599.9380941 22. Homo Britannicus: The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain. Stringer, Chris. 2006
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